Paper co-authored by Dr Helen Haugh of Cambridge Judge Business School wins Best Social Entrepreneurship Award at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management.
A paper on how social entrepreneurs can best allocate resources, co-authored by Helen Haugh, Senior Lecturer in Community Enterprise at Cambridge Judge Business School, won the Best Social Entrepreneurship Award at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management.

The award, granted by the Academy of Management’s Entrepreneurship Division, was announced at the Academy’s August meeting in Atlanta.
The winning paper – entitled “Social entrepreneur strategising: making sense of conflicting demands” – was co-authored by Dr Helen Haugh of Cambridge Judge Business School and Dr Kate Sugar of the University of Bath.
“Using qualitative data gathered from social entrepreneurs we theorise four novel cognitive frames adopted when responding to conflicting demands,” the paper says. “The four frames provide a novel contribution to the strategic cognition literature by illuminating how social entrepreneurs make sense of conflicting demands when strategising.”