Paper co-authored by Dr Christos Genakos of Cambridge Judge is nominated as best article in the Antitrust Writing Awards.

A research paper on mobile phone consolidation co-authored by Dr Christos Genakos, University Senior Lecturer in Economics at Cambridge Judge Business School, has been nominated as best article in the Antitrust Writing Awards organised by the Institute of Competition Law. The winning article will be announced at a dinner in Washington on 10 April.
The article forthcoming in the journal Economic Policy finds that more concentrated markets lead to higher end-user prices and higher investment per mobile operator. The research is based on data from 33 OECD countries over a 12-year period (2002-2014).
Entitled “Evaluating market consolidation in mobile communications”, the article argues that regulatory authorities should take seriously the potential trade-off between market power effects and efficiency gains stemming from consolidation. The article is co-authored by Dr Christos Genakos of Cambridge Judge, Professor Tommaso Valletti of Imperial College London, and Professor Frank Verboven of the University of Leuven.