Working with Public Health England and the NHS in the East of England on responses to COVID-19 (coronavirus).

A team of a dozen faculty and PhD students at Cambridge Judge Business School is working with Public Health England and the NHS in the East of England on several projects relating to responding to the coronavirus response.
The projects look at how COVID-19 is affecting the East of England, in order to better plan for capacity at various facilities. At the same time, the project looks at how organisations improvise and innovate in real-time at times of major disruption.
The projects are expected to last for several months, and there are no results ready to be announced at this point.
Specifically, the projects focus on:
- short-term projections of hospital bed and intensive care capacity requirements for COVID-19 patients in the East of England
- medium-term modeling of disease progression and health system usage in the East of England, and in particular the timing and strength of peak resource usage
- modelling the effects of policy interventions, such as school closures and lock-downs, on COVID-19-related local health resource usage in both primary and secondary care
- identifying lead indicators of future local flare-ups of COVID-19 clusters from primary care data
- learning how relationships and shared decision-making between commissioner and provider organisations in a regional health economy are affected by the COVID-19 emergency.
The Cambridge Judge faculty involved are Dr Feryal Erhun, Professor of Operations & Technology Management, Jennifer Howard-Grenville, Diageo Professor in Organisation Studies, Dr Houyuan Jiang, Reader in Management Science, Dr Paul Kattuman, Reader in Economics; Dr Kamal Munir, Reader in Strategy and Policy; and Stefan Scholtes, Dennis Gillings Professor of Health Management.
Cambridge Judge PhD students involved in the project are Lidia Betcheva, Charles Ebert, Antoine Feylessoufi, Harshita Kajaria-Montag, Tom Pape and Andrea Wessendorf.