Bernhard Reinsberg.

CBR research associate Bernhard Reinsberg promoted to Professor

20 August 2024

The article at a glance

Congratulations to Bernhard Reinsberg, who we are delighted to announce has been promoted to Professor of International Political Economy and Development at the University of Glasgow with effect from 1 August 2024.

Bernhard joined the University of Glasgow as Lecturer in Politics and International Relations in October 2018 and has been a Research Associate at the Centre for Business Research since April 2016. During his postdoctoral fellowship at the Centre, he examined the sociopolitical effects of IMF programs. His work was awarded the Gavin C Reid Prize for the Best Paper by a CBR Early Career Researcher in 2019 and the Socio-Economic Review Best Paper Prize of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics in 2022.

Bernhard’s current research – supported by a prestigious UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellowship – examines how funding structures in international development organisations affect their performance and effectiveness. His work has appeared in leading international peer-reviewed journals such as International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of European Public Policy, Regulation & Governance, and Review of International Organizations. Bernhard also is currently a member of the editorial team of Politics, a Steering Committee member of the Standing Group on International Relations of the European Consortium for Political Research, and a Program Committee member of the Political Economy of Aid Society.

Centre for Business Research

The Centre for Business Research (CBR) aims to better understand how to achieve a sustainable economy and society. We are pioneering new methods of data collection and analysis of enterprise and innovation and developing novel approaches to macroeconomic modelling, and datasets that uniquely track legal and regulatory changes and their economic impact.

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View Bernhard Reinsberg’s profile on the University of Glasgow website.