Cambridge Judge Business School is pleased to congratulate Dr Richard Barker on his appointment as a member of the UK’s Accounting Council, a newly created body that supercedes the Accounting Standards Board (ASB)
The Accounting Council is an operating body of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), which is the UK’s independent regulator responsible for ‘promoting high quality corporate governance and reporting to foster investment’. Within the FRC, the Accounting Council’s role is to provide technical expertise relating to the design and implementation of accounting standards in the UK. This involves direct responsibility for UK standards (UK GAAP) and a stakeholder role with respect to international standards (IFRS).
Dr Barker is currently University Senior Lecturer in Accounting at Cambridge Judge Business School, and Chairman of the Audit Committee at Cambridge University Press.
He commented:
This is a wonderful fit with my research interests and a tremendous opportunity to engage directly in policy-making.”