After embedding with UN blue helmet peacekeepers in South Sudan, Dr Madeleine Rauch examines how some workers adapt their thinking to align boring routines with idealised visions of the future.
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Deakin, S. (2023) La investigación jurídica y el derecho del trabajo. Ciclo de conferencias dictadas por el Profesor Simon Deakin. (ed. Cristina Mangarelli) Montevideo: Fundación de Cultura Universitaria.
George, C. (2023) Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility: how to tackle environmental imperatives in company law? (Legal and management perspectives). Bern: Stämpfli Publishers.
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Allen, P., Konzelmann, S. and Toporowski, J. (eds.) (2021) The Return of the State: Restructuring Britain for the Common Good (Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda).
Deakin, S. and Markou, C. (eds.) (2020) Is law computable? Critical perspectives on law and artificial intelligence. Oxford: Hart
MacKenzie, N.G., Perchard, A., Miller, C.W. and Forbes, N. (2022 forthcoming) Varieties of Capitalism Over Time (London: Routledge).
Adams, Z., Barnard, C., Deakin, S. and Fraser Butlin, S. (2021) Deakin and Morris’ Labour Law 7th ed. (Oxford: Hart).
Charles, L., Pappé, I. and Ronchi, M. (eds.) (2021) Researching the Middle East: Cultural, Conceptual, Theoretical and Practical Issues. Edinburgh University Press
Colfer, Barry, Harney, Brian, McLaughlin, Colm and Wright, Chris F. (eds, forthcoming) New Institutional Arrangements for Worker Protection: Towards a Patchwork of Rules? Emerald.
Konzelmann, S. with P. Allen and J. Weeks (eds.) (forthcoming, 2021) The Return of the State: Restructuring Britain for the Common Good. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing.
Ruggeri, K. (ed). (2021). Psychology and Behavioural Economics. Applications for PublicPolicy (2nd edition). New York and London: Routledge.
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Fu, X. (2020) Innovation under the radar: The nature and sources of innovation in Africa. Cambridge University Press. Monograph.
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Johnston, A. (2020) Great Debates in Commercial and Corporate Law (Red Globe Press, co-edited with Lorraine Talbot)
Coutts, K. and Gudgin, G. (2019) How the economics profession got it wrong. Birmingham: Bite-Sized Books, University of Birmingham
Eisler, J. (2019) Election Law and the Crisis of Mass Democracy (Cambridge: CUP), forthcoming.
Himmelwheit, S., Konzelmann, S. Smith, J. and Weeks, J. (eds.) (2019) Policies for a Progressive Britain: A Citizen’s Guide (Bristol: Bristol University Press) forthcoming.
Johnston, A. and Talbot, L. (2019) Great Debates in Critical Commercial and Corporate Law (London: Routledge), forthcoming.
Konzelmann, S. (2019) Austerity. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Konzelmann, S., Himmelweit S., Smith J. and Weeks, J. (eds.) (2019) Rethinking Britain: Policy Ideas for the Many. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Konzelmann, S. (2019) Austerity (Cambridge: Polity Press).
Lawson, T. (2019) The Nature of Social Reality: Issues in Social Ontology (London and New York: Routledge).
McGaughey, E. (2019) A Casebook on Labour Law (Oxford: Hart).
Ozawa, M, Chaplin, J., Pollitt, M., Reiner, D. and Pollitt, M. (eds.) (2019) In Search of Good Energy Policy (Cambridge: CUP).
Ruggeri, K. (2019) Behavioral Insights for Public Policy: Cases and Concepts (London and New York: Routledge).
Sanderson, P. (2019) From public hearings to consensual disposal: insights from the decision-making literature. London: Professional Standards Authority
Cheffins, B. (2018) The Public Company Transformed (Oxford: OUP): xvi + 431 pages.
Kirshner, J. (2018) International Bankruptcy: The Challenge of International Insolvency in a Global Economy. University of Chicago Press.
Konzelmann, S., Deakin, S., Fovargue-Davies, M., and Wilkinson, F. (2018) Labour, Finance and Inequality: The Insecurity Cycle in British Public Policy (London: Routledge).
Stephen, F.H (2018), Law and Development: an Institutional Critique, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Hervey, T.K., Young, C.A. and Bishop, L.E. (eds.) (2017) Research handbook on EU health law and policy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Ngwu, F.N, Onyeka K.O and Stephen, F.H (eds) (2017), Corporate Governance in Developing and Emerging Markets, London: Routledge.
Hughes, A., Lawson, C., Kitson, M. and Salter, A. with Bullock, A. and Hughes, R.B. (2016) The changing state of knowledge exchange: UK academic interactions with external organisations2005-2015. London: NCUB.
Koukiadaki, A., Tavora, I. and Martinez Lucio, M. (2016) Labour Market Policy and Joint Regulation in Europe during the Crisis (Brussels: European Trade Union Institute).
Marshall, S. and Fenwick, C. (eds.) (2016) Labour Regulation and Development: Socio-Legal Perspectives (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar).
Hughes, A. (ed.) (2014) The Future of UK Manufacturing: Scenario Analysis, Capital Markets and Industrial Policy, UK~IRC e-book.
Konzelmann, S. (2014) The Economics of Austerity. (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar).
Mina, A., Docherty, D., Eyton, D., Hughes, A., Martin, B., Pearce, S. and Probert, J. (2014) Growing Value: Business-University Collaboration for the 21st Century (London: NCUB).
Siems, M. (2014) Comparative Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Law in Context Series).
Gudgin, G. and Taylor, P.J. (2013) Seats, Votes and the Spatial Organisation of Elections, European Consortium for Political Research, ECPR Classics.
Hughes, A., Kitson, M., Bullock, A. and Milner, I. (2013) The Dual Funding Structure for Research in the UK: Research Council and Funding Council Allocation Methods and the Pathways to Impact of UK Academics, A Report from the Centre for Business Research (CBR) and the UK Innovation Research Centre (UK~IRC) to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Konzelmann, S. and Fovargue-Davies, M. (2013) Banking Systems in the Crisis: The Faces of Liberal Capitalism (London: Routledge).
Buchanan, J. and Chai, D. and Deakin, S. (2012) Hedge Fund Activism in Japan – The limits of shareholder primacy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) (ISBN 978-1-107-01683-5 hardback).
Deakin, S. and Pistor, K. (eds.) (2012) Legal Origin Theory, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Hughes, A. (with PACEC) (2012) Analysis of TSB University Engagement Practices, PACEC and CBR, April.
Hughes, A. and Martin, B.R. (2012) Enhancing Impact: The Value of Public Sector R&D, UK~IRC and CIHE.
Hughes, A., Docherty, D., Eyton, D. and Pearce, S. (2012) Growing Value – Business-University Collaaboration for the 21st Century, CIHE-UK~IRC Enhancing Value Task Force, December.
Konzelmann, S. (2012) Banking Systems in the Crisis: The Faces of Liberal Capitalism, Oxford: Routledge.
Hughes, A., Kitson, M., Probert, J., Bullock, A. and Milner, I. (2011) Hidden Connections: Knowledge exchange between the arts and humanities and the private, public and third sectors, Swindon: Arts and Humanities Research Council.
Deakin, S. and Morris, G. (2009) Labour Law (5th. ed.) (Oxford: Hart Publishing).
Deakin, S. and Supiot, A. (eds) (2009) Capacitas: Contract Law and the Institutional Preconditions of a Market Economy (Oxford: Hart Publishing).
Johnston, A. (2009) EC Regulation of Corporate Governance (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
Lane, C. and Probert, J. (2009) National Capitalisms, Global Production Networks. Fashioning the value chain in the UK, USA, and Germany (Oxford: OUP ).
Mortara, L.,Napp, J., Slacik, I. and Minshall, T. (2009) How to Implement Open Innovation: Lessons from Studying Large Multinational Companies (Cambridge: University of Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing).
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Whittaker, D.H. and Deakin, S. (eds) (2009) Corporate Governance and Managerial Reform in Japan (Oxford: Oxford University Press) (ISBN 1-4039-1804-X).
Siems, M. (2008) Convergence in Shareholder Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
Cosh, A. and Hughes, A. (2007) (eds) British Enterprise: Thriving or Surviving? SME Growth, Innovation and Public Policy 2001-2004 (Cambridge: Centre for Business Research).
Jones, I.W., Pollitt, M. and Bek, D. (2007) Multinationals in their Communities: a Social Capital Approach to Corporate Citizenship Projects (London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Browne, J. (2006) Gender Inequality and Sex Segregation in the Modern Labour Market. (Bristol: The Policy Press).
Cosh, A., Hughes, A. and Lester, R.K. (2006) UK plc: Just how innovative are we? (Cambridge: Cambridge MIT Institute).
Fu, X., Cosh, A., Hughes, A, De Hoyos, R. and Eisengerich, A. (2006) A study of the experiences of the UK mid-corporate companies in accessing and working in the emerging Asian economies (London: UKTI).
Alexander, K., Dhumale, R. and Eatwell, J. (2005) Global governance of financial systems: the legal and economic regulation of systemic risk (New York: Oxford University Press).
De Schutter, O. and Deakin, S. (eds) (2005) Social Rights and Market Forces: Is the Open Coordination of Employment and Social Policies the Future of Social Europe? (Brussels: Bruylant).
Deakin, S. and Morris, G. (2005) Labour Law (4th. ed) (Oxford: Hart Publishing).
Deakin, S. and Wilkinson, F. (2005) The Law of the Labour Market: Industrialisation, Employment and Legal Evolution (Oxford: OUP).
Fu, X (2004) Exports, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development in China (London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN 1-4039-3644-7.
Lane, C., Wilkinson, F., Littek, W., Heisig, U., Browne, J., Burchell, B., Mankelow, R., Potton, M. and Tutschner, R. (2004) The future of professionalised work in Britain and Germany: Counselling Psychologists and Psychotherapists (London, Anglo-German Foundation).
Lane, C., Wilkinson, F., Littek, W., Heisig, U., Browne, J., Burchell, B., Mankelow, R., Potton, M. and Tutschner, R. (2004) The future of professionalised work in Britain and Germany: Pharmacists (London, Anglo-German Foundation).
Lane, C., Wilkinson, F., Littek, W., Heisig, U., Browne, J., Burchell, B., Mankelow, R., Potton, M. and Tutschner, R. (2004) The future of professionalised work in Britain and Germany: Solicitors and Advocates (London, Anglo-German Foundation).
Lane, C., Wilkinson, F., Littek, W., Heisig, U., Browne, J., Burchell, B., Mankelow, R., Potton, M. and Tutschner, R. (2004) The future of professionalised work in Britain and Germany: Human Resource Managers and Business Consultants (London, Anglo-German Foundation).
Trau,F. (2004) Structural Macroeconomic Change and the Size Pattern of Manufacturing Firms (London Palgrave Macmillan) (ISBN1-4039-1804-X).
Armour, J. and Bennett, H.N. (eds) (2003) Vulnerable Transactions in Corporate Insolvency (Oxford: Hart Publishing).
Burchell, B., Deakin, S., Michie, J. and Rubery, J. (2003) Systems of Production: Markets, Organisations and Performance (London: Routledge).
Cook, J., Deakin, S., Michie, J. and Nash, D. (2003) Trust Rewards: Realising the Mutual Advantage (London: Mutuo) ISBN 0-9544127-3-7.
Cosh, A. and Hughes, A. (eds) (2003) Enterprise Challenged: Policy and Performance in the British SME sector 1999-2002 (ESRC Centre for Business Research: University of Cambridge, Cambridge).
Cox, M., Hughes, A. and Spires, R (2003) Research into the Enterprise Investment Scheme and Venture Capital Trusts (London: H.M. Inland Revenue).
Eatwell, J. and Taylor, L. (2002) (eds) International Capital Markets (New York: OUP).
Jones, I. and Pollitt, M. (eds) (2002) Understanding How Issues in Business Ethics Develop (London: Palgrave).
Learmount, S. (2002) Corporate Governance: What can be learned from Japan? (Oxford: OUP).
Alexander, K. (2001) The Extraterritorial Legal Framework of United States Economic Sanctions: Unilateralism in the Post-Cold War Era (London: Butterworths).
Alexander, K., and Linklater, L. (2001) Insider Dealing and Market Manipulation and the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (London: Butterworths).
Burchell, B., Ladipo, D. and Wilkinson, F. (2001) Job Insecurity and Work Intensification (London: Routledge).
Child, J, Faulkner, D. and Pitkethly, R, (2001) The Management of International Acquisitions (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Cosh, A., Cox, M. and Hughes, A. (2001) Evaluation of the Golden Key Component of the Small Business Initiative. (London: British Bankers Association).
Deakin, S. (2001) Renewing Labour Market Institutions (Geneva: ILO).
Deakin, S. and Morris, G. (2001) Labour Law (3rd. ed.) (London: Butterworths).
Eatwell, J., Alexander, K. and Dhumale, R. (2001) Global Governance of Financial Systems: The Legal and Economic Regulation of Systemic Risk (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Seki, T. & Learmount, S. (eds) (2001) . Corporate Governance in the UK (Tokyo: Commercial Law Centre).
Cosh, A. and Hughes, A. (2000) (eds) British Enterprise in Transition: Growth Innovation and Public Policy in the Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Sector 1994-1999 (Cambridge: ESRC Centre for Business Research).
Cosh, A., Hughes, A. and Cox, M. (2000) The Impact of Financial Management Training on Management and Business Performance: An Evaluation of the Small Business Initiative. British Bankers Association, and Small Business Service (London: DTI).
Eatwell, J. and Taylor, L. (2000) Global Finance at Risk: The Case for International Regulation (New York: The New Press).
Eatwell, J. L. and Taylor, L. (2000) Global Finance at Risk: The Case for International Regulation (New York: The New Press).
Howes, C. and Singh, A. (eds) (2000) Competitiveness Matters: Industry and Economic Performance in the US (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press).
Keeble, D. and Wilkinson, F. (eds) (2000) High-Technology Clusters, Networking and Collective Learning in Europe (Aldershot: Ashgate).
Nachum, L. and Aharoni, Y. (eds) (2000) The Globalisation of Service Industries: Some Implications for Theory and Practice (London: Routledge).
Burchell, B., Day, D., Hudson, M., Ladipo, D., Mankelow, R., Nolan, J., Reed, H., Wichert, I., and Wilkinson, F. (1999) Job Insecurity and Work Intensification: Flexibility and the Changing Boundaries of Work (York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation).
Deery, S. and Mitchell, R. (eds) (1999) Employment Relations, Individualisation and Union Exclusion. An International Study (Annandale, NSW: Federation Press).
Dex, S. (ed.) (1999) Families and the Labour Market: Trends, Pressures and Policies (Family Policy Studies Unit and Joseph Rowntree Foundation) (York: FPSC).
Michie, J. and Grieve Smith, J. (eds) (1999) Globalisation, Growth and Governance (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Momose, S., Whittaker, D.H. and Morishita, T. (1999) Chusho kigyo: kore kara no seicho senryaku (Growth Strategies for SMEs: Lessons from the UK Resurgence) (Tokyo: Toyo keizai).
Nachum, L. (1999) The Origins of the International Competitiveness of Firms: The Impact of Location and Ownership in the Professional Service Industries (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar).
Child, J. and Faulkner, D. (1998) Strategies of Co-operation (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Cosh, A. and Hughes A. (eds) (1998) Enterprise Britain: Growth Innovation and Public Policy in the Small and Medium sized Enterprise Sector 1994-1997 (Cambridge: ESRC Centre for Business Research).
Cosh, A. and Hughes, A. (eds) (1998) Takeovers Vols I-III (The International Library of Management) (Aldershot: Ashgate Dartmouth).
Deakin, S. and Morris, G. (1998) Labour Law (2nd ed.) (London: Butterworths).
Jones, I. and Pollitt, M. (eds) (1998) The Role of Business Ethics in Economic Performance (Basingstoke: Macmillan/St Martin’s Press).
Lane, C. and Bachmann, R. (eds) (1998) Trust Within and Between Organizations. Conceptual Issues and Theoretical Applications (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Sachdev, S. and Wilkinson, F. (1998) Low Pay, the Workings of the Labour Market and the Role of a Minimum Wage (London: Institute of Employment Rights).
Archibugi, D. and Michie, J. (eds) (1997) Technology, Globalisation, and Economic Performance (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
Archibugi, D. and Michie, J. (eds) (1997) Technology, Trade and Growth (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
Deakin, S. and Hughes, A. (eds) (1997) Enterprise and Community: New Directions in Corporate Governance (Oxford: Blackwell).
Deakin, S. and Michie, J. (eds) (1997) Contracts, Cooperation and Competition. Studies in Economics, Management and Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Eatwell, J., Ellman, M., Karlsson, M., Nuti, M. and Shapiro, J. (eds) (1997) Not ‘Just Another Accession’: The Political Economy of EU Enlargement to the East (London: IPPR).
Howells, J. and Michie, J. (eds) (1997) Technology, Innovation and Competitiveness (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar).
Michie, J. and Buckley, P. (eds) (1997) Firms, Organisations and Contracts – A Reader in Industrial Organisation (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Michie, J. and Grieve Smith J. (eds) (1997) Employment and Economic Performance: Jobs, Inflation and Growth (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Michie, J. and Padayachee, V. (eds) (1997) The Political Economy of South Africa’s Transition (London: Dryden Press).
Rowthorn, R. and Kozul-Wright, R. (eds) (1997) Transnational Corporations and the Global Economy (Basingstoke: Macmillan).
Bercusson, B., Deakin, S., Koistinen, P., Kravaritou, Y., Mückenberger, U., Supiot, A. and Veneziani, B. (1996) Soziales Europa – ein Manifest (Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt). [Also published in Finnish, French, English and Italian].
Chang, H.-J. (1996) The Political Economy of Industrial Policy (paperback edition) (London: Macmillan) (hardback edition 1994).
Chang, H.-J. (1996) El Papel del Estado en el Cambio Económico (collection of essays already published elsewhere translated into Spanish) (Mexico City: Planeta Mexicana).
Cosh, A. and Hughes, A. (eds) (1996) The Changing State of British Enterprise: Growth Innovation and Competitive Advantage in SMEs 1986-95 (Cambridge: ESRC Centre for Business Research).
Deakin, S. and Wilkinson, F. (1996) Labour Standards: Essential to Social and Economic Progress (London: Institute of Employment Rights).
Eatwell, J. (ed.) (1996) Global Unemployment: Loss of Jobs in the ‘90s (Armonk, NY: Sharpe).
Mankelow, R. (1996) Deregulation and Privatisation – the Case of the London Dockers (London: Institute of Employment Rights).
Michie, J. and Grieve Smith, J. (eds) (1996) Creating Industrial Capacity: Towards Full Employment (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Michie, J. and Grieve Smith, J. (eds) (1996) Managing the Global Economy (Oxford: Oxford University Press). Also published in translation as Michie, J. and Grieve Smith, J. (eds) (1997) Managing the Global Economy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, Romanian Edition).
Pagano, U. and Rowthorn, R. (eds) (1996) Efficiency and Enterprise Democracy (London: Routledge).
Chang, H.-J. and Nolan, P. (eds) (1995) The Transformation of the Communist Economies – Against the Mainstream (London: Macmillan).
Chang, H.-J. and Rowthorn, R.E. (eds) (1995) Role of the State in Economic Change (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Deakin, S. and Morris, G. (1995) Labour Law (London: Butterworths).
Eatwell, J., Ellmann, M., Karlsson, M., Nuti, D.M. and Shapiro, J. (1995) Transformation and Integration: Shaping the Future of Central and Eastern Europe (London: IPPR).
Faulkner, D. (1995) International Strategic Alliances: Co-operating to Compete (London: McGraw-Hill).
Lane, C. (1995) Industry and Society in Europe (Aldershot: Elgar).
Tiley, J. (1995) (ed.) Butterworths’ UK Tax Guide 1995-96 (London: Butterworths).