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- Armour, J. (2008) “‘The law and economics debate about secured lending: lessons for European lawmaking?” European Company and Financial Law Review, 5: 3-29
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- Buchanan, J. and Deakin, S. (2008) “Japan’s paradoxical response to the new ‘global standard’ in corporate governance.” Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht, 13: 59-84
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- Cosh, A. and Siqueira, A.C.O. (2008) “Effects of product innovation and organizational capabilities on competitive advantage: evidence from UK small and medium manufacturing enterprises.” International Journal of Innovation Management, 12(2): 113-137
- Deakin, S. (2008) “Regulatory competition after Laval.” Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 10: 581-609
- Deakin, S. and Sarkar, P. (2008) “Assessing the long-run economic impact of labour law systems: a theoretical reappraisal and analysis of new time series data.” Industrial Relations Journal, 39: 453-487
- Desyllas, P. and Hughes, A. (2008) “Sourcing technological knowledge through corporate acquisition: evidence from an international sample of high technology firms.” Journal of High Technology Management Research, 18(2): 157-172
- Guest, P. (2008) “The determinants of board size and composition: evidence from the UK.” Journal of Corporate Finance, 14(1): 51-72
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- Siems, M. (2008) “Statistische Rechtsvergleichung.” (“Statistical comparative law.”) Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, 37: 354-390
- Ahlering, B. and Deakin, S. (2007) “Labour regulation, corporate governance and legal origin: a case of institutional complementarity?” Law and Society Review, 41: 865-908
- Armour, J. and Skeel, D. (2007) “The divergence of US and UK takeover regulation.” Regulation, 30: 50-59
- Armour, J. and Skeel, D. (2007) “Who writes the rules for hostile takeovers and why? The peculiar divergence of US and UK takeover regulation.” Georgetown Law Journal, 95: 1727-1794
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- Buchanan, J. (2007) “Japanese corporate governance and the principle of ‘internalism’.” Corporate Governance: An International Review, 15: 27-35
- Deakin, S. (2007) “Does the ‘personal employment contract’ provide a basis for the reunification of labour law?” Industrial Law Journal, 36: 68-83
- Deakin, S. (2007) “Re-embedding the corporation? Comparative perspectives on corporate governance, employment relations and corporate social responsibility.” Corporate Governance: An International Review, 15: 1-4
- Deakin, S. (2007) “Restructurations et gouvernance d’enterprise en Grande Bretagne: la vente de Rover.” Travail et emploi, 109(Jan-Mar): 51-58
- Deakin, S. and Hobbs, R. (2007) “False dawn for CSR? Shifts in regulatory policy and the response of the corporate and financial sector in Britain.” Corporate Governance: An International Review, 15: 68-76
- Deakin, S. and Pendleton, A. (2007) “Corporate governance and workplace employment relations: the potential of WERS 2004.” Industrial Relations Journal, 38: 338-355
- Deakin, S., Lele, P., Siems, M. (2007) “The evolution of labour law: calibrating and comparing regulatory regimes.” International Labour Review, 146: 133-162
- Hughes, A. (2007) “A misappliance of science.” The House Magazine – The Parliamentary Weekly, July
- Lane, C. and Probert, J. (2007) “The external sourcing of technological knowledge by US pharmaceutical companies: strategic goals and interorganizational relationships.” Industry and innovation, 14(1): 5-25
- Lele, P. and Siems, M. (2007) “Diversity in shareholder protection in common law countries.” DICE Report – Journal for Institutional Comparisons, 5(1): 3-9
- Lele, P. and Siems, M. (2007) “Shareholder protection: a leximetric approach.” Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 7: 17-50
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- Seidl, D. (2007) “Standard setting and following in corporate governance: an observation-theoretical study of the effectiveness of governance codes.” Organization, 14: 619-641
- Siems, M. (2007) “Reconciling law and finance and comparative law.” McGill Law Journal, 52: 55-81
- Siems, M. (2007) “The end of comparative law.” Journal of Comparative Law, 2: 133-150
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- Singh, A. (2007) “Economic crisis and the Asian way of doing business.” The Business Economist, 38(2): 9-21 (this paper was short-listed for the Rybzcynski Prize)
- Armour, J. and Walters, A.J. (2006) “Funding liquidation: a functional view.” Law Quarterly Review, 122: 303-334
- Armour, J. and Walters, A.J. (2006) “The proceeds of office-holder actions under the Insolvency Act: charged assets or free estate?” Lloyds’ Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, 1: 27-48
- Barker, R.G., Hendry, J., Roberts, J. and Sanderson, P. (2006) “Regulating the corporation: the role of the institutional investor.” Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control, 3(1): 127-134
- Barker, R.G., Hendry, J., Roberts, J. and Sanderson, P. (2006) “Owners or traders? Conceptualizations of institutional investors and their relationship with corporate managers.” Human Relations, 59(8): 1101-1132
- Barker, R.G., Hendry, J., Roberts, J. and Sanderson, P. (2006) “In the mirror of the market: the disciplinary effects of company / fund manager meetings.” Accounting, Organisations and Society, 31(3): 277-294
- Cosh, A., Guest, P. and Hughes, A (2006) “Board share-ownership and takeover performance.” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 33: 459-510
- Cumming, D. (2006) “Adverse selection and capital structure: evidence from venture capital.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 30(2): 155-183
- Cumming, D. (2006) “The determinants of venture capital portfolio size: empirical evidence.” Journal of Business, 79: 1083-1126
- Cumming, D., Fleming, G. and Schwienbacher, A. (2006) “Legality and venture capital exits.” Journal of Corporate Finance, 12: 214-245
- David, P.A. and Hall, B. (2006) “Property and the pursuit of knowledge: IPR issues affecting scientific research.” Research Policy, 35(6): 767-892
- Deakin, S. (2006) “‘Capacitas’: contract law and the institutional preconditions of a market economy.” European Review of Contract Law, 2: 317-341
- Deakin, S. (2006) “Die Wiederkehr der Zünfte? Netzwerkbeziehungen aus historischer Perspektive.” Kritische Vierteljarhresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft, 2/3: 150-162
- Deakin, S. (2006) “Is regulatory competition the future for European integration?” Swedish Review of Economic Policy, 13: 71-95
- Deakin, S. (2006) “Regulatory competition and legal diversity: which model for Europe?” European Law Journal, 12: 440-454
- Deakin, S., Hobbs, R., Konzelmann, S. and Wilkinson, F. (2006) “Anglo-American corporate governance and the employment relationship: a case to answer?” Socio-Economic Review, 4(1): 155-174
- Gambardella, A. and Hall, B. (2006) “Proprietary vs. public domain licensing of software and research products.” Research Policy, 35(6): 875-892
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- Hall, B. and Oriani, R. (2006) “Does the market value R&D investment by European firms? Evidence from a panel of manufacturing firms in France, Germany and Italy,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 24(5): 971-993
- Hughes, A. (2006) “Optimal innovation systems: lessons from the UK and the USA.” Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 8(4-5): 369-377
- Hughes, A. and Scott Morton, M.S. (2006) ‘The transforming power of complementary assets.” MIT Sloan Management Review, 47(4): 50-58
- Lane, C. and Probert, J. (2006) “Domestic capabilities and global production networks in the clothing industry: a comparison of German and UK firms’ strategies.” Socio-Economic Review, 4(1): 69-91
- Siems, M. (2006) “Legal adaptability in Elbonia.” International Journal of Law in Context, 2: 493-508
- Siems, M. (2006) “Shareholder protection across countries: is the EU on the right track?” DICE Report – Journal for Institutional Comparisons, 4/3: 39-43
- Johnston, A. (2006) “After the OFR: will UK shareholder value still be enlightened?” European Business Organization Law Review, 7(4): 817-843
- Armour, J. (2005) “La reforma de los procedimientos de recuperación de empresas en crisis en el reino unido.” Revista de Derecho Concursal y Paraconcursal, 3: 403-412
- Armour, J. (2005) “Who should make corporate law? EU legislation versus regulatory competition.” 58 Current Legal Problems, 369-413
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- Black, B.S., Cheffins, B. and Klausner, M. (2005) “Outside directors and lawsuits: what are the real risks?” McKinsey Quarterly, 4: 70-77
- Cheffins, B. (2005) “Are good managers required for a separation of ownership and control?” Industrial and Corporate Change, 13: 591-618
- Conn, R.L., Cosh, A., Guest, P.M. and Hughes, A. (2005) “The impact on UK acquirers of domestic, cross border, public and private acquisitions.” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 32(5-6): 815-870
- Cumming, D. (2005) “A review of global venture capital transactions.” Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 7: 185-201
- Cumming, D. (2005) “Agency costs, institutions, learning and taxation in venture capital contracting.” Journal of Business Venturing, 20: 573-622
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- Deakin, S. (2005) “The coming transformation of shareholder value.” Corporate Governance: An International Review, 13: 11-18
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- Hall, B. (2005) “Exploring the Patent explosion.” Journal of Technology Transfer, 30: 35-48
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- Nachum, L. and Wymbs, C. (2005) “Product differentiation, external economies and MNE location choices: financial and professional service M&As in London and New York.” Journal of International Business Studies, 36: 415-434
- Nachum, L. and Zaheer, S. (2005) “The persistence of distance? The impact of technology on MNE investment motivations.” Strategic Management Journal, 26(8): 747-767
- Nolan, R. (2005) “The legal control of directors’ conflicts of interest in the United Kingdom: non-executive directors following the Higgs Report.” Theoretical Inquiries in Law, 6(May): 363-412
- Siems, M. (2005) “Numerical comparative law: do we need statistical evidence in order to reduce complexity?” Cardozo Journal of International Law, 13: 521-540
- Armour, J. (2004) “Corporate opportunities: if in doubt, disclose. (But how?)” Cambridge Law Journal, 63: 33-36
- Armour, J. (2004) “Floating charges: all adrift?” Cambridge Law Journal, 63: 560-564
- Armour, J. (2004) “Personal insolvency law and the demand for venture capital.” European Business Organization Law Review, 5: 87-118
- Armour, J. (2004) “The chequered history of the floating charge.” Griffith Law Review, 13: 27-57
- Armour, J. and Deakin, S. (2004) “Le sauvetage de Rover: une alternative au pouvoir de l’actionnaire?” L’homme et la Société, 152-153(2-3): 79-96
- Armour, J. and Mokal, R.J. (2004) “The new UK corporate rescue procedure: the administrator’s duty to act rationally.” International Corporate Rescue: 136-142
- Bennett, R. and Robson, P. (2004) “Support services for SMEs: does the ‘franchisee’ make a difference to the Business Link offer?” Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 22(6): 859-880
- Bennett, R. and Robson, P. (2004) “The role of boards of directors in small and medium-sized firms.” Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 11(1): 95-113 (awarded the Emerald Literati award 2005 for the best paper in JSBED for 2004)
- Bennett, R. and Robson, P. (2004) “The role of trust and contract in the supply of business advice: a comparison of private, public, business association and social network suppliers.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 28(4): 471-488
- Bennett, R. and Smith, C. (2004) “The selection and control of management consultants by small business clients.” International Small Business Journal, 22(5): 435-462
- Cheffins, B. (2004) “Mergers and the evolution of patterns of corporate ownership and control: the British experience.” Business History, 46: 256-284
- Conn, R.L., Cosh, A., Guest, P.M. and Hughes, A. (2004) “Why must all good things come to an end? The performance of multiple acquirers.” In: Nagao, D.H. (ed.) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (63rd).
- Cumming, D. and MacIntosh, J. (2004). “Boom, bust and litigation in venture capital finance.” Willamette Law Review, 40(4): 867-906
- Deakin, S. and Konzelmann, S. (2004) “Learning from Enron.” Corporate Governance: an International Review, 12: 134-142
- Deakin, S. and Wilkinson, F. (2004) “The evolution of collective laissez-faire.” Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 17: 1-43
- Druilhe, C. and Garnsey, E. (2004) “Do academic spin-outs differ and does it matter?” Journal of Technology Transfer, 29(3-4): 269-285
- Forrant, R., Konzelmann, S. and Wilkinson, F. (2004) “Work systems, corporate strategy and global markets: creative shop floors or a ‘barge mentality’?” Industrial Relations Journal, 35(3): 216-232
- Fu, X (2004) “Limited linkages from growth engines and regional disparities in China.” Journal of Comparative Economics, 32(1): 148-164
- Glen, J. and Singh, A. (2004) “Comparing capital structures and rates of return in developed and emerging markets.” Emerging Markets Review, 5(2): 161-192
- Gugler, K., Mueller, D. and Yurtoglu, B. (2004) “Corporate governance and globalization.” Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 20(1): 129-156
- Gugler, K., Mueller, D. and Yurtoglu, B. (2004) “Corporate governance and the returns on investment.” Journal of Law and Economics, XLVII: 598-633
- Gugler, K., Mueller, D. and Yurtoglu, B. (2004) “Marginal q, Tobin’s q, cash flow and investment.” Southern Economic Journal, 70(3): 512-531
- Ho, L.C. and Mokal, R. (2004) “Interplay of administration, liquidation and CVA: part I.” Company Lawyer, 25(1): 3-8
- Jones, I.W. and Pollitt, M.G. (2004) “Understanding how issues in corporate governance develop: Cadbury Report to Higgs Review.” Corporate Governance, 12(2): 162-171
- Jones, I.W., Nyland, C.M. and Pollitt, M.G. (2004) “Multinationals in developing communities: how UK multinationals build social capital in South Africa.” New Academy Review, 3(2): 70-91
- Konzelmann, S. (2004) “Institutional transplant and American corporate governance: the case of Ferodyn.” Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India Journal on Corporate Governance
- Lane, C. and Probert, J. (2004) “Between the global and the local: a comparison of the German and UK clothing industry.” Competition and Change, 8(3): 243-266
- Mokal, R (2004) “Interplay of administration, liquidation and CVA: part II.” Company Lawyer, 25(2): 35-40
- Mokal, R (2004) ‘The harm done by administrative receivership.” International Corporate Rescue, 1(5): 248-325
- Nolan, R. (2004) “Property in a fund.” Law Quarterly Review, 120: 108-136
- Armour, J. (2003) “Financial assistance: a restatement.” Cambridge Law Journal, 62: 266-269
- Armour, J. (2003) “Review of Eric Posner: Law and social norms.” Journal of Law and Society, 30: 609-614
- Armour, J. (2003) “Review of Mark Roe: Political foundations of ownership and control.” European Business Organization Law Review, 4: 171-176
- Armour, J. (2003) “The uncertain flight of British Eagle.” Cambridge Law Journal, 62: 39-42
- Armour, J. and Campbell, N. (2003) “Demystifying corporate civil liability.” Cambridge Law Journal, 62: 290-303
- Armour, J. and Deakin, S. (2003) “Insolvency and employment protection: the mixed effects of the Acquired Rights Directive.” International Law Review and Economics, 22(4): 443-463
- Armour, J. and McCahery, J. (2003) “Improving corporate law and the modernization of securities regulation in Europe.” Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 3: 211-220
- Armour, J., Cheffins, B. and Skeel Jr, D.A. (2003) “Corporate ownership structure and the evolution of bankruptcy law: lessons from the UK.” Vanderbilt Law Review, 55: 101-188
- Armour, J., Deakin, S. and Konzelmann, S. (2003) “Shareholder primacy and the trajectory of UK corporate governance.” British Journal of Industrial Relations, 41: 531-555
- Barker, R.G. (2003) “Global accounting is coming: and it will transform the way your company reports profits.” Harvard Business Review, 81(4): 24-25
- Barnard, C., Deakin, S. and Hobbs, R. (2003) “Fog in the channel, continent isolated: Britain as a model for EU social policy?” Industrial Relations Journal, 34: 461-476
- Barnard, C., Deakin, S. and Hobbs, R. (2003) “Opting out of the 48-hour week: employer necessity or individual choice? An empirical study of the operation of Article 18(1)(b) of the Working Time Directive in the UK.” Industrial Law Journal, 32: 223-252
- Bennett, R. and Robson, P. (2003) “Changing use of external business advice and government support by SMEs in the 1990s.” Regional Studies, 37: 795-811
- Bennett, R. and Smith, C. (2003) “The spatial market of business advice and consultancy to SMEs.” Journal of Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 27: 309-336
- Bratton, W.J.A., Bennett, R.J. and Robson, P.J.A. (2003) “Critical mass and economies of scale in the supply of services by business support organisations.” Journal of Services Marketing, 17(7): 730-752
- Brown, W., Deakin, S. Oxenbridge, S. and Pratten, C. (2003) “Initial responses to the statutory union recognition procedures of the Employment Relations Act 1999.” British Journal of Industrial Relations, 41(2): 315-334
- Burchell, B.J. (2003) “The emotional reality of financial phobia.” Argent, 2: 22-26
- Casper, S. and Karamanos, A. (2003) “Commercializing science in Europe: the Cambridge biotechnology cluster.” European Planning Studies, 11(7): 805-822
- Casper, S. and Matraves, C. (2003) “Institutional frameworks and innovation in the German and UK pharmaceutical industry.” Research Policy, 32(10): 1865-1879
- Conn, R. (2003) “International mergers: review of literature and clinical projects.” Journal of Financial Education, 2003(Fall): 1-27
- Deakin, S. (2003) “Enterprise-risk: the juridical nature of the firm revisited.” Industrial Law Journal, 32: 97-113
- Deakin, S. (2003) “Evolution for our time: a theory of legal memetics.” Current Legal Problems, 55: 1-42
- Deakin, S. and Konzelmann, S. (2003) “After Enron: an age of enlightenment?” Organization, 10: 583-587
- Glen, J., Lee, K. and Singh, A. (2003) “Corporate profitability and the dynamics of competition in emerging markets: a time series analysis.” Economic Journal, 113(Nov): F465-F484
- Keeble, D. and Nachum, L. (2003) “MNE linkages and local clusters: foreign and indigenous firms in the media cluster of Central London.” Journal of International Management, 9(2): 171-192
- Keeble, D. and Nachum, L. (2003) “Neo Marshallian nodes and global networks: the external linkages of media firms in Central London.” Long Range Planning, 36(5): 459-480
- Konzelmann, S. (2003) “Markets, corporate governance and creative work systems: the case of Ferodyn.” Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 14: 139-158
- Lane, C. (2003) “Changes in corporate governance of German corporations: convergence to the Anglo-American model?” Competition and Change, 7(2-3): 79-100
- Nachum, L. (2003) “Does nationality of ownership make any difference and if so under what circumstances? Professional service MNEs in global competition.” Journal of International Management, 9(1): 1-32
- Nachum, L. (2003) “International business in a world of increasing returns.” Management International Review, 3: 219-246
- Nachum, L. (2003) “Liability of foreignness in global competition? Financial service affiliates in the City of London.” Strategic Management Journal, 24(12): 1187-1208
- Roberts, J. (2003) “The manufacture of corporate social responsibility: constructing corporate sensibility.” Organization, 10(2): 249-265
- Singh, A. (2003) “Competition, corporate governance and selection in capital markets.” Economic Journal, 113(Nov): F443-F464
- Singh, A. (2003) “Corporate governance, corporate finance and stock markets in emerging countries.” Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 3(1): 41-72
- Alexander, K. (2002) “Extraterritorial US banking regulation and international terrorism: the Patriot Act and the international response.” Journal of International Banking Regulation, 3(4): 307-326
- Alexander, K. (2002) “The development of a uniform choice of law rule for the taking of collateral interests in securities.” Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, 17(11): 436-443
- Alexander, K. (2002) “United States financial sanctions and international terrorism.” Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, 17(5): 213-222
- Armour, J. (2002) “Review of Michael J. Whincop: An economic and jurisprudential genealogy of corporate law.” Cambridge Law Journal, 61: 467-469
- Armour, J. (2002) “Review of Paul Davies: Introduction to company law.” Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 2: 367-371
- Barnard, C. and Deakin, S. (2002) “Negative and positive harmonisation of labour law in the European Union.” Columbia Journal of European Law, 8(3): 389-413
- Barnard, C. and Deakin, S. (2002) “Reinventing the European corporation? Corporate governance, social policy and the single market.” Industrial Relations Journal, 33: 482-497
- Barnard, C., Deakin, S. and Kilpatrick, C. (2002) “Equality, non-discrimination and the labour market in the UK.” International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 18(2): 129-147
- Bennett, R. and Smith, C. (2002) “Competitive conditions, competitive advantage and the location of SME’s.” Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 9(1): 73-86
- Bennett, R. and Smith, C. (2002) “The influence of location and distance on the supply of business advice.” Environment and Planning A, 3: 251-270
- Burchell, B.J. (2002) “Les conséquences psychologiques et familiales de l’insécurité professionnelle.” Les Politiques Sociales, 61: 100-115
- Casper, S. and Whitley, R. (2002) “Managing competencies in entrepreneurial technology firms: a comparative institutional analysis of Germany, Sweden and the UK.” Research Policy, 33(1): 89-106
- Cook, J., Deakin, S. and Hughes, A. (2002) “Mutuality and corporate governance: the evolution of UK building societies following deregulation.” Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 2: 110-138
- Deakin, S. (2002) “Squaring the circle? Shareholder value and corporate social responsibility in the UK.” George Washington Law Review, 70: 976-987
- Deakin, S., Hobbs, R., Konzelmann, S. and Wilkinson, F. (2002) “Partnership, ownership and control: the impact of corporate governance on employment relations.” Employee Relations, 24(3): 335-352
- Deakin, S., Hobbs, R., Konzelmann, S. and Wilkinson, F. (2002) “Reconciling shareholder value and corporate social responsibility: the role of regulation.” New Academy Review, 1(1): 68-78
- Delbridge, R. and Oliver, N. (2002) ‘The characteristics of high performing supply chains.” International Journal of Technology Management, 23 (1-3): 60-73
- Dunning, J., Jones, G. and Nachum, L. (2002) “The international competitiveness of the UK and its multinational corporations.” Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 12(3): 277-294
- Higson, C., Holly, S. and Kattuman, P. (2002) “The cross sectional dynamics of the US business cycle: 1950-1999.” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 26: 1539-1555
- Jones, I. and Pollitt, M. (2002) “Who influences debates in business ethics? An examination of UK corporate governance since 1990.” New Academy Review, 1(3): 68-82
- Keeble, D. and Nachum, L. (2002) “Why being local just isn’t enough: the media cluster of Central London.” Business Strategy Review, 13(1): 27-43
- Keeble, D. and Nachum, L. (2002) “Why do business service firms cluster? Small consultancies, clustering and decentralisation in London and Southern England.” Transaction of the Institute of British Geographers, 27(1): 37-43
- Kochan, T. (2002) “Addressing the crisis in confidence in corporations: root causes, victims and strategies for reform.” Academy of Management Executive, 16: 139-141
- Konzelmann, S. (2002) “Can real partnership survive?” The Federation News, 52(1): 10-12
- Learmount, S. (2002) “Social controls and Japanese corporate audit (in Japanese).” Japanese Corporate Audit Journal, 2002(Aug)
- Martin, R., Sunley, P. and Turner, D. (2002) “Taking risks in regions: the geographical anatomy of European venture capitalism.” Journal of Economic Geography, 2: 121-150
- Mokal, R. (2002) “On fairness and efficiency.” Modern Law Review, 66: 452-467
- Pollitt, M. (2002) “The economics of trust, norms and networks.” Business Ethics: A European Review, 11: 119-128
- Ward, J. (2002) “Is Basel II voluntary?” The Financial Regulator, 7(3): 51-58
- Ward, J. (2002) “What’s so great about competition in banking?” The Financial Regulator, 7(2)
- Alexander, K. (2001) “The need for global regulation of financial markets.” Journal of Financial Crime, 8: 68-84
- Armour, J. and Deakin, S. (2001) “Norms in private insolvency: the ‘London approach’ to the resolution of financial distress.” Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 1: 21-51
- Armour, J. and Frisby, S. (2001) “Rethinking receivership.” Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 21: 73-102
- Armour, J. and Whincop, M. (2001) “An economic analysis of shared property in partnership and close corporations law.” Journal of Corporation Law, 26: 101-118
- Athreye, S. and Keeble, D. (2001) “Competition, rivalry and innovative behaviour.” Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 10(1): 1-21
- Barnard, C., Deakin, S. and Hobbs, R. (2001) “Capabilities and rights: an emerging agenda for social policy?” Industrial Relations Journal, 32(5): 464-479
- Bennett, R. and Robson, P. (2001) “Exploring the market potential and bundling of business association services.” Journal of Services Marketing, 15(3): 222-239
- Bennett, R., Robson, P. and Bratton, W. (2001) “Government advice networks for SMEs: an assessment of the influence of local context on Business Link use, impact and satisfaction.” Applied Economics, 33: 871-885
- Blackburn, R., Browne, J., Brookes, B. and Jarman, J. (2001) “Explaining gender segregation.” British Journal of Sociology, 53: 513-536
- Brown, W., Deakin, S., Hudson, M. and Pratten, C. (2001) “The limits of statutory trade union recognition.” Industrial Relations Journal, 32: 180-194
- Casper, S. and Glimsted, H. (2001) “Economic organization, innovation systems and the internet.” Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 17(2): 265-281
- Cheffins, B. (2001) “Corporate law and the separation of ownership and control” (Il diritto societario e la separazione di proprieta’ e controllo). Banca Impresa Societa, 20: 181-197
- Cheffins, B. (2001) “Does law matter? The separation of ownership and control in the United Kingdom.” Journal of Legal Studies, 30: 459-484
- Cheffins, B. (2001) “History and the global corporate governance revolution: the British perspective.” Business History, 43: 87-118
- Cheffins, B. (2001) “Law, economics and the UK’s system of corporate governance: lessons from history.” Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 1: 71-89
- Cheffins, B. (2001) “The metamorphosis of Germany Inc.: the case of executive pay.” American Journal of Comparative Law, 49: 497-539
- Cheffins, B. and Thomas, R. (2001) “Should shareholders have a greater say over executive pay? Learning from the US experience.” Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 1: 277-315
- Deakin, S. (2001) “The changing nature of the employer in labour law.” Industrial Law Journal, 30: 72-84
- Deakin, S. (2001) “The contract of employment: a study in legal evolution.” Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 11: 1-36
- Dhumale, R. (2001) “Levelling the playing field in international financial markets: the Basel accord re-visited.” Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 9(1): 38-41
- Glen, J., Lee, K. and Singh, A. (2001) “Intensity of competition in emerging markets and in advanced economies: evidence from the persistence of corporate rates of return in emerging markets.” Proceedings of the Workshop on Corporate Governance in Europe (3rd), 70(2): 201-203
- Glen, J., Lee, K. and Singh, A. (2001) “Persistence of profitability and competition in emerging markets.” Economic Letters, 72: 247-253
- Gugler, V.K., Mueller, D.C., Yurtoglu, B.B. and Zulehner, C. (2001) “Effekte von Fusionen ni Kontinentaleuropa und Deutschland.” Proceedings of the Workshop on Corporate Governance in Europe (3rd), 70(2): 204-214
- Hughes, A. (2001) “Innovation and business performance: small entrepreneurial firms in the UK and the EU in economic growth and government policy.” H.M. Treasury, London, April: 65-72
- Hughes, A. (2001) “Innovation and business performance: small entrepreneurial firms in the UK.” New Economy, 8(3): 157-163
- Hunter, J. and Isachenkova, N. (2001) “Failure risk: a comparative study of UK and Russian firms.” Journal of Policy Modeling, 23(5) : 511- 521
- Keeble, D., Lawson, C., Lawton Smith, H., Moore, B. and Wilkinson, F. (2001) “University-business interaction in the Oxford and Cambridge regions” Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 92: 88-99
- Nachum L. (2001) ‘The impact of home countries on the competitiveness of advertising TNCs.” Management International Review, 1: 77-98
- Pratten, S. (2001) “Coase on broadcasting, advertising and policy.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 25(5): 617-638
- Roberts, J. (2001) “Trust and control in Anglo-American systems of corporate governance: the individualizing and socializing effects of processes of accountability.” Human Relations, 54(12): 1547-1572
- Wilkinson, F. (2001) “The theory and practice of wage subsidisation: some historical reflections.” Radical Statistics, 77(Spring)
- Alexander, K. (2000) “International supervisory framework for financial services: an emerging regime for transnational supervision.” Journal of International Banking Regulation, 1: 33-46
- Alexander, K. (2000) “Multinational efforts to combat financial crime: the use of state sanctions to enforce anti-money laundering norms.” Journal of International Financial Markets, 2: 178-192
- Alexander, K. (2000) “The international anti-money laundering regime: the role of the financial action task force.” The Financial Crime Review, 1: 9-29
- Altunbas, Y. and Chakravarty, S.P. (2000) “Proportional representation in the Welsh Assembly.” Public Choice, 103(1-2): 85-94
- Armour, J. (2000) “Share capital and creditor protection: efficient rules for a modern company law?” Modern Law Review, 63: 355-378
- Armour, J. (2000) “Who pays when polluters go bust?” Law Quarterly Review, 116: 200-204
- Armour, J. and Deakin, S. (2000) “The Rover case (2): bargaining in the shadow of TUPE.” Industrial Law Journal, 29: 395-402
- Athreye, S. and Keeble, D. (2000) “Technological convergence, globalisation and ownership in the UK computer industry.” Technovation, 20(5): 227-245
- Barnard, C. and Deakin, S. (2000) “In search of coherence: social policy, the single market and fundamental rights.” Industrial Relations Journal, 31: 331-345
- Begg, I. and Moore, B. (2000) “The performance of Britain’s cities.” Cityscape (ESRC), 2(Apr)
- Bennett, R. and Robson, P. (2000) “SME growth: the relationship with business advice and external collaboration.” Small Business Economics, 15: 193-208
- Bennett, R. and Robson, P. (2000) “The small business service: local service use, fees and satisfaction.” Policy Studies, 21: 173-190
- Bennett, R. and Robson, P. (2000) “The use and impact of business advice by SMEs in Britain: an empirical assessment using logit and ordered logit models.” Applied Economics, 32: 1675-1688
- Bennett, R., Bratton, W. and Robson, P. (2000) “Business advice: the influence of distance.” Regional Studies, 34: 813-828
- Brown, W. (2000) “Helping trade unions into the 21st century: following up the Employment Relations Act.” Public Money and Management, 20: 12-13
- Brown, W. (2000) “Putting partnership into practice.” British Journal of Industrial Relations, 38: 299-316
- Brown, W. (2000) “The individualisation of employment contracts: the British experience.” Personalführung, 11: 46-51
- Brown, W., Deakin, S., Nash, D. and Oxenbridge, S. (2000) “The employment contract: from collective procedures to individual rights.” British Journal of Industrial Relations, 38: 611-629
- Child, J. (2000) “Theorising about organisation cross-nationality.” In: Chen, J.L.C. and Peterson, R.B. (eds.) Advances in comparative international management, 13: 27-75
- Child, J., Faulkner, D. and Pitkethly, R. (2000) “Foreign direct investment in the UK 1985-1994: the impact on domestic management practice.” Journal of Management Studies, 37(1): 141-166
- Cosh, A. and Hughes. A. (2000) “Finance for SMEs: why banks are back in favour with small businesses.” Finance and Management, 67(Sep)
- Deakin, S. and Pratten, S. (2000) “Competitiveness policy and economic organisation: the case of the British film industry.” Screen, 41: 217-237
- Deakin, S. and Pratten, S. (2000) “Quasi markets, transaction costs and trust: the uncertain effects of market reforms in British television production.” Television and New Media, 1: 321-354
- Deakin, S. and Pratten, S. (2000) “The new competition in broadcasting: trick or treat?” Economic Affairs, 20: 27-32
- Deakin, S. and Wilkinson, F. (2000) “Capabilities, ordineo spontaneo del mercato e diritti sociali.” Il Diritto del Mercato del Lavoro, 2: 317-344
- Dunning, J., Jones, G. and Nachum, L. (2000) “UK FDI and the comparative advantage of the UK.” The World Economy, 23: 701-707
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- Kitson, M., Martin, R. and Wilkinson, F. (2000) “Labour markets, economic efficiency and social justice: beyond the conventional tradeoff.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24(4): 631-641
- Konzelmann, S. and Sutton, C. (2000) “Self-managed teams in the steel industry: interview with John Selky (part I and II).” Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(2): 96
- Learmount, S. and Seki, T. (2000) “Evolution of UK corporate governance 1: Cadbury.” Commercial Law Journal, 75: 38-46
- Learmount, S. and Seki, T. (2000) “Evolution of UK corporate governance 2: Greenbury.” Commercial Law Journal, 76: 63-71
- Mueller, D. and Yurtoglu, B. (2000) “Country legal environments and corporate investment performance.” German Economic Review, 2: 187-220
- Nachum, L. (2000) “Economic geography and the location of TNCs: financial and professional service FDI to the US.” Journal of International Business Studies, 31(3): 367-385
- Wilkinson, F. (2000) “Inflation and unemployment: is there a third way?” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24: 643-670
- Yurtoglu, B. (2000) “Ownership, control and performance of Turkish listed firms.” Empirica, 27(2): 193-222
- Barnard, C. and Deakin, S. (1999) “European Community social policy: evolution or regression?” Industrial Relations Journal, European Annual Review 1998: 131-153
- Begg, I. (1999) “Cities and competitiveness.” Urban Studies, 36: 795-809
- Bennett, R. and Robson, P. (1999) “Business link: service use, satisfaction and comparison with business shop and business connect.” Policy Studies, 20: 107-131
- Bennett, R. and Robson, P. (1999) “Central government support to SMEs compared to Business Link, Business Connect and Business Shop and the prospects for the small business service.” Regional Studies, 33: 779-787
- Bennett, R. and Robson, P. (1999) “Intensity of interaction in supply of business advice and client impact: a comparison of consultancy, business associations and government support initiatives for SMEs.” British Journal of Management, 10: 351-369
- Bennett, R. and Robson, P. (1999) “The use of external business advice services by SMEs in Britain.” Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 11: 155-180
- Brown, W. Deakin, S. and Ryan, P. (1999) “The effects of British industrial relations legislation 1979-1997.” (Translated into Japanese by Abe, M.) Oita University Economic Review, 51: 76-107 (Initially published in 1997 in the National Institute Economic Review, 161: 69-83)
- Burchell, B. (1999) “The unequal distribution of job insecurity 1966-86.” International Review of Applied Economics, 13: 436-58
- Capello, R. (1999) “Spatial transfer of knowledge in high technology milieux: learning versus collective learning processes.” Regional Studies, 33: 353-365
- Child, J., Faulkner, D. and Pitkethly, R. (1999) “Changes in management practice and the post-acquisition performance achieved by direct investors in the UK.” British Journal of Management, 10: 185-198
- Deakin, S. (1999) ‘Two types of regulatory competition: competitive federalism versus reflexive harmonisation. A law and economics perspective on Centros.” Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 2: 231-260
- Deakin, S. and Hughes, A. (1999) “Economic and company law reform: a fruitful partnership?” Company Lawyer, 20: 212-218
- Deakin, S. and Hughes, A. (1999) “Economic efficiency and the proceduralisation of company law.” Company, Financial and Insolvency Law Review, 3: 169-189
- Deakin, S. and Pratten, S. (1999) “Reinventing the market? Competition and regulatory change in broadcasting.” Journal of Law and Society, 26: 323-350
- Deakin, S. and Wilkinson, F. (1999) “The management of redundancies in Europe: the case of Great Britain.” Labour, 13: 41-89
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