After embedding with UN blue helmet peacekeepers in South Sudan, Dr Madeleine Rauch examines how some workers adapt their thinking to align boring routines with idealised visions of the future.
Deakin, S., Billa, B., Meng, G. and Wang, B. (2022) The political economy of the rule of law in Cambodia. Report for OHCHR.
Fouad, F., Diab, J., Barkil-Oteo, A., Kaloti, R., Maiki, C., Coutts, A., Deakin, S., Daoud, A., Ismail, S. and Sullivan, R. (2022) How politics made a nation sick: the political economy of health in Lebanon. London: King’s College London. Published by the Conflict & Health Research Group under the R4HC MENA Programme. ISBN: 978-1-3999-1469-7.
Hughes, A. and Spring, M. (2017) Creating the competitive edge: value chains, institutional architecture and the appropriation of value in UK manufacturing. Centre for Productivity and Efficiency, Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster, June.
Hughes, A. (2017) “Academic engagement and collaboration with external organisations: a regional perspective.” In: State of the relationship 2017. National Centre for Universities and Business, London, May, pp.72-79.
Johnston, A. and Bold, F. (2017) Response to UK Government green paper on corporate governance reform. Co-authored with Cass Business School, 17 February 2017.
Katelouzou, D. (2017) The green paper on corporate governance reform: does it go far enough? Gore-Browne on Companies Special Release (Jordans Publishing).
Katelouzou, D., Gupta, A. and Schnyder, G. (2017) More teeth needed for corporate governance reforms: response to the Dept. BEIS green paper on corporate governance reform. (Available on SSRN)
Udagawa, C and Sanderson, P. (2017) The impact of family support on access to homeownership for young people in the UK. London: Social Mobility Commission, Department for Education.
Deakin, S., Sones, B. and Twigg, C. (2015) The Internet of Things: shaping our futures. Cambridge: CBR and PPSRI.
Deakin, S., and Adams, Z. (2015) International experience in settling labour disputes: a comparative review. Report to the Justice Partnership Programme, Vietnam.
Coutts, K. and Gudgin, G. (2014) The macro-economic impact of liberal market policies in the UK. Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge.
Hughes, A., Kitson, M., Probert, J., Turner, R., Bullock, A. and Milner, I. (2014) Cultural connections: the role of the arts and humanities in competitiveness and local development. A Report to the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Cambridge: CBR.
Hughes, A. (ed.) (2014) The future of UK manufacturing: scenario analysis, capital markets and industrial policy. UK~IRC e-book.
Hughes, A. (2013) Short-termism, impatient capital and finance for manufacturing innovation in the UK. Foresight Future of Manufacturing Project, Evidence Paper 16. London: BIS.
Hughes, A. and Crafts, N. (2013) Industrial policy for the medium to long-term. Foresight Future of Manufacturing Project, Evidence Paper 37. London: BIS.
Hughes, A., García Mogollón, A., Bullock, A. and Milner, I. (2013) An evaluation of QR funding in English HEIs: impact and process, module 1. Statistical Analysis Final Report for the Higher Education Funding Council for England. Cambridge: CBR.
Hughes, A. and Kitson M. (2013) Connecting with the ivory tower: business perspectives on knowledge exchange in the UK. London: UK-IRC and NCUB.
Hughes, A., Kitson, M., Bullock A. and Milner, I. (2013) The dual funding structure for research in the UK: research council and funding council allocation methods and the pathways to impact of UK academics. A report to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, UK~IRC, Cambridge.
Li, Q.C. and Bascavusoglu-Moreau, E. (2013) Knowledge spillovers and sources of knowledge in the manufacturing sector: literature review and empirical evidence for the UK. Report to the Government Office for Science and Foresight, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).
Hughes, A. and Martin, B. (2012) Enhancing impact: the value of public sector R&D. CIHE-UK~IRC Enhancing Value Task Force.
Hughes, A. and Mina, A. (2012) The UK R&D anldscape report. CIHE-UK~IRC Enhancing Value Task Force.
Mina, A. and Probert, J. (2012) Enhancing collaboration, creating value: business interaction with the UK research base in four sectors. CIHE-UK~IRC Enhancing Value Task Force.
Cosh, A., Zhang, J.J., Bullock, A. and Milner, I. (2011) Open innovation choices: what is British enterprise doing? Cambridge: UK~IRC.
Hughes, A., Kitson, M., Probert, J., Bullock, A and Milner, I. (2011) Hidden connections: knowledge exchange between the arts and humanities and the private, public and third sectors. AHRC and CBR.
Martin, B. (2011) Is the British economy supply constrained? A critique of productivity pessimism. Cambridge: UK~IRC and CBR.
Connell, D. (2010) Scientists are customers too: how the SBRI can help research councils drive economic growth. NESTA, Provocation.
Connell, D. and Probert, J. (2010) Exploding the myths of UK innovation policy: how ‘soft companies’ and R&D contracts for customers drive the growth of the hi-tech economy. CBR and EEDA.
Hughes, A., Kitson, M., Bullock, A. and Milner, I. (2010) Knowledge exchange between arts and humanities and the private, public and third sectors: a comparative perspective. Second interim Report to the Arts & Humanities Research Council, Centre for Business Research, Cambridge.
Hughes, A., Kitson, M., Bullock, A. and Milner, I. (2010) Knowledge exchange between arts and humanities and the private, public and third sectors: a comparative perspective. An interim report to the Arts and Humanities Research Council Sept 2010, Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge, Cambridge.
Hughes, A., Moore, B. and Ulrichsen, T. (2010) Knowledge exchange and the generation of civic and community impacts. A report to HEFCE by PACEC and the Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge.
Hughes, A., Moore, B. and Ulrichsen, T. (2010) Synergies and trade-offs between research, teaching and knowledge exchange. A report to HEFCE by PACEC and the Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge.
Hughes, A., Moore, B. and Ulrichsen, T. (2010) The higher education knowledge exchange system in the United States. A report to HEFCE by PACEC and the Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge.
Hughes, A., Moore, B. and Ulrichsen, T. (2010) The intellectual property regime and its implications for knowledge exchange. A report to HEFCE by PACEC and the Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge.
Martin, B. (2010) Rebalancing in the dark. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research and UK~IRC.
Martin, B. (2010) Rebalancing the British economy: a strategic assessment. Cambridge: CBR and UK~IRC.
Abreu, M., Grinevich, V., Hughes, A. and Kitson, M. (2009) Knowledge exchange between academics and the business, public and third sectors. Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge, Cambridge.
Cosh, A., Hughes, A., Bullock, A. and Milner, I. (2009) SME finance and innovation in the current economic crisis. Cambridge: CBR and UK~IRC.
Hughes, A., Moore, B. and Ulrichsen, T. (2009) The evolution of the infrastructure of the knowledge exchange system. A report to HEFCE by PACEC and the Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge.
Minshall, T. (2009) Creating an environment for open innovation.
Abreu, M., Grinevich, V., Hughes, A., Kitson, M. and Ternouth, P. (2008) Universities business knowledge exchange. London and Cambridge: Council for Industry and Higher Education and Centre for Business Research.
Cosh, A., Hughes, A., Bullock, A., and Milner, I. (2008) A summary of UK and international SME finance surveys comparable to the UK SME Finance Survey 2008. A report to a consortium of UK public sector bodies, small business representative organisations and finance providers. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Probert, J. (2008) An international political economy perspective on the textile and clothing industries of developed countries: examples from the US, UK and Germany. Report to the TCF Review Secretariat, Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, Australian Government.
Cosh, A., Bullock, A., and Milner, I. (2007) Barriers to innovation and growth in high technology SMEs: the role of absorptive capacity. A report to the Council for Science and Technology. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Deakin, S. and Koukiadaki, A. (2007) Diffusion of EU-level norms through reflexive governance mechanisms? The implementation of the EU Framework Agreement on Telework in five member states. Project report.
Deakin, S. and Koukiadaki, A. (2007) The capability approach and the reception of European social policy in the UK: the case of the Telework Agreement. Project report.
Deakin, S. and Koukiadaki, A. (2007) The capability approach and the reception of European social policy in the UK: the case of the Information and Consultation Directive. Project report.
Hughes, A. and Grinevich, V (2007) The contribution of services and other sectors to Australian productivity growth 1980-2004. Sydney: Australian Business Foundation.
Hughes, A., Bullock, A. and Milner, I. (2007) Cluster analysis to identify case study HEIs in relation to the evaluation of the effectiveness of HEFCE/OSI third stream funding. A report to Public and Corporate Economic Consultants (PACEC) for submission to the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Armour, J., Hsu, A. and Walters, A.J. (2006) The impact of the Enterprise Act 2002 on realisations and costs in corporate rescue proceedings. A report prepared for the Insolvency Service.
Connell, D. (2006) Secrets of the world’s largest seed capital fund. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Cosh, A., Hughes, A. and Lester, R.K. (2006) UK plc: just how innovative are we? Cambridge, UK and Cambridge US: Cambridge-MIT Institute.
Hughes, A., Druilhe, C. and Grinevich, V. (2006) The incubation and spin-off system for high technology firms in the Cambridge sub-region and Oxfordshire. Report prepared for AIST. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Cosh, A., Bullock, A., Fu, X., Hughes, A. and Milner, I. (2005) MAPSME II report. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research (Policy Evaluation Unit).
Cosh, A., Bullock, A., Hughes, A. and Milner, I. (2005) CBR SME benchmarking survey for Northern Ireland. A report to Invest NI. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research (Policy Evaluation Unit).
Cosh, A., Bullock, A., Hughes, A. and Milner, I. (2005) SMEs in Northern Ireland: a matched sample comparison with Great Britain. A report to Invest NI. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research (Policy Evaluation Unit).
Cosh, A., Fu, X. and Hughes, A. (2005) Determinates of innovation in small ICT companies. Report to the i10 MAPSME II project (including web-tool design).
Lane, C. (2005) Firms’ responses to globalisation: organisation of the value chain in the clothing industries of the UK, US and Germany, CBR final project report to The Cambridge-MIT Institute. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Learmount, S. (2005) Firms’ responses to globalisation: organisation of the value chain in the publishing industries of the UK, US and Germany. CBR final project report to The Cambridge-MIT Institute.
Probert, J. (2005) Firms’ responses to globalisation: organisation of the value chain in the pharmaceutical industries of the UK, US and Germany, CBR final project report to The Cambridge-MIT Institute. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Wilkinson, F., Bullock, A., Burchell, B., Konzelmann, S. and Mankelow, R. (2005) NHS reforms and the working lives of midwives and physiotherapists. A report to The Royal College of Midwives and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research (Policy Evaluation Unit).
Bullock, A., Cosh, A., Fu, X., Hughes, A., Yang, Q. (2004) SME Growth Trajectories, A report to the Small Business Service (Cambridge: DTI and Centre for Business Research).
Bullock, A., Cosh, A., Hughes, A. (June 2004) CIS4 Pilot Survey, A report to the DTI (Cambridge: Centre for Business Research).
Cosh, A., Griffiths, R., Harrison, R., Hughes, A., Spires, R.and Seex,P. (2004) The Contribution of UK Research and Technology Organisations to Innovation and Knowledge Transfer. A Report to HM Treasury DTI and HM Inland Revenue. (Cambridge: Centre for Business Research).
Fu, X, Cosh, A and Hughes, A (2004) Exploring the Middle Market. Report for the Department for Trade and Industry (DTI) (Cambridge: Centre for Business Research).
Ashbee, B., Cook, P. and Koeck, M. (2003) Partnership and Profit (video film) (Cambridge: Cambridge University Moving Image Studio).
Bullock. A, Fu, X., Milner, I., and Yang, Q.G. (2003) Innovation Benchmarking: Sampling Frames and Information Sources (U.S) (Cambridge: Centre for Business Research).
Burchell, B.J. (2003) Identifying, Describing and Understanding Financial Aversion: Financial Phobes. Report to Egg.
Cosh, A D, Hughes, A. with Bullock, A. and Potton, M (2003) The Relationship between Training and Business Performance. Research Report No 454 HMSO London. ( 206 pp
Cosh, A., Hughes, A., Bullock, A., Fu, X., Yang, Q.G., and Milner, I. (2003) Analysis of Middle Market Firms. A Report to the DTI (Cambridge: Centre for Business Research).
Fu, X. and Yang Q.G., (2003) UK, EU and US Innovation Comparison: Sources, Performances and Impacts.
Hughes, A. (2003), The Commission’s Green Paper: Entrepreneurship in Europe (with evidence) Select Committee on the European Union House of Lords session 2002- 03 34th Report, HL Paper 142, July (Committee Report).
Lane, C. Wilkinson, F., Littek, W., Heisig, U., Browne, J., Burchell, B., Mankelow, R., Potton, M., and Tutschner, R. (2003), The Future of Professionalised Work in Britain and Germany. The Case of British Counselling Psychologists and German Psychological Psychotherapists. Report to the Anglo German Foundation.
Lane, C. Wilkinson, F., Littek, W., Heisig, U., Browne, J., Burchell, B., Mankelow, R., Potton, M., and Tutschner, R. (2003), The Future of Professionalised Work in Britain and Germany. The Case of British Solicitors and German Advocates, Report to the Anglo German Foundation.
Lane, C. Wilkinson, F., Littek, W., Heisig, U., Browne, J., Burchell, B., Mankelow, R., Potton, M., and Tutschner, R. (2003), The Future of Professionalised Work in Britain and Germany. The Case of British and German Pharmacists. Report to the Anglo German Foundation.
Lane, C. Wilkinson, F., Littek, W., Heisig, U., Browne, J., Burchell, B., Mankelow, R., Potton, M., andTutschner, R. (2003), The Future of Professionalised Work in Britain and Germany. The Case of British Human Resource Managers and German Business and Human Resource Management Consultants. Report to the Anglo-German Foundation.
Lane, C., Wilkinson, F., Littek, W., Heisig, U. Browne, J. Burchell, B. Mankelow, R., Potton, M. and Tutschner, R. (2003) The Future of Professionalised Work in Britain and Germany. 66 pages, plus Executive Summary. Project final report, submitted to the AGF in July 2002.
Sanderson, P (2003). Regulation and the Role of the Regulator. Core resource for the MSc in Regulation of Care Services. On behalf of the National Care Standards Commission (Cambridge: APU)
Cosh A and Hughes A with Bullock A (2002) The Relationship between Training and Business Performance Pilot Analysis of the CIS3 Innovation Survey Instrument. Report to the DTI (Cambridge: Centre for Business Research).
Cosh A and Hughes A with Bullock A and Potton M (2002) The Relationship between Training and Business Performance, Report to DfES (Cambridge: Centre for Business Research).
Fagan, C. and Burchell, B. (2002) Gender, Jobs and Working Conditions in the European Union (Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions).
Lane, C., Wilkinson, F., Littek, W., Heisig, U. Browne, J. Burchell, B. Mankelow, R., Potton, M. and Tutschner, R. (2002) The Future of Professionalised Work in Britain and Germany. Final report to the Anglo-German Foundation, 66 pages, plus Executive Summary.
Browne, J., Konzelmann, S. and Wilkinson, F. (2001) The future of professional work. The final report for the Anglo-German Fund.
Bullock, A., Hughes, H and Wilkinson, F. (2001)The impact of the National Minimum Wage on small and medium sized businesses in the cleaning and security sectors. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Cook, J., Deakin, S. and Hughes, A. (2001) The governance of mutuality: building societies, property rights and corporate governance. Report to the Building Societies Association and the Norwich & Peterborough Building Society. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Nachum, L. (2001) The geography of FDI: geographical, industrial and functional patterns and their policy implications. A report prepared for UNCTAD, Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development, Geneva. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Bullock, A., Hughes, A. and Wilkinson, F. (2000) Assessing the impact of the National Minimum Wage on small and medium sized enterprises. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Bullock, A., Cosh, A., Hughes, A. and Akerblom, A. (2000) Measuring innovation in very small enterprises. A report to Eurostat. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Cosh, A., Hughes, A. and Weeks, M. (2000) The relationship between training and employment growth in small and medium-sized enterprises. Research Report No.245. Sheffield: Department for Education and Employment.
Brown, W. (1999) The contribution of collective bargaining to employment in Britain in the 1990s. Report to the International Labour Organisation.
Burchell, B., Deakin, S. and Honey, S. (1999) The employment status of individuals in non-standard employment. Employment Relations Research Series 6. London: Department of Trade and Industry.
Jones, I. et al (1999) Reputation and risk management: a joint London Business School/Arthur Andersen study in current practice in reputation risk management and business ethics amongst leading companies. Published in November 1999; review of management feedback published in January 2000.
Keeble, D. and Wilkinson, F. (eds.) (1999) Networking and collective learning in regionally-clustered high-technology SMEs in Europe. Final report to DG XII of the European Commission. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Brown, W., Deakin, S., Hudson, M., Pratten, C. and Ryan, P. (1998) The individualisation of employment contracts in Britain. Employment Relations Research Series 4. London: Department of Trade and Industry.
Cosh, A., Hughes, A. and Duncan, J. (1998) Investment in training and small firm growth and survival. Department for Education and Employment Research Report, No.RR36.
Deakin, S. and Reed, H. (1998) The impact of labour market deregulation on unemployment: Britain. Report to IRES-Lombardia, Milan, for DG XII, Science Policy Directorate, European Commission.
Keeble, D. and Lawson, C. (eds.) (1998) Collective learning processes and knowledge development in the evolution of regional clusters of high-technology SMEs in Europe. Goteborg Meeting of the TSER European Network, 17-18 April 1998. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Nachum, L. and Keeble, D. (1998) Business clustering and internationalisation of film production in central London. A report prepared for the Economic Enabling Unit of Westminster City Council.
Athreye, S. and Evangelista, R. (1997) Limiting the notion of variety: some considerations for empirical research. Technical report to the National Research Council, Rome.
Cosh, A., Hughes, A. and Wood, E. (1997) The inclusion of very small enterprises in innovation surveys. A report for Eurostat. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Cosh, A.D., Hughes, A. and Wood, E. (1997) The longitudinal aspect of innovation surveys: the experience of the ESRC Centre for Business Research. A report for Eurostat. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Hughes, A. (1997) Growth constraints on small and medium sized firms. A report prepared for the DTI by the ESRC Centre for Business Research and PACEC, Department for Trade and Industry.
Keeble, D. and Lawson, C. (eds.) (1997) Networks, links and large firm impacts on the evolution of regional clusters of high-technology SMEs in Europe. Report on Presentations and Discussions, Barcelona Meeting of the TSER European Network, 17-18 October 1997. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Keeble, D. and Lawson, C. (eds.) (1997) University research links and spin-offs in the evolution of regional clusters of high-technology SMEs in Europe. Report on Presentations and Discussions, Munich Meeting of the TSER European Network, 28 February-1 March 1997. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Storey, D.J. and Westhead, P. (1997) Training provision and the development of small and medium sized enterprises. Department for Education and Employment Research Report, No.RR 26.
Deakin, S. and Wilkinson, F. (1996) Labour legislation and economic theory: the economics of labour institutions, judicial discretion, and employment protection. Report to the Department of Labour, New Zealand. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Keeble, D. and Lawson, C. (eds.) (1996) Regional institutional and policy frameworks for high-technology SMEs in Europe. Report on Presentations and Discussions, Sophia-Antipolis Meeting of the TSER European Network, 27-28 September 1996. Cambridge: Centre for Business Research.
Moore, B. and O’Neill, D. (1996) The impact of redundancies on local labour markets and the post-redundancy experience. Research Studies R523, Department for Education and Employment, HMSO.