Aims and objectives
The purpose of the research was to undertake a comparative study of recent changes in professionalised work in Britain and Germany. The aims of the research were to:
- investigate how different modes of controlling professional occupations in the 2 countries have mediated the impact on professional work of changes in technology, regulatory policy, the organisation of public services, competition and the system of education and training
- examine the effects of such changes on the market, work and status situation of professional workers
- assess the effect of these changes for performance in the knowledge-intensive sectors of the service economy
- consider the policy implications of the 2 divergent processes of professionalisation and the scope for mutual learning.
Results and dissemination
The research had 3 main stages. The first 2 involved the study of established and aspiring professional groups to build up an overview of professionalised occupations and the changes that they are undergoing. This was followed by a more detailed focus on 4 professions, lawyers, pharmacists, personnel and development practitioners and counselling psychotherapists by interviews with key personnel in professional associations and with the users of professional services. Stage 3 consisted of a detailed analysis of these 4 professions focussing on their members’ experiences, perceptions of change, and expectations for the future by means of a postal survey of a sample of members. This was completed in 2003. In 2003 the data analysis was completed and several reports were published, together with a number of related outputs.
Project leaders
- Christel Lane
- Frank Wilkinson
- Brendan Burchell
Research fellow
- Jude Browne
Junior research fellow
- Margaret Potton
Research associates
- Wolfgang Littek
- Ulrich Heisig
- Roy Mankelow
Project status
Dates of survey
November 2000 to February 2001
Number of responses
Profession | UK | Germany |
Pharmacists | 294 | 194 |
Personnel and Development | 299 | 128 |
Lawyers | 189 | 147 |
Counselling psychotherapists | 317 | 302 |
The Future of Professional Work, 2000-2001 (SN 5450)
See also the University of Bremen’s Future of Professional Work in Germany and Britain website.
Christel Lane, Frank Wilkinson, Wolfgang. Littek, Ulrich Heisig, Jude Browne, Brendan Burchell, Roy Mankelow Margaret Potton and Roland Tutschner (2004) The future of professionalised work in Britain and Germany: Pharmacists, (with, et.al.), London, Anglo-German Foundation.
Christel Lane, Frank Wilkinson, Wolfgang. Littek, Ulrich Heisig, Jude Browne, Brendan Burchell, Roy Mankelow Margaret Potton and Roland Tutschner (2004) The future of professionalised work in Britain and Germany: Counselling Psychologists and Psychotherapists, (with C. Lane, et.al.), London, Anglo-German Foundation.
Christel Lane, Frank Wilkinson, Wolfgang. Littek, Ulrich Heisig, Jude Browne, Brendan Burchell, Roy Mankelow Margaret Potton and Roland Tutschner (2004) The future of professionalised work in Britain and Germany: Solicitors and Advocates (with C. Lane, et.al.), London, Anglo-German Foundation.
Christel Lane, Frank Wilkinson, Wolfgang. Littek, Ulrich Heisig, Jude Browne, Brendan Burchell, Roy Mankelow Margaret Potton and Roland Tutschner (2004), The future of professionalised work in Britain and Germany: Human Resource Managers and Business Consultants, (with C. Lane, et.al.), London, Anglo-German Foundation.
Working papers
CBR Working Paper 189, December.
Journal articles
Burchell, B.J. (2003), ‘The emotional reality of financial phobia, Argent, 2: 22-26.
Burchell, B.J. (2002) ‘Les Conséquences Psychologiques et Familiales de l’Insécurité Professionnelle’, Les Politiques Sociales 61: 100-115.
Lane, C. and Wilkinson, F. (2003) ‘Professions and organizations: a cross-national comparison of professional work and identity’ submitted for publication to Organization.
Lane, C., Littek, W. and Potton, M. (2002) ‘The professions between state and market: a cross-national study of convergence and divergence’. (European Societies)
Other publications
Lane, C., Wilkinson, F., Littek, W., Heisig, U. Browne, J. Burchell, B. Mankelow, R., Potton, M. and Tutschner, R., The Future of Professionaised Work in Britain and Germany. 66 pages, plus Executive Summary. Project final report, submitted to the AGF in July 2002.
The CBR has produced a number of surveys on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).