The CBR is pleased to announce this prize in honour of Professor Gavin C Reid, a longtime supporter and currently Senior Research Associate of the Centre.
The £400 cash prize, to be awarded annually, is open to early career research staff and research associates of the Centre for Business Research.
Which papers are eligible?
Eligible papers for this year’s competition are those published during the year to 31 March 2024. For this purpose ‘publication’ means appearing as an article in a peer-reviewed journal (including online advance access publications), as a chapter in a book, on SSRN, or as a paper in the CBR working paper series.
Who is eligible?
Eligible applicants are early career researchers who are current research staff and research associates of the Centre for Business Research. For this purpose the category ‘early career researchers’ means those who are occupying a postdoctoral position (in the CBR or otherwise), and/or who are within 7 years of completing their PhD, on 31 March 2024.
Conditions of entry
- Papers must be on an aspect of research relevant to a current or completed CBR research project.
- Papers may be co-authored, in which case the applicant should indicate the nature and extent of their contribution to the paper.
- By entering the competition, entrants agree to abide by all conditions and procedures set out here.
Entrants must have submitted their paper to CBR Administrator, Mrs Stephanie Saunders, s.saunders@jbs.cam.ac.uk by 17:00 on 20 May 2024.
Award process
The CBR Executive Committee selects the best paper from those submitted.
Announcement of the award is made during Easter Term 2024.
The Executive Committee may decide that the prize should be shared between more than one paper.
If you have any queries, please contact the CBR administrator, as above.
The Gavin C Reid Prize winners
Winner of the 2024 prize
The 2024 Prize is jointly awarded to Bhumika Billa, for her paper “Law as code: exploring information, communication and power in legal systems”, which was published in the Journal of Cross-disciplinary Research in Computational Law (CRCL) (vol.2, no.1, 2023).
Winner of the 2023 prize
The 2023 Prize is jointly awarded to Gaofeng Meng, for his paper (co-authored with Simon Deakin), “Resolving Douglass C. North’s ‘puzzle’ concerning China’s household responsibility system”, published in the Journal of Institutional Economics, and Antonis Ragkousis, for his paper “Amartya Sen as a neoclassical economist”, forthcoming in the Journal of Economic Issues.
Winner of the 2022 prize
The 2022 Prize is jointly awarded to to Dr Mona Jebril, for her report “The political economy of health in the Gaza Strip” and to Dr Helen Mussell for her paper “Reclaiming the relational ontology of the fiduciary and exploring relational ethics”, published in the Journal of Business Ethics under the title “Theorising the fiduciary: ontology and ethics”.
Winner of the 2021 prize
The CBR is delighted to announce the award of the Gavin C Reid Prize for the Best Paper by a CBR Early Career Researcher for 2021. The 2021 Prize is awarded to Tomas Folke for his paper “Replicating patterns of prospect theory for decision under risk” published in Nature Human Behaviour (vol.4, June 2020, pp.622-633), co-authored with Kai Ruggeri et al.
Winner of the 2020 prize
The CBR is delighted to announce the award of the Gavin C Reid Prize for the Best Paper by a CBR Early Career Researcher for 2020. The prize is awarded jointly to Marco Nerino for his paper “Do corporate governance ratings change investor expectations? Evidence from announcements from Institutional Investor Services” published in Review of Finance (vol 24, 2020, pp.891-928), co-authored with Paul Guest, and Senhu Wang for his paper “A shorter working week for everyone? How much paid work is needed for mental health and well-being” published in Social Science and Medicine (vol.241, 2019), co-authored with Daiga Kamerāde, Brendan Burchell, Sarah Balderson and Adam Coutts.
Winner of the 2019 prize
The CBR is delighted to announce the inaugural award of the Gavin C Reid Prize for the Best Paper by a CBR Early Career Researcher. The prize for 2018/19 is awarded to Dr Bernhard Reinsberg for his paper “The world system and the hollowing out of state capacity: how structural adjustment programs affect bureaucratic quality in developing countries” published in the American Journal of Sociology (vol.124, no.4, January 2019, pp.1222-1257), and also as CBR Working Paper No.530.