The Cambridge Centre for Chinese Management (CCCM) is a research centre based in Cambridge Judge Business School. It has been established to study unique business phenomena in China and the management practices and strategies pursued by Chinese firms.
In the past three decades, Chinese firms have been actively learning from their more advanced Western counterparts on how to establish and run a modern enterprise. In recent years, a growing number of Chinese firms such as Huawei, Alibaba, Tencent, JD, Lenovo, DJI, Haier and so on have succeeded in catching up or even surpassing their western “teachers”.
Most of these successful Chinese firms have invented management practices which are significantly different from those of the western firms. Some of them have created a hybrid management system that combines the strengths of both the western management philosophy and practices and that of the Chinese one. These Chinese management practices have not only contributed to the rapid rise of Chinese firms, but also provided fertile ground for theoretical exploration which may genuinely contribute to the enrichment and development of management theories in general.
Research specifics
More specifically, the Cambridge Centre for Chinese Management explores the following research questions:
- What are the approaches that Chinese firms have adopted that allow them to ascend to the top in such a rapid pace?
- What unique management and institutional innovations have Chinese firms pursued?
- What should be the effective strategies for Chinese firms to further expand globally?
- Equally importantly, what should the Western companies do in responding to the rise of Chinese firms?
- On a more macro level, what will the global business world look like with Chinese firms as a major force?
- What new management theories can be developed based on the experiences of Chinese enterprises?

Even though successful companies share similar traits irrespective of their cultural background, Chinese firms do tend to have a different mind-set, philosophy and approach in managing people and business. They have also taken on board strategies learnt from many of their global counterparts and pushed the boundaries of these approaches to new levels. Therefore, the rise of Chinese firms represents a very promising research opportunity for business scholars.
中国管理研究中心(Cambridge Centre for Chinese Management)是剑桥大学嘉治商学院下属的一个学术研究中心。设立这个中心的目的是研究中国企业的最佳战略和实践,从而总结出基于中国管理经验上的管理理论,为当代管理思想和理论的发展做出贡献。在过去三十年间,中国经济飞速发展,越来越多的中国企业完成了从学习西方企业到赶超西方企业的转变。这些企业在追赶过程中逐步总结出了一系列成功的管理经验和实践,既有西方管理理念的影响,也有中国文化和哲学的特色。这些中国管理经验为理论研究提供了丰富的素材,可以成为当代管理理论的一个重要研究方向。
