A leading global research platform
The Centre (CCCM) aims to become a leading global research platform for research related to management of Chinese companies and strives to be the birthplace of new theories and frameworks based on the best practices of leading Chinese enterprises, some of which have already become the global leaders in their respective fields through “first in the world” type of product, process and institutional innovations.
To achieve this goal, CCCM focuses on three objectives:
- knowledge creation and dissemination through conducting world class research related to Chinese management and publish them at top academic journals.
- learning and unlocking potential through developing executive education courses for Chinese and non-Chinese companies which either compete or cooperate with Chinese firms.
- social and policy impact through organising high profile conferences, workshop and publishing white papers.

The rapid rise of Chinese companies such as Huawei, Lenovo, Tencent, Alibaba, Haier and so on has fundamentally changed the competitive landscape of global business in the 21st Century. This “Chinese phenomenon” has also provided ample opportunities for management scholars to contemplate on the refinement or even re-development of mainstream management philosophies and theories.
The pursuit of world class academic research
There exists a number of research centres related to Chinese management in other universities either in the UK or elsewhere. CCCM differentiates itself in the following three ways:
- Its primary remit is the pursuit of world class academic research on China management instead of developing more practice-oriented initiatives. Simply put, the Centre is an academic research centre aiming at producing top notch academic research and output.
- The Centre focuses more on uniquely Chinese business phenomena that have the potential to generate new management theories instead of just using China as an empirical ground for generic theory testing.
- The Centre endorses and practices the deep engagement research philosophy, which serves as the cornerstone for the overall research efforts undertaken at Cambridge Judge Business School. The Centre focuses on examining important, relevant and meaningful research questions stemming from a deep understanding of the phenomena in the real world through fully engaging with real business.
CCCM strives to make the Centre a world-leading research centre that concentrates on theoretical development based on real business, real phenomena and real practice.
中国管理研究中心(Cambridge Centre for Chinese Management)旨在成为全球研究中国管理问题最权威的学术中心。如同哈佛大学费正清中国研究中心(Fairbank Centre for Chinese Studies)是社会科学领域研究中国问题的权威机构一样,中国管理研究中心要成为管理学科研究中国问题的最高学术机构,和费正清中国研究中心具有同样的国际地位和影响力。
- 中国企业发展及管理实践的记录者
- 中国企业发展及管理实践的总结者
- 中国企业发展和最佳管理实践的开拓者
- 中国企业发展和最佳管理实践的传播者
- 当代管理理论和实践的贡献者
- 中国企业进行国际化发展的协助者

- 实证性:对中国管理问题的研究一定要采用实证的研究方法,也就是基于对企业的长期及深入的调研的基础上进行研究,即所谓基于第一手材料的研究,而不能只是通过第三方收集的第二手数据或媒体上的报道材料进行臆想式的研究
- 真实性:对中国管理问题的研究一定要客观真实,否则将会失去学术公信度,也丧失了此中心存在的价值
- 深入性:对中国管理问题的研究必须深入翔实,不能浮光掠影,做蜻蜓点水式的肤浅研究
- 持久性:对中国管理问题的研究必须长期持久地跟踪企业,不能轻易下结论,追求短期效应
- 广泛性:对中国管理问题的研究要尽量涵盖各个行业,而不能只是研究少量的明星企业
- 国际性:对中国管理问题的研究要邀请全球具有实力和兴趣的学者参加,而非只是中国籍或华人学者。对于中国管理问题的研究,一定要开放而实现参与人员及机构的国际化