Stakeholder engagement: Energy Policy Forum

From research to policy insight: bridging the gap between academia, industry and wider stakeholders

The Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG) recognises the crucial role of industry and wider stakeholders in shaping effective energy policies. To facilitate a seamless exchange of knowledge and expertise, EPRG established the Energy Policy Forum (EPF), a platform that brings together energy companies, financial institutions, regulatory bodies and policymakers.

EPF members play an active role in informing EPRG’s research agenda, ensuring that the group’s efforts address critical and timely policy questions. This deep engagement provides researchers with valuable industry insights, enabling them to inform more effective and practical energy policies.

In return, EPF members gain access to world-class research insights and the opportunity to establish close relationships with EPRG researchers and peers within the group’s extensive industry and government network. EPF membership enhances strategic thinking by fostering a deeper understanding of regulatory and political realities and risks, allowing members to anticipate policy changes in the UK, Europe and globally.

EPF members actively participate in EPRG’s bi-annual research seminars, annual stakeholder visits, bi-annual Energy Policy Dinners and regular webinars. They also hold representation on EPRG’s Advisory Board, chaired by Dermot Nolan, former CEO of Ofgem and a fellow of Cambridge Judge Business School.

Through the EPF, EPRG fosters a collaborative environment that bridges the gap between academia,  industry and wider stakeholders. This synergy enables research insights to be translated into more informed debate and practical policy solutions, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and secure energy future for all.
