EPRG produces world-class academic research on a wide range of energy and environmental policy issues, with a focus on 3 key areas:


Economics of electricity and natural gas markets

Research themes
  • Electricity market design and competition: analysing the structure and dynamics of electricity markets to promote efficiency, competition and consumer welfare.
  • Market interconnection and coupling: exploring the challenges and opportunities of connecting electricity markets across regions and countries.
  • Future role of hydrogen: assessing the potential of hydrogen as a clean energy carrier in the transition to a low-carbon economy.
  • Global gas market modelling: developing and applying models to understand the behaviour of global natural gas markets.
  • Electricity market modelling: creating and utilising electricity market models to inform policy decisions and investment strategies.
  • Global LNG markets: analysing trends, dynamics and risks in the global liquefied natural gas LNG market.
  • Network regulation and pricing: examining regulatory frameworks and pricing mechanisms for electricity and gas networks.
  • Smart grids and meters: exploring the role of smart grid technologies and advanced metering infrastructure in enhancing grid efficiency and consumer engagement.
  • Energy storage: assessing the potential and applications of energy storage technologies for grid stability, renewable energy integration and demand response.
  • Demand, consumers and communities: understanding consumer behaviour, preferences and responses to energy policies and market signals.


Economics of climate change policy, especially carbon pricing and technology policy

Research themes
  • Research, development and deployment of low-carbon technologies: investigating the economic and technological feasibility of low-carbon technologies, including carbon capture and storage (ccs), nuclear power and renewable energy sources.
  • Net-zero targets, greenhouse gas removal and negative emissions: analysing strategies and policy options for achieving net-zero emissions and exploring the role of greenhouse gas removal (GGR) and negative emissions technologies.
  • Emissions trading and carbon pricing: evaluating the effectiveness and design of emissions trading schemes and carbon pricing mechanisms for mitigating climate change.
  • Sector coupling: exploring the potential for integrating different sectors, such as electricity, transportation and heating, to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of climate change policies.
  • Low-carbon investment: assessing the economic and financial incentives for low-carbon investments across various sectors.
  • Competitiveness and climate policy: analysing the impact of climate policies on competitiveness and trade and developing strategies for addressing competitiveness concerns.
  • International cooperation and engagement: examining the role of international cooperation and agreements in addressing climate change and promoting low-carbon transitions.


Political economy of energy and climate change policy

Research themes
  • Energy security and international relations: analysing the interplay between energy security, geopolitics and international relations in the context of energy and climate policy.
  • Public attitudes, acceptability and values: understanding public perceptions, attitude and values towards energy and climate change issues, and assessing the factors influencing public acceptance of policy interventions.
  • Retail electricity markets and consumer switching: examining the dynamics of retail electricity markets, barriers to consumer switching, and the effectiveness of consumer protection measures.
  • Public communication of new technologies: exploring strategies for effective communication of new energy technologies, addressing public concerns, and building trust.
  • Processes of governance and decision-making in energy and climate policy: analysing the governance structures, decision-making processes, and institutional arrangements for energy and climate policy.
  • Distributional impacts of regulation and energy taxation: assessing the distributional effects of energy regulations, taxes and subsidies, and identifying potential mitigation measures.

Research outputs

EPRG publishes around 30 working papers per year. Our research archive, of 500+ papers since our beginnings in 2002, is accessible. Many of these papers are published as articles in academic journals following peer review.

EPRG researchers have also published a number of edited volumes:

  1. Handbook on Electricity Markets (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021)
  2. In Search of Good Energy Policy (Cambridge University Press, 2019)
  3. Competition and Regulation in Electricity Markets (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016)
  4. The Fall and Rise of Nuclear Power in Britain: A History (UIT Cambridge, 2016)
  5. The Future of Electricity Demand (Cambridge University Press, 2011)
  6. Delivering a Low-Carbon Electricity System (Cambridge University Press, 2008)
  7. Future Electricity Technologies and Systems (Cambridge University Press, 2006)

Since 2005, EPRG has supported the completion of almost 40 Cambridge PhD dissertations on energy and environmental policy issues.
