
In today’s complex and dynamic environment organisations look for evidence-based approaches to support or challenge their ideas about their strategy, structure, leadership and people development, and their change initiatives.

CIHRM has 3 main ways to engage:

  • thought leadership engagements
  • leadership development and succession planning
  • industry associate programme
Herons flying through the sky in formation.

Thought leadership

Office politics (The Cambridge Judge Business Debate podcast series)

Dr Philip Stiles, Professor Mark de Rond, Simon Stockley and Michael Kitson, Cambridge Judge Business School

Office workers sitting together.

Though seemingly trivial, office politics can affect the performance of employees and organisations. The latest podcast in the Cambridge Judge Business Debate series asks how can we improve them?

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Read the highlights

Reputation and redundancies

Dr Philip Stiles, Cambridge Judge Business School

Business meeting.

In his new book Dr Philip Stiles, Co-Director of the Centre for International Human Resource Management at Cambridge Judge Business School, examines through case studies the global and local approaches to the management of pay.

Listen to the podcast

The human cost of slashing public spending

The human cost of slashing public spending, Cambridge Judge Business School

Bag carriyg budget information.

Academics from Cambridge Judge Business School have raised doubts about whether the size and speed of George Osborne’s cuts will dampen the country’s economic recovery and whether volunteers under the banner of working in a “Big Society” can really take on jobs previously performed by public sector workers.

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Professor Geert Hofstede, author of Culture and Organisation

Coins and clock collage.

Long and short term orientation are largely determined by culture says Professor Geert Hofstede, author of Culture and Organisation, currently in its third edition. China, with its long term orientation, was bound to succeed, and other eastern cultures will follow, he says.

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Virtual teams are the future

Professor Lynda Gratton, London Business School

Virtual teams.

Geographically diverse teams in multinational companies maybe harder to manage than traditional teams, but these collaborative virtual teams are becoming increasingly important. According to Professor Lynda Gratton, one of only two women in The Times’ Top 50 Thinkers in the World, the very make-up of teams gives them an ability to innovatively solve complex problems.

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Let’s have less pride, and more shame, in the work place

Dr Philip Stiles, Cambridge Judge Business School

Business people involved in discussion.

In the current climate, where business has almost become an ethics-free zone, Dr Stiles talks about his new research which looks at the negative emotion of shame and how he discovered that used properly, it can actually play a positive role in the workplace in helping both to motivate people and to encourage them to regulate their behaviour. He says, “Shame is always seen as a negative emotion. But in fact there are some positives for companies in using the mechanism of shame to help ensure that people do try and live up to the expectations we have of them.”

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A bitter pill to swallow

Dr Philip Stiles, Cambridge Judge Business School

Pill containers.

More and more companies are being forced to make redundancies as the downturn deepens. Whilst the outcome of downsizing is rarely seen as good, it can still be a success if the process is fair. Dr Philip Stiles gives some advise on ‘soft landings’ and how to make the process less traumatic for both those being made redundant and for their managers.

Listen to the podcast

Job matching and talent

Dr Philip Stiles, Cambridge Judge Business School

Candidates waiting for interview.

“It’s not as easy as A, B, C,” explains Dr Philip Stiles, Co-Director of the Centre for International Human Resource Management, Cambridge Judge Business School.

Watch the video
