Current projects

Our research looks at the changing nature of work and organisations. We aim to shine a light on the future of work and to understand how business can harness the full potential of the technology revolution.

Digital transformation has made huge impacts on business strategies and business models – but what about the impact on organisational cultures and structures?

Senate House, Cambridge, covered in lights.

CIHRM is working with British Telecom (BT) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) on a major project developing new digital infrastructure for the UK, to find out how this will influence choices about organisational design, risk management and employee motivation.

Reports, articles and papers

Toye Scott, E., Stiles, P., Debata, P. (2021) “Managing new technology: the combination of model risk and enterprise risk management”, Cambridge Judge Business School working paper.

Race, N., Eckley, I., Parlikad, A., Rostos, C., Wang, N., Piechocki, R., Stiles, P., Parekh, A., Burbridge, T., Willis, P. and Cassidy, S. (2021) “Industry-Academia Research towards Future Network Intelligence: The NG-CDI Prosperity Partnership”, IEEE Network: the magazine of global information exchange

Ryll, L., Barton, M.E., Zhang, B.Z., McWaters, R.J., Schizas, E., Hao, R., Bear, K., Preziuso, M., Seger, E., Wardrop, R., Rau, P.R., Debata, P., Rowan, P., Adams, N., Gray, M. and Yerolemou, N. (2020) “Transforming Paradigms: A Global AI in Financial Services Survey, World Economic Forum” (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. ID 3532038). Social Science Research Network, Rochester, NY.

Hardy, B., Stiles, P. (2020) How Do We Know Anything? Philosophical Issues in the Collection and Interpretation of Operational Research Data, in: White, L., Kunc, M., Burger, K. and Malpass, J. (Eds.), Behavioral Operational Research: A Capabilities Approach. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 341–360.

Gjerstad, K., Eilertsen, P., Nordahl, T., Rasin, J., Seppä, T., Poulsen, M.-B., Fischer, C. and Jenssen, J.R. (2019) “Bringing science to the art of CEO succession planning”. Boston Consulting Group 8.

Martin, G., Farndale, E., Paauwe, J. and Stiles, P.G. (2016) “Corporate governance and strategic human resource management: Four archetypes and proposals for a new approach to corporate sustainability”, European Management Journal, 34, 22–35.

Martin, G., Farndale, E. and Stiles, P.G. (2012) “A Corporate Governance Lens on Strategic Human Resources Management”, Academy of Management Proceedings, 13100.

Stahl, G., Björkman, I., Farndale, E., Morris, S.S., Paauwe, J., Stiles, P., Trevor, J. and Wright, P. (2012) “Six principles of effective global talent management”, Sloan Management Review, 53, 25–42.

Farndale, E., Paauwe, J., Morris, S.S., Stahl, G.K., Stiles, P., Trevor, J., Wright, P.M. (2010) Context-bound configurations of corporate HR functions in multinational corporations. Human Resource Management, 49, 45–66.

Stiles, P. (2001) The Impact of the Board on Strategy: An Empirical Examination. J. Manag. Stud. 38, 627–650.

Books and book chapters

Stiles, P. (2021) Board Dynamics, Elements in Corporate Governance series. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Stiles, P. (2013) Board Committees, in: The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Governance.

Stiles, P. (2012) The International HR Department, in: Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management, Second Edition. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Debata, P., Tiwari, P. (2008) Mortgage Market in India, in: Mortgage Markets Worldwide – Danny Ben-Shahar, Charles Leung, Seow-Eng Ong (Eds.). Blackwell Publishing.
