The Cambridge CRO Council will convene its “Leading Ideas in Risk” roundtable discussions. This event is being hosted by the Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies and SEBA International.
The Cambridge CRO Council seeks individuals from a variety of business sectors with insights into the leading issues presenting risk professionals. Previous discussion topics have included:
- Unintended Consequences of Over-regulation in the Financial Sector
- Re-evaluating the Role of Risk Boards in Organisations
- Risk Management Versus Incentive Structures
- The Chief Risk Officer’s Role in Reinstating Institutional Trust
- The Strategic Value of Stress-testing and the Evolving Role of Risk within a Firm’s Organisational Structure
Eroding Market Stability by Proliferation of Financial Instruments
Stability Analysis of Financial Contagion due to Overlapping Portfolios
Meeting Convenors
- Robert Iommazzo, Managing Director, SEBA International
- Dr Michelle Tuveson, Executive Director, Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies
- Guest Academic: Dr Fabio Caccioli, Research Associate, Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies