
The Global Exposure Accumulation and Clash (GEAC) initiative, in collaboration with RMS, was developed to explore exposure across the most significant classes of business, across all geographical markets, in an open standard. This standard is summarised in the Multiline Insurance Exposure Management Data Definitions Document v1.0. A companion report to this document, Challenges and Solutions for Enterprise  Exposure Management, describes the development process, and the use of the data definitions document  in clash scenarios to demonstrate the use of the schema in loss modelling.

Multiline Insurance Exposure Management Data Definitions Document V1.0

This report is a companion guide to the Multi-line Insurance Exposure Management Data Definitions document V1.0. It outlines the scenarios used to validate the Data Definitions Document.

Challenges and Solutions for Enterprise Exposure Management

This report is a companion guide to the Multi-line Insurance Exposure Management Data Definitions document v1.0. It outlines the scenarios used to validate the Data Definitions Document.

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