3rd Risk Summit (2011)

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7 Dec 2011

09:00 -22:00

8 Dec 2011

09:00 -15:45

Times are shown in local times.

Open to: Specialists and business managers, including threat specialists, academics, policy-makers, practitioners and advisors

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Cambridge Judge Business School

Trumpington St



United Kingdom

Anticipating the Future: Risk Management for Long-term Planning

The annual meetings of the Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies are designed to encourage debate and provoke thought across conventional boundaries, around issues of societal and corporate risk.

The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies examines how risk is likely to change in the future, emerging risks, and the increasing uncertainties of planning for the longer term.

The natural tendency in planning is to assume that recent history is a good guide to future trends, or that today’s situation will continue for the foreseeable future. And yet there are many examples, in many periods and fields, of sudden unexpected changes in direction from historical preceding trends.

This conference will examine the challenges of planning for the future, in particular developing business strategy and government policy over longer term horizons.

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3rd Risk Summit.
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Day 1

Wednesday 7 December 2011

09:00 – 09:30

Coffee & Meeting Registration

09:30 – 09:40

Welcome and introduction to the Centre for Risk Studies’ 3rd Annual Meeting

Danny Ralph, Professor of Operations Research, Academic Director of the Centre for Risk Studies (CRS)

09:40 – 11:10

Plenary Session 1: Unsustainability

Plenary Session Chair: Professor Peter Guthrie, Professor of Engineering for Sustainable Development, University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering

The future of Risk – Dr Robert Muir-Wood, Chief Research Officer, Risk Management Solutions

Environmental and Social Risks in Finance: The Equator Principles and Emerging Good Practices – Andre Abadie, Managing Director, Global Environmental & Social Risk Management, JP Morgan

Changing Demographics: Longevity Risk and Ageing – Mark Twigg, Executive Director, Cicero Consulting

11:10 – 11:30

Coffee and tea


Plenary Session 2: Speculations on the Future – Geo-Political Change

Plenary Session Chair: Dr David Reiner, Senior Lecturer, University of Cambridge Judge Business School

The Rise of China in Historical Perspective – Professor Brendan Simms, Professor in the History of European International Relations, University of Cambridge, Department of Politics and International Studies

Arctic Geopolitics: How Do Nations Balance National and Common Interests? – Professor Paul Berkman, Fulbright Distinguished Scholar & Research Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara

13:15 – 14:15

Panel Discussion: Geo-political Change: Dialogue on Globalisation, Sovereignty, and Balance

Moderated by Andrew Freeman, Independent Risk Advisor & Author

  • Derek Leatherdale, Head of Geo-political Risk, HSBC
  • Professor Brendan Simms, Professor in the History of European International Relations, University of Cambridge, Department of Politics and International Studies
  • Crispin Hawes, Director, Middle East and North Africa, Eurasia Group
  • Professor Jaideep Prabhu, Jawaharlal Nehru Professor of Indian Business & Enterprise , University of Cambridge Judge Business School


Plenary Session 3: Future-proof Decisions and Recommendations

Plenary Session Chair: Dr Emily So, Lecturer, University of Cambridge, Department of Architecture & Director, CURBE

The Energy Outlook to 2030: Global Trends and What Can Bend Them? – Dr Alexander Naumov, Macro Economist, BP Group Economics

Operational Risk, Scenario Analysis, and External Events: A Regulatory Perspective – Dr Peter McCormack, Senior Risk Specialist – Risk Frameworks and Governance, Risk Specialist Division, Financial Services Authority

Measuring and Mitigating Operational Risks in Engineered Cyber-physical Systems – Dr Ned Allen, Senior Fellow & Chief Scientist, Lockheed Martin, Aeronautics

15:30 – 16:00

Coffee and tea


Plenary Session 3 Continued: Future-proof Decisions and Recommendations

Plenary Session Chair: Professor Haresh Shah Chairman of Advisory Board, Institute for Catastrophe Risk Management, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore & Emeritus Professor of Stanford University

A Debrief: Key Developments on Climate for Corporates in 2011 – Katharine Thoday, Programme Manager, Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership

Future Climate Change: Perspectives from the Polar Regions and Impacts to Global Policy – Dr Emily Shuckburgh, Head of the Open Oceans Research Group, British Antarctic Survey & UK Department of Energy

16:35 – 17:15

Panel Discussion and Open Forum: Profiles of the Future and Emerging Risks

Moderated by: Mark Gilbert, London Bureau Chief, Bloomberg News

  • Rowan Douglas, CEO,Willis Global Analytics & Chairman, Willis Research Network
  • Dr Emily Shuckburgh, Head of the Open Oceans Research Group, British Antarctic Survey & UK Department of Energy
  • Philip Brice, Corporate Risk Manager, BP Treasury
  • Dr Miles Elsden, Head of Defence and Security, UK Government Office for Science
  • Neil J Smith, Manager, Emerging Risks & Research Exposure Management, Performance Management, Lloyd’s


Drinks Reception

Cambridge Judge Business School Common Room

19:15 – 22:00

Meeting Dinner at Christ’s College, Cambridge

Christ’s College Welcome: Professor Peter Landshoff, Christ’s College Fellow, Christ’s College Fellow, University of Cambridge, DAMTP

Day 2

Thursday 8 December 2011

09:00 – 09:30

Coffee & Meeting Registration

09:30 – 09:35

Welcome and Introduction

Professor Daniel Ralph, Academic Director, Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies & Professor of Operations Research, Cambridge Judge Business School

09:40 – 11:10

Plenary Session 4: Imagining and Doing the “How”

Plenary Session Chair: Professor David Spiegelhalter Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk, University of Cambridge

A Debrief: The Foreseer Project – Linking Energy, Water and Land Resource Future – Grant Kopec, PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering

How Can the Risk of Global Food Supply/Demand Difference be Mitigated through Innovations in Crop Insurance? – Professor Haresh Shah, Chairman of Advisory Board, Institute for Catastrophe Risk Management, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore & Emeritus Professor of Stanford University

Solar Flare Risks: Consequences on Satellites and Global Communications Systems – Nafiz Karabudak, Senior Manager, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Technology Initiatives

Geo-engineering Technologies for Mitigating Climate Impacts – Dr Hugh Hunt, Senior Lecturer, University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering

Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies’ Systemic Shock Framework – Dr Andrew Coburn, Senior Vice President, Risk Management Solutions & Director of External Advisory Board, Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies
Simon Ruffle, Director of Technology, Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies

11:10 – 11:30

Coffee and tea

11:30 – 13:00

Plenary Session 5: Risk Research Focus Group Discussions

Introduction to Risk Research Tracks & Focus Group Discussions – Michelle Tuveson, Executive Director, Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies

Risk Research Tracks: Focus Group Discussions and Information

  • Track 1: Threat Assessment
  • Track 2: Systemic Risk
  • Track 3: Using Scenarios

13:00 – 14:00


14:00 – 15:30

Risk Research Focus Group De-briefs and Discussion

15:30 – 15:45



  • Professor Daniel Ralph, Academic Director, Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies & Professor of Operations Research, Cambridge Judge Business School
  • Dr Robert Muir-Wood, Chief Research Officer, Risk Management Solutions
  • André Abadie, Managing Director, Global Environmental & Social Risk Management, JP Morgan
  • Professor Brendan Simms, Professor in the History of European International Relations, University of Cambridge, Department of Politics and International Studies
  • Professor Paul Berkman, Fulbright Distinguished Scholar & Research Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Andrew Freeman, Independent Risk Advisor & Author
  • Crispin Hawes, Director, Middle East and North Africa, Eurasia Group
  • Derek Leatherdale, Head of Geo-political Risk, HSBC
  • Professor Jaideep Prabhu, Jawaharlal Nehru Professor of Indian Business & Enterprise , University of Cambridge Judge Business School
  • Professor Brendan Simms, Professor in the History of European International Relations, University of Cambridge, Department of Politics and International Studies
  • Dr Emily So, Lecturer, University of Cambridge, Department of Architecture & Director, CURBE
  • Professor Haresh Shah, Chairman of Advisory Board, Institute for Catastrophe Risk Management, Nanyang Technological University
  • Alexander Naumov, BP, Group Economics
  • Dr Peter McCormack, Senior Risk Specialist – Risk Frameworks and Governance, Risk Specialist Division, Financial Services Authority
  • Dr Ned Allen, Senior Fellow & Chief Scientist, Lockheed Martin, Aeronautics
  • Katharine Thoday, Programme Manager, Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership
  • Dr Emily Shuckburgh, Programme Manager, Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership
  • Mark Gilbert, London Bureau Chief, Bloomberg News
  • Rowan Douglas, CEO, Willis Global Analytics & Chairman, Willis Research Network
  • Dr Emily Shuckburgh, Head of the Open Oceans Research Group, British Antarctic Survey & UK Department of Energy
  • Philip Brice, Corporate Risk Manager, BP Treasury
  • Dr Miles Elsden, Head of Defence and Security, UK Government Office for Science
  • Neil J Smith, Manager, Emerging Risks & Research Exposure Management, Performance Management, Lloyd’s
  • Grant Kopec, PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering
  • Professor David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk, University of Cambridge
  • Nafiz Karabudak, Senior Manager, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Technology Initiatives
  • Dr Hugh Hunt, Senior Lecturer
  • Dr Andrew Coburn, Senior Vice President, Risk Management Solutions & Director of External Advisory Board, Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies
  • Simon Ruffle, Director of Technology, Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies
  • Michelle Tuveson, Executive Director, Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies
  • Dr Dougal Goodman, Chief Executive, The Foundation for Science and Technology
  • Dr Gary Bowman, Research Associate, Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies
  • Alan Smith, Chief of Staff and Global Head of Risk Strategy, HSBC
  • Adrian Leonard, PhD Candidate, Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies & University of Cambridge Department of History
  • Peter Nakada, Managing Director, Risk Management Solutions
  • Nina Andreeva, PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge Judge Business School

Photos from the conference

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