Disinformation – the risk of systemic information pollution, Washington DC

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6 Feb 2025

18:00 -20:00

Times are shown in local time.

Open to: All

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Army & Navy Club (ANC)

901 17th Street

Washington DC


United States of America

Join us for a disinformation masterclass

Washington DC.

Disinformation is when an actor intentionally disseminates a false or misleading narrative, through selected channels, to exploit a targeted vulnerable audience.

Targeted disinformation campaigns are a threat to markets, nations, and companies. Is your company prepared for social unrest? How would your organisation respond to a targeted disinformation attack?

As a business leader, you need to become familiar with this new and growing potential threat.

This session will include a fascinating discussion on:

  • fraud
  • crypto markets
  • geopolitical shifts
  • stress on enforcement and democratic institutions

This session will be hosted by Alan Jagolinzer, Professor of Financial Accounting, Vice Dean for Programmes, co-Director of the Cambridge Centre for Financial Reporting & Accountability, University of Cambridge Judge Business School.

Business attire dress code is required in the Clubhouse at all times. Business attire includes collared shirts, jackets, dress trousers and turtlenecks for men and comparable attire for women.

Please note: spaces are limited and we will inform you if your place has been confirmed after your registration has been received.

Apply for a place at the masterclass
