Insights into Voluntary Compliance with Regulation and Policy (The Behavioural Roundtable)

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31 Oct 2024

16:30 -17:45

Times are shown in local time.

Open to: All

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Join our Behavioural Roundtable with Professor Yuval Feldman

Yuval Feldman.

Can we rely on people to willingly do the right thing? Does voluntary compliance increase fairness and efficiency? And what are the risks for this type of policy?

Take part in an online conversation about the benefits and risks of voluntary compliance in the context of regulation and public cooperation with law and order.

The Behavioural Roundtable is a speaker series hosted by the El-Erian Institute. It serves to convene leading practitioners and researchers in the field of behavioural insights to share experiences from the field and discuss latest scientific insights. The Roundtable is moderated by Dr Malte Dewies, Research Associate, El-Erian Institute of Behavioural Economics and Policy.

About the speaker

Professor Yuval Feldman is a distinguished legal scholar with a background in law and psychology. He obtained his PhD from Berkeley University and was a fellow at Harvard University, where he studied the implications of behavioural ethics for legal theory. Beyond academia, Feldman advises governmental bodies on behavioural and experimental informed policies. He has received several prestigious fellowships such as Fulbright, and published papers in leading journals across disciplines. Between 2022 and 2027 he is leading an ERC Advanced Grant for his research, Generating Voluntary Compliance across Doctrines and Nations: Integrating Behavioral and Regulatory Aspects of Governments’ Ability to Trust the Public’s Cooperation, Ethicality and Compliance.

Yuval will present highlights from his forthcoming book, Should States Trust The Public? The Promise and Perils of Voluntary Compliance (Cambridge University Press, 2024).

