Industry engagement: building an RGP industry community

Become a participant of RGP

Join the RGP industry community and participate in the RGP Industry Engagement Programme. This collaborative opportunity welcomes companies aligned with RGP’s mission, valuing the widespread adoption of the Cambridge Regulatory Genome (CRG).

Through this Programme, organizations share expertise to navigate regulatory uncertainty and advance compliance digitisation best practices. The global financial community confronts an increasingly uncertain regulatory landscape. Managing rules across diverse markets and regions presents a formidable challenge. This complexity intensifies with the rapid evolution of domains like crypto assets, cybersecurity, and ESG, creating overwhelming demands. Furthermore, compliance teams often grapple with outdated infrastructure and applications that struggle to integrate seamlessly across firms and jurisdictions.

The RGP takes proactive steps to address these challenges. Firstly, by developing the Cambridge Regulatory Genome, a dynamic format organising regulatory obligations available as a public resource. Secondly, leveraging the University of Cambridge’s influence, the RGP unites industry leaders to promote the adoption of this common approach through training, learning, and knowledge sharing.
