Multiline Data Schema Consultation reports were produced as part of the Global Exposure Accumulation and Clash (GEAC) Project, in collaboration with RMS. Multiline Insurance Exposure Management Data Definitions Document V1.0 is designed to assess exposure in a consistent way across the most significant classes of business, across all geographical markets, in an open standard. This is the first version of the document. However, it is a living document and is anticipated to grow with the insurance industry.
The report is accompanied by a companion guide, Challenges and Solutions for Enterprise Exposure Management.
Consultation reports
During the development of the Multiline Insurance Exposure Management Data Definitions Document v1.0, a series of consultation reports were written to solicit feedback from the insurance community. The consultation process was categorised into three unique phases, with emphasis on different classes of business. The consultation period is now closed, and the feedback received was reflected within the Multiline Insurance Exposure Management Data Definitions Document v1.0. The Centre for Risk Studies thanks the 130 individuals who contributed to this exercise. The consultation documents remain publicly available to allow transparency and insight into the development process.

Multiline Data Schema Consultation Document Phase One V0.1
The initial consultation document that proposes the principles and prioritisation of the classes of business to be used during the data definitions development.

Multiline Data Schema Consultation Phase One V0.5
Proposes an initial outline structure and the main categories of exposure data for the phase one classes of insurance: marine, energy, aviation, and casualty liability.

Multiline Data Schema Consultation Phase One V0.9
Using the data structure agreed after the Phase One version 0.5 consultation to propose the detailed content of a minimum data requirement specification for the phase one classes of insurance: marine, energy, aviation, and casualty liability.

Multiline Data Schema Consultation Document Phase Two V0.5
This report proposes an initial outline structure and the main categories of exposure data for the phase two classes of insurance: trade credit, surety, life, health, agriculture, and specialised underwriting classes.

Multiline Data Schema Consultation Document Phase Two V0.9
This report uses the data structure agreed after the phase two version 0.5 consultation to propose the detailed content of a minimum data requirement specification for the phase two classes of insurance: trade credit, surety, life, health, agriculture, and specialised underwriting classes.

Multiline Data Schema Consultation Document Phase Three V0.9
This report uses the data structure agreed during the phase one version 0.5 and the phase two version 0.5 consultations to propose the detailed content of a minimum data requirement specification for the phase three classes of insurance: political and security risk, annuities and pensions, personal lines, and commercial lines. The Phase Three V0.5 report was condensed into the V0.9 report in response to the amount of previously collected information regarding the phase three topics.
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