As we grow increasingly reliant on information technology, communication systems, and infrastructure service continuity, it becomes even more vital to explore the emerging risk of disruption and catastrophic failure of these critical systems. With global disasters like the pandemic causing major disruption, the Centre for Risk Studies focuses on analysing these risks and making systems more resilient.
Here at the Centre for Risk Studies we apply a forensic eye to emerging risks and potential sources of catastrophes that are less well understood, such as the 2016 solar storms. We estimated their potential disruption to the power supply and the vulnerabilities of the integrated critical infrastructure systems that underpin society and the economy. Not only did our team calculate cyber risk and track the changing landscape of hacker technologies and motivations, as well as the potential for correlated cyber attacks causing losses to multiple companies, we also looked at global financial connectivity and international financial crises.

Research focus
The Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies has gained a worldwide reputation for its innovative research in the analysis, understanding and management of systemic risk. This involves scenario development, network analysis techniques, modelling of catastrophic events from the level of cities up to macroeconomic views and a study of the resulting impacts on economies and markets.
The Centre is proactive in distributing research outputs to a community of subscribers. Through the ongoing programme of interaction and community-building, the Centre has confidence its research is relevant to business and industrial partners and has real impact.
Current research
Explore the current tracks of research the Centre is pursuing.