

Past ventures


Professional services

unpckd graduated from Cambridge Social Ventures in September 2019.


unpckd delivers package-free refills and reusables to local doorsteps, offering the convenience of home delivery without the waste of packaging.

With the purpose of keeping the planet alive for generations to come, unpckd’s mission is to reduce the amount of packaging made and consumed in the UK by making waste-free alternatives available for the products we need and use daily, thus reducing the environmental impact of the things we buy.

Focusing on reducing consumption of packaging by offering refill foods and liquids in reusable containers and sustainable, reusable swaps for disposable household items. unpckd offers solutions for leading a less wasteful by: stocking products that are needed & used everyday to have a meaningful and material impact of household waste; and sourcing sustainable products that do not end up as waste themselves.

By operating sustainably and promoting circularity, unpckd wants to role model the future of responsible retail.


Founded by Tracey Banks, a child of the Generation X consumer age and reformed fast-fashion-aholic. Her war on waste was triggered by the reality check of the waste of everyday family life borne out by ever-overflowing recycling bins and always-needed charity bag collections.

Tracey’s professional experience spans over 20 years, across mainly retail and finance sectors, from start-ups to large global corporates. Predominantly working in e-commerce software delivery, Tracey has also held roles in sustainability as well as obtaining a masters from Royal College of Art in Fashion Footwear.

Tracey is now focusing her energy and experience on having a legacy impact through an enterprise to accelerate the adoption of sustainable living and our journey towards a circular economy.


unpckd’s mission is to reduce the amount of household packaging waste by changing the way we consume and making alternative sustainable consumption options readily available to everyday shoppers.

They are committed to raising awareness of the impact of packaging waste on the planet, getting shoppers to see materials as well as products and brands, and getting people to value materials as much as quality. They focus on changing consumer habits towards buying without unnecessary packaging rather than throwing away as an acceptable option and supporting behavioural change by offering refills and reuseables as the sustainable, convenient retail option.

They also work to change retail practices by influencing brands to rethink product packaging design, influencing large retailers to source and serve their customers in a more sustainable way, and championing circular product design and operations.

unpckd is giving consumers the choice to buy more sustainably and to live a less wasteful, more sustainable lifestyle.
Lead entrepreneur
Tracey Banks

Get in touch

unpckd is interested in connecting with producers/manufacturers in UK who can supply: unpackaged products; sustainably packaged products; no waste products; or circular products that will reduce household waste – particularly in breakfast food and drink category. They are also really keen to partner with home delivery/distribution networks, initially in Hertfordshire.


Tel: +44 (0)7780 676123
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