Simon Deakin

Director of the Centre for Business Research (CBR)

Fellow (Economics and Policy)

Fellow of Peterhouse

MA, PhD (University of Cambridge)

I am a member of the Economics & Policy subject group.

My research interests include the study of corporate governance from an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective; economic and sociological theories of law; empirical studies of the effects of legal change; doctrinal legal analysis in the areas of labour, corporate and private law; relations between shareholders and directors; human resource management and employment contracting; inter-firm relations; corporate insolvency; corporate social responsibility.

Professional experience

Simon is the Director of the Centre for Business Research (CBR), and a Professor of Law in the Faculty of Law at Cambridge. He specialises in the economics of law and empirical legal studies, with particular reference to labour law, private law, and corporate governance. He is a Fellow of the British Academy and has received the ECGI and Allen & Overy prizes for his research on corporate governance. He has carried out consultancy and contract research for numerous governments, international organisations, companies, business associations, trade unions and NGOs.

Previous appointments

Simon held research fellowships in Cambridge and Chicago before taking up his first teaching position as a lecturer in law at Queen Mary, University of London, in 1987. He was appointed to a law lectureship in Cambridge in 1990 and has stayed in Cambridge since, lecturing in both Cambridge Judge Business School and the Faculty of Law. He is also a Fellow of Peterhouse. His involvement in the Centre for Business Research dates from its foundation in 1994. He became its Director in 2013. He has held visiting positions at universities in Australia, France, Italy, Japan and the USA.


News and insights

The Ukrainian and EU banners hanging from the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs government building in Kiev, Ukraine.

Today (18 December) the Centre for Business Research (CBR) publishes a research report which assesses the role that legal and institutional reform can play in supporting a sustainable venture capital (VC) sector in Ukraine. The report is intended to inform Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction.

Britain lags the OECD average in areas ranging from working time to dismissal, says a report by the Trades Union Congress based on research at the Centre for Business Research.

Kyiv, Ukraine.

A competition and conference designed to promote post-war venture capital investment in Ukraine startups is organised by the Centre for Business Research at Cambridge Judge Business School.
