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Subject area | Faculty member | Topics of expertise |
Accounting | Boisseau-Sierra, Marion | Public sector accounting; credit rating agencies; international accounting standards and quality; implications of solicited sovereign credit ratings |
Accounting | Chu, Jenny | Capital market and stakeholders’ reactions to accounting information; sell-side analysts; earnings equality; accounting measures for climate change; incentives to misreport data; financial reporting quality; audit efficacy |
Accounting | Cole, Othman | Project finance; capital structure of companies; accounting of carbon emissions |
Accounting | Jagolinzer, Alan | Disinformation; financial reporting standards; international accounting; executive compensation and incentives; insider trading; compensation and governance implications for universities |
Accounting | Kroechert, Sarah | Disclosure regulation; ownership structure; corporate governance; governance in higher education institutions |
Accounting | Meeks, Geoff | Creative accounting; accounting regulation; financial reporting; bankruptcy; IPO reporting |
Accounting | Willis, Michael | Disclosure regulation; regulatory enforcement; financial reporting choices; sustainability reporting |
Analytics | Oraiopoulos, Nektarios (Aris) | Data-driven decision-making; experimentation; business model development |
Behavioural economics and policy | Reisch, Lucia | Theory and application of behavioural insights; behavioural change; societal welfare; sustainable development |
Behavioural insights | Mak, Vincent | Application of behavioural economics and social psychology to help develop policies, strategy, and managerial decision making |
Behavioural insights | Sayegh, Karla | Coordinating the work of experts under conditions of uncertainty, rapid change and complexity; organisational change and restructuring |
Behavioural insights | Vecchi, Patrizia | Collaboration; social networks, teamwork; workplace relationships; gender and diversity |
Biopharmaceuticals | Oraiopoulos, Nektarios (Aris) | Drug development process; R&D management; licensing and strategic partnerships |
China | Goodall, Keith | Corporate governance in Sino-foreign joint ventures; MNEs in China and Russia; HRM and knowledge transfer in China; expatriates in China |
China | Marquis, Christopher | Entrepreneurship and market development in China; doing business in China; internationalisation of Chinese ventures; CSR in China |
China | Reiner, David | Chinese efforts in cutting CO2 emissions; retail energy markets |
China | Williamson, Peter | Strategies for success in China; the internationalisation of Chinese companies |
China | Yin, Eden | Innovation strategies of Chinese firms; internationalisation strategies for Chinese firms; building China’s global brands |
China | Zhang, Jin | China’s commercial aircraft industry; state-business relations; multinational firms in China |
Circular economy | Howard-Grenville, Jennifer | Business strategies for environmental sustainability |
Circular economy | Soufani, Khaled | Economics of re-use/repair/recycling; plastics management; the Internet of Things |
Corporate finance | Lambrecht, Bart | Real options and investment under uncertainty; MandAs; corporate payout policy; bankruptcy; the financing of firms; housing and household finance; corporate capital structure |
Corporate finance | Nguyen, Bang Dang | Relationship between corporate finance and corporate governance; political connections and firm value; executive compensation |
Corporate governance | Dissanaike, Gishan | Management turnover; capital structure in emerging markets; competition policy; signalling effects of equity issuing; corporate financing |
Corporate governance | Genakos, Christos | Corporate incentives and performance; competition policy; responses to regulation; the relationship between management and productivity |
Corporate governance | Jagolinzer, Alan | Disinformation; financial reporting standards; international accounting; executive compensation and incentives; insider trading; compensation and governance implications for universities |
Corporate governance | Kor, Yasemin | CEO and executive team competencies; board governance; strategy formulation and renewal; CEO-board interaction |
Corporate governance | Karakaş, Oğuzhan | Corporate voting rights; ownership and control; corporate social responsibility |
Corporate governance | Learmount, Simon | Corporate ownership; international comparison of corporate governance systems; HRM impact on organisational trust |
Corporate governance | Menges, Jochen | Role of emotions in leadership and following; psychological traits experiments; social dynamics in organisations |
Corporate governance | Rau, Raghavendra | Executive compensation in relation to governance; CEO behaviour and risk; incentive systems; M&As, CSR; ESG; environmental finance; cost of capital; boards of directors; ethics; gender diversity and firm value |
Corporate governance | Roulet, Thomas | Public opinion and legitimacy; reputation management; media reporting of misconduct; stakeholder management |
Corporate social responsibility and sustainability | Grimes, Matthew | B Corps; corporate purpose and mission; CSR; sustainability |
Corporate social responsibility and sustainability | Haugh, Helen | Corporate engagement with social issues; business ethics; sustainability |
Corporate social responsibility and sustainability | Howard-Grenville, Jennifer | Business strategies for environmental sustainability |
Corporate social responsibility and sustainability | Karakaş, Oğuzhan | ESG investing, responsible investment, active ownership, shareholder engagement |
Corporate social responsibility and sustainability | Mak, Vincent | Behavioural issues in the promotion of sustainability and prosocial decision making |
Corporate social responsibility and sustainability | Marquis, Christopher | B corps; triple bottom line; social innovation; corporate philanthropy |
Corporate social responsibility and sustainability | Soufani, Khaled | Sustainable economic growth and innovation; |
Disinformation | Jagolinzer, Alan | Disinformation; financial reporting standards; international accounting; executive compensation and incentives; insider trading; compensation and governance implications for universities |
Economics and policy | Genakos, Christos | Structure and competition in different markets; productivity-, regulation-, antitrust-, and pricing-related issues |
Economics and policy | Kattuman, Paul | Applied statistics; corporate performance; systems dynamics |
Economics and policy | Kitson, Michael | Macroeconomic policy; regional economics; interest rates; central banks; UK budget; trade talks; innovation policy; university-business knowledge exchange |
Economics and policy | Mohaddes, Kamiar | Economics of climate change (with a focus on the impact of climate change and weather shocks on economic activity at the aggergate as well as sectoral levels); macroeconomic policy (with a focus on fiscal polices and public debt); energy economics (with a focus on oil); economics of the Middle East (with a focus on Iran and other oil exporting countries in the Gulf); macroeconomic policies in resource-rich Arab countries; effects of macroeconomic shocks on the economy |
Economics and policy | Pollitt, Michael | Privatisation and regulation of network utilities; performance assessment of regulated entities; electricity and carbon markets; transition to net zero; energy policy; religion and business |
Economics and policy | Reiner, David | Climate change policies; public and stakeholders views; international environmental negotiations; deployment of new technologies, firm and national level net-zero targets |
Economics and policy | Runde, Jochen | Decision-making under uncertainty; technological innovation |
Energy | Cole, Othman | Competitiveness of oil and gas companies; management of oil crises |
Energy | Reiner, David | Low carbon energy transitions; consumer behaviour in retail energy markets; energy policy design |
Energy | Taylor, Simon | Financing of energy infrastructure, especially of nuclear power |
Entrepreneurship | Boddington, Monique | Experimentation; pivoting; lean start-up; strategy formation; early stage venture strategy; gender and diversity; entrepreneurial impact; ethics |
Entrepreneurship | Coleridge, Chris | Top management teams in entrepreneurial ventures; management of startups in the fintech, construction, healthcare and digital sectors; creation and management of hubs and accelerators |
Entrepreneurship | Grimes, Matthew | Entrepreneurship; startups; digital platforms; social entrepreneurship; incubators / accelerators; crowdfunding; entrepreneurial ecosystems |
Entrepreneurship | Soufani, Khaled | Financial strategy of small-medium sized enterprises; management of family businesses |
Entrepreneurship | Stockley, Simon | Entrepreneurship education; high-tech ventures; entrepreneurial behaviour |
Finance | Chambers, David | IPOs; asset management; endowments and foundations; the relationship between law and finance; currency speculation; carry trade |
Finance | Cole, Othman | Islamic finance; M&As |
Finance | Dimson, Elroy | Asset management; financial market history; long term investing; endowments and foundations; responsible investment; active ownership; ESG investing |
Finance | Dissanaike, Gishan | Stock markets role in corporate governance; portfolio strategies; the efficiency of stock markets |
Finance | Karakaş, Oğuzhan | Corporate finance; private equity; dynamic investment strategies |
Finance | Kirilenko, Andrei | The intersection of finance, technology and regulation; high frequency trading and the flash crash; asset pricing and digital development |
Finance | Rau, Raghavendra | Corporate finance; information and prices for investments; investment banks; analyst behaviour; irrational investor behaviour, behavioural biases in investors and managers |
Finance | Rogo, Rafael | Financial disclosure; information economics; mergers and acquisitions; debt contracts |
Finance | Saffi, Pedro | Corporate valuation (firms, projects, etc.); investment funds performance analysis; trading strategies and signals; short selling; limits to arbitrage; liquidity risk |
Finance | Sarno, Lucio | International finance; currency markets; asset management and pricing |
Finance | Wardrop, Robert (Bob) | Impact of new financial systems; market trust; crowdfunding |
Fintech | Kirilenko, Andrei | Fintech; the design of automated financial markets and instruments |
Fintech | Rau, Raghavendra | New forms of fintech models; pricing; regulatory issues; technological disruption in finance, AI, crypto and blockchain in business |
Fintech | Wardrop, Robert (Bob) | Fintech innovation; global benchmarking of fintech; fintech regulation |
Healthcare and pharma | Barrett, Michael | Development of artificial intelligence (AI) and online communities for health support; digital innovation for personalised medicine |
Healthcare and pharma | Jiang, Houyuan | Healthcare operations management; contracts among healthcare payers and providers; efficiency in resource usage in hospitals; performance incentives in healthcare; healthcare supply chain management; COVID-19; COVID-19 recovery |
Healthcare and pharma | Kavadias, Stylianos (Stelios) | New drugs development; R&D processes in pharmaceutical companies; the future of pharma and biotech |
Healthcare and pharma | Khwaja, Ahmed | Health expenditure and insurance; pharmaceutical retail chain expansion; health-related consumption decisions; cross-product spill overs from pharmaceutical R&D; new product development |
Healthcare and pharma | Sayegh, Karla | Healthcare transformation – managing mergers, restructurings and radical change endeavours |
Healthcare and pharma | Scholtes, Stefan | Service innovation in healthcare; operational improvement; clinical productivity; health inequality; health and care system design; primary care; AI in healthcare |
Human resource management | de Rond, Mark | Shaping teamwork; collective problem solving in extreme environments; restoring organisational practices after breakdown |
Human resource management | Goodall, Keith | Human Resource Development; knowledge- and culture-related issues in international ventures |
Human resource management | Richter, Andreas | Effective relations across teams and functions; organisational creativity and innovation; teamwork effectiveness; teams impact on individual creativity and innovation; employee learning and development |
Human resource management | Roulet, Thomas | Mentoring; mental health; stigma and diversity |
Human resource management | Sayegh, Karla | Cross-unit and cross-disciplinary collaboration for innovation and change |
Human resource management | Stiles, Philip | Organisational culture; the influence of emotions on work motivation; performance and talent management |
India | Prabhu, Jaideep | Innovation; marketing strategies; FDI in India; microfinance |
Information systems | Barrett, Michael | Knowledge transfer in cross-cultural and multidisciplinary teams; IT systems offshoring/outsourcing; mobile infrastructure in developing countries |
Information systems | Jones, Matthew | The relationship between information systems and social and organisational change |
Information systems | Pachidi, Stella | Introduction of analytics and AI in organisations; managing digitalisation challenges in organisations; usage of big data for marketing and supply chain decisions; knowledge transfer |
Information systems | Sayegh, Karla | How emerging technologies are changing work and organisations; digital transformation |
Information systems | Sengupta, Kishore | Implementation of IT for e-government; the interaction between information systems and supply chain management |
Innovation | Ansari, Shahzad (Shaz) | R&D offshoring/outsourcing; diffusion of new practices; technological and business model innovation; disruptive technologies; digital innovation; blockchain; autonomous driving; ecosystems |
Innovation | Barrett, Michael | Service innovation in public services and businesses; ecosystem leadership; co-working spaces; fintech and disruptive innovation in banking; mobile platforms for financial inclusion and clean energy; the Internet of Things |
Innovation | Coleridge, Chris | Collaborative innovation; innovation ecosystems; management and commercialisation of innovations; startups and innovations supporting negative carbon emissions |
Innovation | Hutchison-Krupat, Jeremy | Innovation implementation; incentives for collaborative innovation; resource allocation; ideas selection; enablers of new product development |
Innovation | Kavadias, Stylianos (Stelios) | New product development (implementation, relationship with organisational structure, R&D); innovation challenges; strategic change in startups |
Innovation | Kim, Yeun Joon | Creativity and innovation; innovation of work processes and products |
Innovation | Loch, Christoph H. | Engineering complex systems; managing novel and ambiguous initiatives; resource allocation; innovation processes; performance measurement in R&D |
Innovation | Oraiopoulos, Nektarios (Aris) | R&D strategies; co-development of innovations; experimentation |
Innovation | Prabhu, Jaideep | Frugal innovation; role of organisational culture in driving innovation; market scoping for new technologies |
Innovation | Taneri, Niyazi | New product development, technology and business model innovation; R&D partnerships |
Innovation | Yin, Eden | Open innovation; new product growth in high-tech industries |
International business | Prabhu, Jaideep | The internationalisation of firms from emerging markets; innovation in multinationals; cross-border R&D allocation decisions |
International business | Stiles, Philip | HR functions in multinationals |
International business | Williamson, Peter | Globalisation and its implications for corporate strategy; business ecosystems and their monetisation; strategic alliances; strategies for a carbon-constrained world; global M&As; internationalisation and performance |
Islamic finance | Paolella, Lionel | Sukuk; Shariah scholars; reputation in the Islamic banking sector |
Japan | Learmount, Simon | Japanese corporate system |
Law firms | Paolella, Lionel | Reputation spill overs in law markets; gender gap in law firms; customer preferences in the law market |
Leadership | Howard-Grenville, Jennifer | Organisational change and restructuring; organisational culture, identity and routines |
Leadership | Kim, Yeun Joon | Effective leadership; leadership and culture |
Leadership | Kor, Yasemin | CEO and executive team competencies |
Leadership | Menges, Jochen | CEO/leadership issues; leadership effects on organisations; leadership traits; charisma and public speaking |
Leadership | Richter, Andreas | Leaders effect on teams performance; importance of leaders ties for creativity and innovation and for team performance |
Leadership | Roulet, Thomas | Strategic leadership; leadership communication; social and system change |
Leadership | Scholtes, Stefan | Leadership programmes for clinicians and healthcare managers |
Leadership | Vecchi, Patrizia | Leadership development, informal leadership, power and influence |
Management practice | Kozak Rogo, Juliana | Applied macroeconomics; health economics; industrial organisation |
Management studies | George, Elizabeth | Non-standard work arrangements; team dynamics; organisational management; individual and organisational effectiveness |
Manufacturing | Barrett, Michael | Smart manufacturing; digital innovation in manufacturing systems |
Manufacturing | Loch, Christoph H. | Manufacturing management and strategy |
Marketing | Khwaja, Ahmed | New market entry; customer and employee relationship management in service industries; the effects of employee engagement on customer satisfaction |
Marketing | Lauga, Dominique | Marketing strategies; innovation and product development; advertising; product and brand choices |
Marketing | Lu, Shasha | Technology opportunities in marketing; video-based data as predictor of consumer preferences |
Marketing | Mak, Vincent | Psychological factors in decision-making; internet search behaviour; pricing, in particular “pay what you want” pricing strategy |
Marketing | Prabhu, Jaideep | Marketing strategies in emerging markets; community trust and its effects on decisions of low-income individuals |
Marketing | Yin, Eden | Branding strategies in the digital era; the international take-off of new products |
Media, arts and culture | Hadida, Allègre | Arts and media management; impact and integration of new technologies on traditional arts, including performing arts and heritage; performance in the arts and in cinema, diversity and inclusion in Hollywood, Hollywood studios and online streaming services |
Mutual funds | Rau, Raghavendra | Fund performance, fund organisation, compensation |
Operations management | Davies, Jane | Principles of operations management, process excellence, lean six sigma, customer service |
Operations management | Erhun, Feryal | Stakeholder management in supply chains; sustainable supply chains |
Operations management | Jiang, Houyuan | Task allocation problems; optimisation of resources and processes; supply chain contract design; competitive supply chains |
Operations management | Sengupta, Kishore | Project management; knowledge transfer management |
Operations management | Taneri, Niyazi | The impact of operations on carbon emissions and labour outcomes |
Organisational theory and information systems | Leavell, Virginia | Technological change; digital technologies for prediction; AI and autonomous technologies; digital transformation; infrastructure; ethnography; social network analysis |
Pakistan | Munir, Kamal | Political and socio-economic changes in Pakistan; economic development and competitiveness of Pakistani companies; energy, banking, telecom, education and textile sectors; privatisation |
Psychometric measurement | Stillwell, David | Psychometric testing; psychometric adaptive test development; real-time analysis of online digital footprints; behavioural prediction; state-of-the-art school examinations; evaluations of employees, culture and satisfaction through natural language proces |
Risk | Ralph, Daniel (Danny) | Risk in business decision-making; risk aversion in electricity markets; models for optimisation problems and equilibrium systems; cyber-attack risk; insurance |
Social innovation and entrepreneurship | Haugh, Helen | Social and community entrepreneurship |
Social innovation and entrepreneurship | Stott, Neil | Social and community innovation; social entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and extrapreneurship; innovating in poor contexts; history of social and community innovation; education of social innovators |
Social innovation and entrepreneurship | Tracey, Paul | Corporate social responsibility and innovation; shared value strategy; social startups; social entrepreneurship education; grassroots activism |
Social media and networks | Stillwell, David | Social networks/social media; big data; digital economy; psychology and decision-making in the context of social networks |
Strategy | Ansari, Shahzad (Shaz) | R&D offshoring/outsourcing; diffusion of new practices; technological and business model innovation; disruptive technologies; digital innovation; blockchain; autonomous driving; ecosystems |
Strategy | Hadida, Allègre | Creativity and improvisation in business; decision-making in volatile environments; temporary (project-based) organisations |
Strategy | Kor, Yasemin | Strategy formulation, strategic change and renewal; resources and capabilities; sustainability of food supply chains |
Strategy | Munir, Kamal | Disruption and the new rules of competition; strategy in turbulent and disruptive environments; positioning in ecosystems; platform-based strategies; new business models; videogame, banking, streaming and big Tech (FAANG) industries |
Strategy | Paolella, Lionel | Strategy formulation and implementation; organisation alignment; diversity, equity, inclusion; inequalities; gender diversity |
Sustainability reporting | Willis, Michael | Disclosure regulation; regulatory enforcement; financial reporting choices; sustainability reporting |
Last updated: October 2024