6 items, ordered by date.
1. Manuscript notes by Sir Adrian Cadbury on back of photocopies of articles
Handwritten notes about priorities, auditing, legislation, regulation, independence etc
2. Coopers & Lybrand Deloitte paper on corporate governance and accountability, 30 January 1991
Paper summarises the issues in corporate governance and accountability, including responsibilities, current UK Legislation and EC Directives
The letter refers to a meeting which covered the relationship between boards of directors and auditors and the effectiveness of audit. It proposes a review of corporate governance and accountability.
Paper defines sound corporate governance, look at role and responsibilities of boards and how boards are expected to do so.
5. Letter, dated 17 June 1992, from Gavin Fryer with background information and reply by Nigel Peace
Comments on enforcement, adoption and efficacy, control structures, role of the board of directors, audit committees and director accountability.
6. Letter, 14 July 1992, from JBH Jackson
Comments from his perspective of ‘professional chairman’ and strongly in favour of unitary boards.