35 items, ordered by date.
1. Handwritten notes of Sir Adrian Cadbury arranged by topic and source of comment, no date
Includes coments from CBI, KPMG, IoD, CBI Committee, ICAS, and individuals. Main headings are remuneration, independent audit, information to be included in reports.
2. Comments from VW Benjamin, undated
Comments on the absence of input from business, executive remuneration, separation of roles, application of the code to smaller listed companies and various aspects of auditing. Also includes comments on specific paragraphs.
3. Draft, the purpose of the company – the next steps
Proposal for a seminar of 20 people with suggested names to discuss the philosophy design and purpose of the company. See also CAD-01035.
4. Letters commenting on increases in top salaries, May 1991
Letters to AC and RTZ expressing concern about the large increase in top salaries and accounting practices.
5. Letter, dated 18 June 1991, from Mark Goyder
Correspondence advising of progress since seminar of The purpose of the company, 14 March 1991 (see CAD-01027)
Contains thoughts on information disclosure, closeness of auditors to clients and Board responsibility, narrative information rather than figures, enforcement, directors’ remuneration and comments on meaning of ‘financial aspects of corporate governance’.
7. Letters, July 1991, to and from Simon Rodwell, Monks Partnership Ltd
Covering letter to the publication, United Kingdom Board Earnings, and their newsletter Monks Briefing. These are not attached.
8. Record of meeting with Mr Alan Diamond on 17 July 1991 and proposals
Mainly focuses on remuneration of top directors. Includes a short paper making proposals to arrest corporate greed.
9. Letter, dated 23 July 1991, from John Shaw, Bank of Scotland
Letter suggests the components of Chairmans’s remuneration should be identified in accounts.
Refers to the Blue Arrow affair and role of non-executive directors.
11. Fax letter from Mrs SE Brown, DTI, 30 August 1991
Fax contains comments on a proposed structure for the final output and short comments on papers for the next meeting
This specifically relates to UITF Abstract 10 about disclosure of the directors’ share options as part of the disclosure of board remuneration and compliance with the Cadbury Code.
13. Record of meeting with Hugh Collum, 100 Group, 14 January 1992
Comments on the papers circulated for the 20-21 January 1992 meeting.
14. Shearman & Sterling’s memo to clients, ‘Executive pay: the heat is on’
Covers the background to complaints about high levels of executive pay and reform proposals.
Paper concerns availability to shareholders of information about executive remuneration, based on an examination of Annual Reports.
16. Memo, undated (c1992), about directors’ remuneration
Notes on directors’ remuneration in the US, especially shareholder input, in particular the SEC proposals.
The paper covers performance and remuneration, enhanced disclosure for investors while not supporting government regulation of compensation packages.
18. Letter, dated 23 June 1992, from Top Pay Research Group
Comments on the provisions for non-executive directors to take advice and their roles and responsibilities, independence of auditors, directors’ remuneration.
19. Handwritten letter, 10 July 1992, from WH Melly
Comments on employee shareholders, directors pay-offs and pension funds.
20. Letter, 13 July 1992, from Gerard Howe, Howe Associates
Comments on distinctions between executive and non-executive directors, compliance with the code, separation of roles and board appointments, committees, directors remuneration, auditors and other services to organisations.
21. Letter and comments, dated 14 July 1992, from Allen Sykes
Comments on the need for independent directors, institutional investors.
Financial Reporting Council comments on the draft report and includes 2 commenting letters and earlier ones. It also makes suggestions on how to alter the text while commenting on the auditors role, non-audit fees of the auditor.
23. Letter, 17 July 1992, from New Bridge Street Consultants and comments
Comments on the calibre of non-executive directors, their remuneration and selection, the role of the board, committees of the board, independent advice and auditing.
Comments in detail on sections of the draft report, approving the self regulation approach, questioning statements of compliance requirement, commenting on the role of non-executive directors, remuneration, auditing and shareholders’ role.
25. Letter, 20 July 1992, from Institute of Business Ethics
Comments on responsible leadership by boards and their remuneration, independence of non-executive directors.
26. Meeting on 17 September 1992, Committee’s conclusions on proposed revision to draft report
Covers all sections of the report with suggested replacement wording.
Includes papers on ‘Shareholder communication and executive compensation’ given at the open meeting of the SEC 15 October 1992, plus fact sheets on executive compensation disclosure and regulatory reform of communications among shareholders. Also includes Lipton and Lorsch ‘Modest proposal for improved corporate governance, 20 Aug 1992.
Full title ‘Proxy reform and executive compensation reporting requirements: a new era of SEC activisim.
Includes the agenda for the meeting and supporting papers on directors’ pension contributions, non-executive directors contracts, going concern and financial reporting and the Stock Exchange implementation of the Cadbury Code. Also included is note of the key points arising from a meeting between Martin Scicluna, Martyn Jones and Sir Adrian Cadbury on 22 April 1993.
30. Fax from Gina Cole to Sir Adrian Cadbury about disclosure of directors’ earnings, 11 June 1993
The fax seems to be largely extracts from the 1989 Companies Act.
Informs Sir Adrian of requests to speak, attend dinners or meetings in connection with the Code and seeking his comments on disclosure of directors stock options.
32. Letter, 27 April 1995, from Anne Simpson, PIRC
Letter indicates PIRC is amending wording in its documents with respect to director independence and also advising on actions re executive remuneration policy.
Comments on and suggests approaches on various aspects of AGMs, creating two classes of non-executive directors. Butcher supports rotation of auditors.
34. Letter, dated 12 November 1992, from Beharrell, Thompson
Raises SEC approach to corporate governance, compliance with Code of Best practice, auditors and the cost of compliance. It includes the documents from the SEC about executive compensation.
35. Correspondence to and from Alan Diamond, March to July 1991
Letters to and from Alan Diamond, including photocopies of those published in The Times and comments. Includes three unattributable pages entitled The counter proposals to arrest corporate greed, and handwritten notes presumably based on a meeting after 6 June 1991.