8 items, ordered by date.
1. Comments from VW Benjamin, undated
Comments on the absence of input from business, executive remuneration, separation of roles, application of the code to smaller listed companies and various aspects of auditing. Also includes comments on specific paragraphs.
2. Letter, dated 11 July 1991, and final draft by Bow Group Committee paper on corporate governance
Bow Group paper contains recommendations on non-executive directors, remuneration committees, audit committees, separation of roles, training for directors and their contracts, reporting auditing and memo from Sir Adrian Cadbury.
3. Letter and submission from the Society of Investment Analysts, 29 October 1991
The submission covers the composition of the Board, eg Separate Chairman and Chief Executive, non-executive directors; qualitative and quantitative financial reports, importance of non-executive directors, external auditors and audit committees.
This is a workshop exercise on the role of the directors in Eurotunnel delivered at the ICAEW conference. It is used to comment on unitary boards, separation of roles of Chairman and Chief Executive, non-executive directors and institutional investors.
5. Letter, dated 1 July 1992, from AR Threadgold, POSTEL
Comments on separation of roles of Chairman and Chief Executive, independent non-executive directors and directors service contracts and the independence of auditors.
6. Letter, 14 July 1992, from JBH Jackson
Comments from his perspective of ‘professional chairman’ and strongly in favour of unitary boards.
7. Letter, dated 28 July 1992, from McKenna & Co.
Letter covers enforcement of the code, the role of non-executive directors, separation of the roles of Chief Executive and Chairman, shareholders’ role and that of the auditors with respect to fraud.
8. Letter, 18 September 1992, from JP Charkham
JP Charkham mentions conversation with Michael Angus about separation of roles.