Publications from 2019

Accominotti, O., Cen, J., Chambers, D. and Marsh, I.W. (2019) “Currency regimes and the carry trade.” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 54(5): 2233-2260 (DOI: 10.1017/S002210901900019X)

Amel-Zadeh, A. and Meeks, G. (2019) “Bidder earnings forecasts in mergers and acquisitions.” Journal of Corporate Finance, 58(C): 373-392 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2019.06.002)

Anaya, K.L. and Pollitt, M.G. (2019) “Storage business models: lessons for electricity from cloud data, frozen food and natural gas.” The Energy Journal, 40(SI): 409-432 (DOI: 10.5547/01956574.40.SI1.kana)

Bellos, I. and Kavadias, S. (2019) “When should customers control service delivery? Implications for service design.” Production and Operations Management, 28(4): 890-907 (DOI: 10.1111/poms.12956)

Bothello, J. and Roulet, T.J. (2019) “The imposter syndrome, or the mis-representation of self in academic life.” Journal of Management Studies , 56(4): 854-861 (DOI: 10.1111/joms.12344)

Cave, M., Genakos, C. and Valletti, T. (2019) “The European framework for regulating telecommunications: a 25-year appraisal.” Review of Industrial Organization, 55(1): 47-62 (DOI: 10.1007/s11151-019-09686-6)

Chae, S., Lawson, B., Kull, T.J. and Choi, T.Y. (2019) “To insource or outsource the sourcing? A behavioral investigation of the multi-tier sourcing decision.” International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 9(3): 385-405 (DOI: 10.1108/IJOPM-04-2018-0231)

Chan, J.H. and Reiner, D. (2019) “‘Dominance by birthright’? Reconfiguration of firm boundaries to acquire new resources and capabilities.” Industrial Management and Data Systems, 119(9): 1888-1907 (DOI: 10.1108/IMDS-04-2019-0258)

Chan, J.H. and Reiner, D. (2019) “Evolution in inter-firm governance along the transport biofuel value chain in Maritime Silk Road countries.” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 122: 268-282 (DOI: 10.1016/j.tre.2018.12.006)

Chu, J. (2019) “Accruals, growth, and future firm performance.” Abacus, 55(4): 783-809 (DOI: 10.1111/abac.12177) (also available online via the SSRN)

Chu, J., Dechow, P.M., Hui, K.W. and Wang, A.Y. (2019) “Maintaining a reputation for consistently beating earnings expectations and the slippery slope to earnings manipulation.” Contemporary Accounting Research, 36(4): 1966-1998 (DOI: 10.1111/1911-3846.12492) (also available online via the SSRN)

Cousins, P., Lawson, B., Petersen, K. and Fugate, B. (2019) “Investigating green supply chain management practices and performance: the moderating roles of supply chain ecocentricity and traceability.” International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 39(5): 767-786 (DOI: 10.1108/IJOPM-11-2018-0676)

Davies, I.A., Haugh, H. and Chambers, L. (2019) “Barriers to social enterprise growth.” Journal of Small Business Management, 57(4): 1616-1636 (DOI: 10.1111/jsbm.12429)

de Rond, M., Holeman, I. and Howard-Grenville, J. (2019) “Sensemaking from the body: an enactive ethnography of rowing the Amazon.” Academy of Management Journal, 62(6): 1961-1988 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2017.1417)

Faik, I., Thompson, M. and Walsham, G. (2019) “Designing for ICT-enabled openness in bureaucratic organizations: problematizing, shifting, and augmenting boundary work.” Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 20(6): 681-701 (DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00548)

Faulkner, P. and Runde, J. (2019) “Theorizing the digital object.” MIS Quarterly, 43(4): 1279-1302 (DOI: 10.25300/MISQ/2019/13136)

Fontana, G., Pitelis, C. and Runde, J. (2019) “Financialisation and the new capitalism?” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 43(4): 799-804 (DOI: 10.1093/cje/bez029)

Gehman, J., Grimes, M. and Cao, K. (2019) “Why we care about Certified B Corporations: from valuing growth to certifying values.” Academy of Management Discoveries, 5(1): 97-101 (DOI: 10.5465/amd.2018.0074)

Genakos, G. and Pollitt, M. (2019) “Introduction to the special issue in ‘Celebrating 25 years of the EU Single Market’.” Review of Industrial Organization, 55(1): 1-4 (DOI: 10.1007/s11151-019-09690-w)

Gill, M. and Roulet, T. (2019) “Stressed at work? Mentoring a colleague could help.” Harvard Business Review, 1 March 2019

Grimes, M.G., Williams, T.A. and Zhao, E.Y. (2019) “Anchors aweigh: the sources, variety, and challenges of mission drift.” Academy of Management Review, 44(4): 819-845 (DOI: 10.5465/amr.2017.0254)

Gupta, A., Nadkarni, S. and Mariam, M. (2019) “Dispositional sources of managerial discretion: CEO ideology, CEO personality, and firm strategies.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 64(4): 855-893 (DOI: 10.1177/0001839218793128)

Hadida, A.L., Heide, J.B. and Bell, S. (2019) “The temporary marketing organization.” Journal of Marketing, 83(2): 1-18 (DOI: 10.1177/0022242918813119)

Hannula, I. and Reiner, D.M. (2019) “Near-term potential of biofuels, electrofuels and battery electric vehicles in decarbonising road transport.” Joule, 13(10): 2390-2402 (DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2019.08.013)

Harmon, D.J., Haack, P. and Roulet, T.J. (2019) “Microfoundations of institutions: a matter of structure versus agency or level of analysis?” Academy of Management Review, 44(2): 464-467 (DOI: 10.5465/amr.2018.0080)

Haugh, H. (2019) “Call the midwife! Business incubation, enterprise development and entrepreneurship enablement in developing economies.” Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 32(1-2): 156-175 (DOI: 10.1080/08985626.2019.1640480)

Holmström, J., Holweg, M., Lawson, B., Pil, F.K. and Wagner, S.M. (2019) “The digitalization of operations and supply chain management: theoretical and methodological implications.” Journal of Operations Management, 65(8): 728-734 (DOI: 10.1002/joom.1073)

Holweg, M., Lawson, B. and Pil, F.K. (2019) “How digital fulfillment is changing manufacturing.” Harvard Business Review, 15 March 2019

Ivcevic, Z., Moeller, J., Menges, J. and Brackett, M. (2020) “Supervisor emotionally intelligent behavior and employee creativity.” Journal of Creative Behavior, 55(1): 79-91 (DOI: 10.1002/jocb.436)

Jarrett, U., Mohaddes, K. and Mohtadi, H. (2019) “Oil price volatility, financial institutions, and economic growth.” Energy Policy, 126: 131-144 (DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.10.068)

Jiang, H. and Sodhi, M.S. (2019) “Analyzing the proposed reconfiguration of accident-and-emergency facilities in England.” Production and Operations Management, 28(7): 1837-1857 (DOI: 10.1111/poms.13020)

Jones, M. (2019) “What we talk about when we talk about (big) data.” Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 28(1): 3-16 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jsis.2018.10.005)

Kattuman, P., Loch, C. and Kurchian, C. (2019) “Management succession and success in a professional soccer team.” PLOS ONE, 14(3): e0212634 (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212634)

Kim, A., Bansal, P. and Haugh, H.M. (2019) “No time like the present: how a present time perspective can foster sustainable development.” Academy of Management Journal, 62(2): 607-634 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2015.1295)

Kim, Y.J. and Toh, S.M. (2019) “Stuck in the past? The influence of a leader’s past cultural experience on group culture and positive and negative group deviance.” Academy of Management Journal, 62(3): 944–969 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2016.1322)

Kitson, M. (2019) “Innovation policy and place: a critical assessment.” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 12(2): 293-315 (DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsz007)

Kroezen, J.J. and Heugens, P.P.M.A.R. (2019) “What is dead may never die: institutional regeneration through logic reemergence in Dutch beer brewing.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 64(4): 976-1019 (DOI: 10.1177/0001839218817520)

Küfeoğlu, S. and Pollitt, M.G. (2019) “The impact of PVs and EVs on domestic electricity network charges: a case study from Great Britain.” Energy Policy, 127: 412-424 (DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.12.012)

Kuntz, L., Scholtes, S. and Sülz, S. (2019) “Separate and concentrate: accounting for patient complexity in general hospitals.” Management Science, 65(6): 2445-2945 (DOI: 10.1287/mnsc.2018.3064) (Available online)

Laker, B. and Roulet, T. (2019) “How companies can adapt during times of political uncertainty.” Harvard Business Review, 22 February 2019

Laker, B. and Roulet, T. (2019) “Will the 4-day workweek take hold in Europe?” Harvard Business Review, 5 August 2019

Lawson, B., Potter, A., Pil, F. and Holweg, M. (2019) “Supply chain disruptions: the influence of industry and geography on firm reaction speed.” International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 39(9/10): 1076-1098 (DOI: 10.1108/IJOPM-04-2018-0225)

Lawson, C., Salter, A., Hughes, A. and Kitson, M. (2019) “Citizens of somewhere: examining the geography of foreign and native-born academics’ engagement with external actors.” Research Policy, 48(3): 759-774 (DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2018.11.008)

Li, K.T., Tang, W., Wu, D., Huang, W., Wu, F., Lee, A., Feng, H., Pan, S.W., Han, L., Mak, V., Yang, L. and Tucker, J.D. (2019) “Pay-it-forward strategy to enhance uptake of dual gonorrhea and chlamydia testing among men who have sex with men in China: a pragmatic, quasi-experimental study.” The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 19(1): 76-82 (DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(18)30556-5)

Liu, X.-Y., Pollitt, M.G., Xie, B.-C. and Liu, L.-Q. (2019) “Does environmental heterogeneity affect the productive efficiency of grid utilities in China?” Energy Economics, 83: 333-344 (DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2019.07.001)

Loch, C. and Sommer, S. (2019) “The tension between flexible goals and managerial control in exploratory projects.” Project Management Journal, 50(5): 524-537 (DOI: 10.1177/8756972819870062)

Mak, V., Seale, D.A., Rapoport, A. and Gisches, E.J. (2019) “Voting rules in sequential search by committees: theory and experiments.” Management Science, 65(9): 3949-4450 (DOI: 10.1287/mnsc.2018.3146)

Matz, S.C., Menges, J.I., Stillwell, D.J. and Schwartz, H.A. (2019) “Predicting individual-level income from Facebook profiles.” PLoS ONE, 14(3): e0214369 (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0214369)

Matz, S.C., Segalin, C., Stillwell, D., Müller, S.R. and Bos, M.W. (2019) “Predicting the personal appeal of marketing images using computational methods.” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 29(3): 370-390 (DOI: 10.1002/jcpy.1092)

Mohaddes, K. and Raissi, M. (2019) “The US oil supply revolution and the global economy.” Empirical Economics, 57(5): 1515–1546 (DOI: 10.1007/s00181-018-1505-9)

Molner, S., Prabhu, J.C. and Yadav, M.S. (2019) “Lost in a universe of markets: toward a theory of market scoping for early-stage technologies.” Journal of Marketing, 83(2): 37-61 (DOI: 10.1177/0022242918813308)

Mullett, T.L., Brown, G.D.A., Fincher, C.L., Kosinski, M. and Stillwell, D. (2019) “Individual-level analyses of the impact of parasite stress on personality: reduced openness only for older individuals.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46(1): 79-93 (DOI: 10.1177/0146167219843918)

Nadkarni, S., Pan, L. and Chen, T. (2019) “Only timeline will tell: temporal framing of competitive announcements and rivals’ responses.” Academy of Management Journal, 62(1): 117-143 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2015.0304)

Neuberger, A., Oraiopoulos, N. and Drakeman, D.L. (2019) “Renovation as innovation: is repurposing the future of drug discovery research?” Drug Discovery Today, 24(1): 1-3 (DOI: 10.1016/j.drudis.2018.06.012)

Newbery, D.M., Reiner, D.M. and Ritz, R.A. (2019) “The political economy of a carbon price floor for power generation.” The Energy Journal, 40(1) (DOI: 10.5547/01956574.40.1.dnew)

Oborn, E., Barrett, M., Gibson, S. and Gillard, S. (2019) “Knowledge and expertise in care practices: the role of the peer worker in mental health teams.” Sociology of Health and Illness, 41(7): 1305-1322 (DOI: 10.1111/1467-9566.12944)

Oborn, E., Barrett, M., Orlikowski, W. and Kim, A. (2019) “Trajectory dynamics in innovation: developing and transforming a mobile money service across time and place.” Organization Science, 30(5): 1097 (DOI: 10.1287/orsc.2018.1281)

Ostfeld, R., Reiner, D.M., Howarth, D. and Krasny, P. (2019) “Peeling back the label: exploring sustainable palm oil ecolabelling and consumption in the United Kingdom.” Environmental Research Letters, 14: 014001 (DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aaf0e4)

Oughton, E., Ralph, D., Pant, R., Leverett, E., Copic, J., Thacker, S., Dada, R., Ruffle, S., Tuveson, M. and Hall, J.W. (2019) “Stochastic counterfactual risk analysis for the vulnerability assessment of cyber-physical attacks on electricity distribution infrastructure networks.” Risk Analysis, 39(9): 2012-2031 (DOI: 10.1111/risa.13291)

Pollitt, M.G. (2019) “The European single market in electricity: an economic assessment.” Review of Industrial Organization, 55(1): 63-87 (DOI: 10.1007/s11151-019-09682-w)

Purdy, J., Ansari, S. and Gray, B. (2019) “Are logics enough? Framing as an alternative tool for understanding institutional meaning making.” Journal of Management Inquiry, 28(4): 409-419 (DOI: 10.1177/1056492617724233)

Racko, G., Oborn, E. and Barrett, M. (2019) “Developing collaborative professionalism: an investigation of status differentiation in academic organizations in knowledge transfer partnerships.” International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(3): 457-478 (DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2017.1281830)

Ramamurti, R. and Williamson, P.J. (2019) “Rivalry between emerging-market MNEs and developed-country MNEs: capability holes and the race to the future.” Business Horizons, 62(2): 157-169 (DOI: 10.1016/j.bushor.2018.11.001)

Rapoport, A., Qi, H., Mak, V. and Gisches, E.J. (2019) “When a few undermine the whole: a class of social dilemmas in ridesharing.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 166: 125-137 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2019.08.015)

Teirila, J. and Ritz, R.A. (2019) “Strategic behaviour in a capacity market? The new Irish electricity market design.” The Energy Journal, 40(Special Issue) (DOI: 10.5547/01956574.40.SI1.jtei)

Ritz, R. (2019) “A strategic perspective on competition between pipeline gas and LNG.” The Energy Journal, 40(5) (DOI: 10.5547/01956574.40.5.rrit)

Rocha, M., Baddeley, M., Pollitt, M. and Weeks, M. (2019) “Addressing self-disconnection among prepayment energy consumers: a behavioural approach.” Energy Economics, 81: 273-286 (DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2019.03.025)

Roulet, T.J. (2019) “Sins for some, virtues for others: media coverage of investment banks’ misconduct and adherence to professional norms during the financial crisis.” Human Relations, 72(9): 1436-1463 (DOI: 10.1177/0018726718799404)

Royer, I., Garreau, L. and Roulet, T. (2019) “La quantification des données qualitatives: intérêts et difficultés en sciences de gestion.” Finance, Contrôle, Stratégie, NS6: 1-12 (DOI: 10.4000/fcs.3312)

Schnellmann, M.A., Chyong, C.K., Reiner, D.M. and Scott, S.A. (2019) “Deploying gas power with CCS: the role of operational flexibility, merit order and the future energy system.” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 91: 102838 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2019.102838)

Simsek, Z., Vaara, E., Paruchuri, S., Nadkarni, S. and Shaw, J.D. (2019) “New ways of seeing big data.” Academy of Management Journal, 62(4): 971-978 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2019.4004)

Syakhroza, M.A., Paolella, L. and Munir, K. (2019) “Holier than thou? Identity buffers and adoption of controversial practices in the Islamic banking category.” Academy of Management Journal, 62(4): 1252-1277 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2016.1017) (available online)

Thananusak, T. and Ansari, S. (2019) “Knowledge production and consumption in the digital era: the emergence of altmetrics and open access publishing in management studies.” Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 59: 77-102 (DOI: 10.1108/S0733-558X20190000059005)

Trevor, J. and Williamson, P. (2019) “How to design an ambidextrous organisation.” The European Business Review, 24 April 2019

Triebs, T.P. and Pollitt, M.G. (2019) “Objectives and incentives: evidence from the privatization of Great Britain’s power plants.” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 65: 1-29 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijindorg.2018.12.003)

Vassallo, J.P., Prabhu, J.C., Banerjee, S. and Voola, R. (2019) “The role of hybrid organizations in scaling social innovations in bottom-of-the-pyramid markets: insights from microfinance in India.” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36(6): 744-763 (DOI: 10.1111/jpim.12504)

Walsham, G. (2019) “Health information systems in developing countries: some reflections on information for action.” Information Technology for Development, 26(1): 194-200 (DOI: 10.1080/02681102.2019.1586632)

Wan, F., Williamson, P. and Pandit, N.R. (2020) “MNE liability of foreignness versus local firm-specific advantages: the case of the Chinese management software industry.” International Business Review, 29(1): 101623 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2019.101623)

Wan, F., Williamson, P. and Yin, E. (2019) “Enabling cost innovation by non-traditional organizational processes: the case of Chinese firms.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 139: 352-361 (10.1016/j.techfore.2018.12.003)

Wang, L., Jin, J.L., Zhou, K.Z., Li, C.B. and Yin. E. (2020) “Does customer participation hurt new product development performance? Customer role, product newness, and conflict.” Journal of Business Research, 109: 246-259 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.12.013)

Wilhelm, H., Richter, A.W.* and Semrau, T.* (2019) “Employee learning from failure: a team-as-resource perspective.” Organization Science, 30(4): 694-714 (*equal authorship) (DOI: 10.1287/orsc.2018.1255) (short version published in Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2014)

Williamson, P. and De Meyer, A. (2019) “How to monetize a business ecosystem.” Harvard Business Review, 30 September 2019

Williamson, P.J., Wu, X. and Yin, E. (2019) “Learning from Huawei’s superfluidity.” Ivey Business Journal, May/Jun

Yumashev, D., Hope, C., Schaefer, K., Riemann-Campe, K., Iglesias-Suarez, F., Jafarov, E., Burke, E.J., Young, P.J., Elshorbany, Y. and Whiteman, G. (2019) “Climate policy implications of nonlinear decline of Arctic land permafrost and other cryosphere elements.” Nature Communications, 10: 1900 (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-09863-x)

Zhao, Y.-B., Jiang, H. and Luo, Z.-Q. (2019) “Weak stability of ℓ1-minimization methods in sparse data reconstruction.” Mathematics of Operations Research, 44(1): 173-195 (DOI: 10.1287/moor.2017.0919)

Zhu, C.J. and Warner, M. (2019) “The emergence of human resource management in China: convergence, divergence and contextualization.” Human Resource Management Review, 29(1): 87-97 (DOI: 10.1016/j.hrmr.2017.11.002)

Dimson, E. and Marsh, P. (eds.) (2019) Risk measurement service. London: London Business School.

Evans, S., Marsh, P. and Dimson, E. (2019) Numis Smaller Companies Index: 2019 annual review. London: Numis Securities.

George, G., Baker, T., Tracey, P. and Joshi, H. (eds.) (2019) Handbook of inclusive innovation: the role of organizations, markets and communities in social innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Mohaddes, K., Nugent, J.B. and Selim, H. (2019) Institutions and macroeconomic policies in resource-rich Arab economies. Oxford: Oxford University Press (DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198822226.001.0001)

Ozawa, M., Chaplin, J., Pollitt, M., Reiner, D. and Warde, P. (2019) In search of good energy policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Claus, L., de Rond, M., Howard-Grenville, J. and Lodge, J. (2019) “When fieldwork hurts: on the lived experience of conducting research in unsettling contexts.” In: Zilber, T.B., Amis, J.M., Mair, J. (eds.) Research in the sociology of organizations: vol.59: the production of managerial knowledge and organizational theory: new approaches to writing, producing and consuming theory.. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, pp.157-172

de Rond, M. and Hallett, T. (2019) “The long walk to Aleppo: institutional myths, inhabited institutions, and ideals in the real world.” In: Reay, T., Zilbert, T.B., Langley, A. and Tsoukas, H. (eds.) Institutions and organizations: a process view. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.134-153

Fransman, M., Garzarelli, G., Lewin, P., Runde, J. and Torr, C. (2019) “Reminiscences of Ludwig M. Lachmann.” In: Fiorito, L., Scheall, S. and Suprinyak, C.E. (eds.) Including a symposium on Ludwig Lachmann (Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, vol.37B). Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp.83-92

Haugh, H. and O’Carroll, M. (2019) “Empowerment, social innovation and social change.” In: George, G., Baker, T., Tracey, P. and Joshi, H. (eds.) Handbook of inclusive innovation: the role of organizations, markets and communities in social innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.486-502. (DOI: 10.4337/9781786436016.00039)

Lam, J.C.K., Han, Y., Wang, S., Li, V.O.K., Pollitt, M. and Warde, P. (2019) “A comparative study of air pollution trends in historical London and contemporary Beijing.” In: Ozawa, M., Chaplin, J., Pollitt, M., Reiner, D. and Warde, P. (eds.) In search of good energy policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.282-304

Mohaddes, K., Nugent, J.B. and Selim, H. (2019) “Objectives, issues and findings.” In: Mohaddes, K., Nugent, J.B. and Selim, H. (eds.) Institutions and macroeconomic policies in resource-rich Arab economies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.1-14 (DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198822226.003.0001)

Mohaddes, K., Nugent, J.B. and Selim, H. (2019) “Reforming fiscal institutions in resource-rich Arab economies: policy proposals.” In: Mohaddes, K., Nugent, J.B. and Selim, H. (eds.) Institutions and macroeconomic policies in resource-rich Arab economies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.237-271 (DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198822226.003.0009)

Ozawa, M., Chaplin, J., Pollitt, M., Reiner, D. and Warde, P. (2019) “Introduction.” In: Ozawa, M., Chaplin, J., Pollitt, M., Reiner, D. and Warde, P. (eds.) In search of good energy policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.1-22

Ozawa, M. and Pollitt, M. (2019) “Introduction to multidisciplinary approaches’.” In: Ozawa, M., Chaplin, J., Pollitt, M., Reiner, D. and Warde, P. (eds.) In search of good energy policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.275-281

Ozawa, M., Chaplin, J., Pollitt, M., Reiner, D. and Warde, P. (2019) “Responses and final thoughts.” In: Ozawa, M., Chaplin, J., Pollitt, M., Reiner, D. and Warde, P. (eds.) In search of good energy policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.336-350

Rapoport, A. and Mak, V. (2019) “Strategic interactions in transportation networks.” In: Donohue, K., Katok, E. and Leider, S. (eds.) The handbook of behavioral operations. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, pp.557-585

Roulet, T.J., Paolella, L., Gabbionneta, C. and Muzio, D. (2019) “Micro-foundations of institutional change in the career structure of UK elite law firms.” In: Haack, P., Sieweke, J. and Wessel, L. (eds.) Research in the sociology of organizations: vol.65(A): microfoundations of institutions. Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp.251-268 (available online)

Stott, N., Fava, M. and Slawinski, N. (2019) “Community social innovation: taking a long view on community enterprise.” In: George, G., Baker, T., Tracey, P. and Joshi, H. (eds.) Handbook of inclusive innovation: the role of organizations, markets and communities in social innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.145-166

Williamson, P.J. and Wan, F. (2019) “How real are the opportunities for multinationals in China?” In: Grosse, R. and Meyer, K.E. (eds.) The Oxford handbook of management in emerging markets. New York: Oxford University Press, pp.745-762

Fontana, G., Pitelis, C., and Runde, J. (eds.) (2019) “Special issue on financialisation and the new capitalism.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 43(4)

Genakos, G. and Pollitt, M. (eds.) (2019) “Special issue on celebrating 25 years of the EU Single Market.” Review of Industrial Organization, 55(1)

Green, R. and Pollitt, M. (eds.) (2008) “Special issue in honor of Professor David M.G. Newbery.” The Energy Journal, 29(2)
