Research collaboration

Both our faculty and PhD students work with partners in research, either in collaboration or through sponsorship of specific pieces of work.

Collaborating with our faculty

Academics interested in working with our faculty on a research grant should email the grants team at

Academics interested in a short-term visiting position should first contact a potential host faculty member with an outline of their proposed collaborative project. The faculty host makes an internal application on the visitor’s behalf. Faculty research interests are listed in both the Subject Group and Faculty sections of the website.

Practitioner/policy partners interested in collaboration should email Tamsin Varney, Research Engagement & Impact Manager, at Information on existing collaboration projects is available on our impact and practitioner engagement webpage.

Collaborating with our PhD students

For more information on working with PhD students and our PhD programme, please contact:

Joanna Blakeman, PhD Programme Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1223 764225
