Research Associate
Entrepreneurship Centre
MPhil (University of Cambridge), PhD (Northeastern University)
A Research Associate with the Business School’s Entrepreneurship Centre, I hold an MPhil in Technology Policy from Cambridge Judge Business School and a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA. I have authored several papers in electromagnetics, mathematics and business journals.

Previous appointments
Dr Ladas served as project manager on the relationship of technology and innovation for the School’s Executive Education division. Previously he was head of network strategy – responsible for the fixed network – at OTE the incumbent telecom operator in Greece. He has more than 20 years’ experience in a broad range of high-level management positions in telecommunications and has served as adviser to the CEO responsible for technology selection and collective labour agreements negotiations.
News and insight
Assessing risk
New book Beyond Bad Apples looks at how organisations manage their risk culture, which is timely as firms examine their ethos on racial and gender issues. A new book entitled Beyond Bad Apples focuses on the role of organisations in managing their risk culture, challenging the idea that risk stems from chance circumstances or rogue behaviour. The book, co-edited by the leaders of the Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies, is timely given that many companies are examining their cultures and making broad statements of reform, whether on racial issues following Black Lives Matter protests or the Me Too movement on sexual harassment. The book shows that organisations "play a role as manufacturers and managers of risk" – thus disputing the "inside-out" perspective on risk culture that flows from the well-known expression that "one bad apple spoils the whole barrel". "Good risk culture can help organisations recognise their blind spots more clearly," says the book published by Cambridge University Press, which is co-edited by Michelle Tuveson, Executive Director of the Centre for Risk Studies at University of Cambridge Judge Business School; Professor Daniel Ralph, Academic Director of the Centre; and Professor Kern Alexander of the University of Zurich, a Senior Advisor at…
Six key elements typically feature in successfully transformative business models, says Harvard Business Review article by three academics at Cambridge Judge Business School. There are six key elements – including personalisation, asset-sharing and organisational agility – that typically feature in transformative business models that have a high chance of success, according to a new article in Harvard Business Review by three academics at Cambridge Judge Business School. Transformation of an industry usually occurs not through new technology alone but through a business model that links new technology to an emerging market trend, says the article, which defines "business model" as "how a company creates and captures value." The article in the October 2016 issue of Harvard Business Review – entitled "The transformative business model" – is co-authored by Professor Stylianos Kavadias, Margaret Thatcher Professor of Enterprise Studies in Innovation and Growth, and director of the Entrepreneurship Centre at Cambridge Judge; Dr Konstantinos Ladas, an associate at the Entrepreneurship Centre; and Christoph Loch, Director of Cambridge Judge. The article is based on an in-depth analysis of 40 companies that launched new business models in a variety of industries. "All of them seemed to have the potential to transform their industries, but…