Growth, performance and quality of life
The Economics and Policy group analyses:
- how economics can improve economic growth and business performance
- how public policy can be improved to enhance economic growth, sustainability and the quality of life

Key research and teaching areas
The research of the group falls broadly into the following categories:
- Behavioural insights and economics (Lucia Reisch, Christos Genakos, Michael Pollitt and Jochen Runde)
- Circular economy (Khal Soufani)
- Competition policy and regulation (Christos Genakos)
- Consumer behaviour and policy (Lucia Reisch and David Reiner)
- Decision-making under extreme uncertainty (Jochen Runde)
- Energy and climate economics and policy (David Reiner, Kamiar Mohaddes and Michael Pollitt)
- Econometric and statistical methods (Paul Kattuman and Christos Genakos)
- Explanation in the social sciences (Jochen Runde)
- Health economics (Juliana Kozak Rogo)
- Impact investing (Khal Soufani)
- Industrial organisation (Christos Genakos, Juliana Kozak Rogo and Michael Pollitt)
- Innovation (Michael Kitson and Christos Genakos)
- Macroeconomic policy and performance (Michael Kitson and Kamiar Mohaddes)
- Productivity measurement and the regulation of utilities (Michael Pollitt and Christos Genakos)
- Social ontology and the ontology of technology (Jochen Runde)
Research centres
Group members have leading roles in the following research centres:
- Centre for Business Research (CBR)
- Circular Economy Centre (CEC)
- Centre for Science and Policy (CSaP)
- El-Erian Institute of Behavioural Economics and Policy
- Energy Policy Research Group
The Economics and Policy subject group faculty teach across the full range of undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education programmes offered by the Business School.
Meet our members including faculty, research and teaching staff, PhD students, and honorary appointees.
Subject group head
Michael Pollitt
Professor of Business Economics
Publishing output
The members of the group publish in leading journals and disseminate their work through other channels to ensure the maximum impact on policy and practice. The Centre for Business Research (CBR) and the Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG) also produce a range of publications and presentations which are available via their websites:
Selected publications
- Anaya, K.L. and Pollitt, M.G. (2022) “A social cost benefit analysis for the procurement of reactive power: the case of Power Potential.” Applied Energy, 312: 118512 (DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.118512)
- Bauer, J.M., Aarestrup, S., Hansen, P.G. and Reisch, L.A. (2022) “Nudging more sustainable grocery purchases: behavioural innovations in a supermarket setting.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 179: 121605 (DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2022.121605)
- Bauer, J.M., Nielsen, K.S., Hofmann, W. and Reisch, L.A. (2022) “Healthy eating in the wild: an experience sampling study assessing the barriers and facilitators to dietary goal success.” Social Science and Medicine, 299: 114869 (DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114869)
- Bauer, J.M., van der Laan, L.N., de Bruijn, G.-J. and Reisch, L.A. (2022) “Battle of the primes: the effect and interplay of health and hedonic primes on food choice.” Appetite, 172: 105956 (DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2022.105956)
- Esposito, M., Tse, T., Soufani, K. and Chong, L. (2022) “How can vertical farming ensure the future of food security? [in Arabic]” Stanford Social Innovation Review (Arabic), 26 January 2022
- Feduzi, A., Faulkner, P., Runde, J., Cabantous, L. and Loch, C. (2022) “Heuristic methods for updating small world representations in strategic situations of Knightian uncertainty.” Academy of Management Review (DOI: 10.5465/amr.2018.0235) (published online Oct 2020)
- Forberger, S., Reisch, L., Meshkovska, B., Łobczowska, K., Scheller, D.A., Wendt, J., Christianson, L., Frense, J., Steinacker, J.M., Luszczynska, A. and Zeeb, H. (2022) “Sugar-sweetened beverage tax implementation processes: results of a scoping review.” Health Research Policy and Systems, 20: 33 (DOI: 10.1186/s12961-022-00832-3)
- Genakos, C. and Pagliero, M. (2022) “Competition and pass-through: evidence from isolated markets.” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 14(4): 35-57 (DOI: 10.1257/app.20200863)
- Heuer, T. and Runde, J. (2022) “The Elbphilharmonie and the Hamburg effect: on the social positioning, identities and system functions of a building and a city.” European Planning Studies, 30(1): 85-104 (DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2021.1908232)
- Pollitt, M.G. (2022) “The further economic consequences of Brexit: energy.” Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 38(1): 165-178 (DOI: 10.1093/oxrep/grab044)
- Pollitt, M.G. and Dolphin, G. (2022) “Should the EU ETS be extended to road transport and heating fuels?” Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, 11(1) (DOI: 10.5547/2160-5890.11.1.mpol)
- Anaya, K.L. and Pollitt, M.G. (2021) “How to procure flexibility services within the electricity distribution system: lessons from an international review of innovation projects.” Energies, 14(15): 4475-4475 (DOI: 10.3390/en14154475)
- Anaya, K.L. and Pollitt, M.G. (2021) “The role of regulators in promoting the procurement of flexibility services within the electricity distribution system: a survey of seven leading countries.” Energies, 14(14): 4073 (DOI: 10.3390/en14144073)
- Bauer, J., Bietz, S., Rauber, J. and Reisch, L.A. (2021) “Nudging healthier food choices in a cafeteria setting: a sequential multi-intervention field study.” Appetite, 160: 105106 (DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2021.105106)
- Cardinale, I. and Runde, J. (2021) “From dishwashing to dishwasher cooking: on social positioning and how users are drawn towards alternative uses of existing technology.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 45(4): 613-630 (DOI: 10.1093/cje/beab026)
- Chudik, A., Mohaddes, K., Pesaran, H., Raissi, M. and Rebucci, A. (2021) “A counterfactual economic analysis of Covid-19 using a threshold augmented multi-country model.” Journal of International Money and Finance, 119: 102477 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jimonfin.2021.102477)
- Chudik, A., Mohaddes, K. and Raissi, M. (2021) “Covid-19 fiscal support and its effectiveness.” Economics Letters, 205: 109939 (DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2021.109939)
- Debnath, R., Bardhan, R., Darby, S., Mohaddes, K., Sunikka-Blank, M., Cristina Villaça Coelho, A. and Isa, A. (2021) “Words against injustices: a deep narrative analysis of energy cultures in poverty of Abuja, Mumbai and Rio de Janeiro.” Energy Research and Social Science, 72: 101892 (DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101892)
- Faulkner, P., Feduzi, A., McCann Jr, C.R. and Runde, J. (2021) “F.H. Knight’s Risk, uncertainty, and profit and J.M. Keynes’ Treatise on probability after 100 years.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 45(5): 857-882 (DOI: 10.1093/cje/beab035)
- Faulkner, P., Feduzi, A., McCann Jr, C.R. and Runde, J. (eds.) (2021) “Special issue on F.H. Knight’s Risk, uncertainty, and profit and J.M. Keynes’ Treatise on probability after 100 years.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 45(5)
- Flamini, A., Jahanshabi, B. and Mohaddes, K. (2021) “Illegal drugs and public corruption: crack based evidence from California.” European Journal of Political Economy, 69: 102005 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2021.102005)
- Glachant, J.-M., Joskow, P.L. and Pollitt, M.G. (eds.) (2021) Handbook on electricity markets. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Kahn, M.E., Mohaddes, K., Ng, R.N.C., Pesaran, M.H., Raissi, M. and Yang, J.-C. (2021) “Long-term macroeconomic effects of climate change: a cross-country analysis.” Energy Economics, 104: 105624 (DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105624)
- Kiesling, L., Meeus, L. and Pollitt, M.G. (eds.) (2021) “Special issue on innovation, policy, and regulation in electricity markets.” Energies, 14(19)
- Han, Y., Li, V.O.K., Lam, J.C.K. and Pollitt, M. (2021) “How BLUE is the sky? Estimating air qualities in Beijing during the Blue Sky Day period (2008–2012) by Bayesian Multi-task LSTM.” Environmental Science and Policy, 116: 69-77 (DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2020.10.015)
- Pollitt, M.G. (2021) “Measuring the impact of electricity market reform in a Chinese context.” Energy and Climate Change, 2: 100044 (DOI: 10.1016/j.egycc.2021.100044)
- Pollitt, M.G. and Ananya, K.L. (2021) “Competition in markets for ancillary services? The implications of rising distributed generation.” The Energy Journal, 42(Special issue) (DOI: 10.5547/01956574.42.SI1.mpol)
- Pollitt, M.G. and Chyong, C.K. (2021) “Modelling net zero and sector coupling: lessons for European policy makers.” Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, 10(2): 25-40 (DOI: 10.5547/2160-5890.10.2.mpol)
- Pollitt, M. and Nillesen, P. (2021) “Ownership unbundling of electricity distribution networks.” Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, 10(1) (DOI: 10.5547/2160-5890.10.1.pnil)
- Reisch, L.A. (2021) “Shaping healthy and sustainable food systems with behavioural food policy.” European Review of Agricultural Economics, 48(4): 665-693 (DOI: 10.1093/erae/jbab024)
- Reisch, L.A., Sunstein, C.R., Andor, M.A., Doebbe, F.C., Haddaway, N.R. and Meier, J. (2021) “Mitigating climate change via food consumption and food waste: a systematic map of behavioural interventions.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 279: 123717 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123717)
- Reisch, L.A., Sunstein, C.R. and Kaiser, M. (2021) “What do people want to know? Information avoidance and food policy implications.” Food Policy, 102: 102076 (DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2021.102076)
- Runde, J., Feduzi, A. and Cabantous, L. (2021) “Commentary on Brian T. McCann’s ‘Bayesian updating’.” California Management Review, 25 April 2021
- Soufani, K. and Loch, C. (2021) “Circular supply chains are more sustainable. Why are they so rare?” Harvard Business Review, 15 June 2021
- Sunstein, C.R. and Reisch, L.A. (2021) “Climate-friendly default rules.” In: Bali Swain, R. and Sweet, S. (eds.) Sustainable consumption and production: challenges and development: vol.1. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.141-164
- Sunstein, C.R., Reisch, L.A. and Kaiser, M. (2021) “Most people like nudges – and why that matters.” In: Grundmann, S. and Hacker, P. (eds.) Theories of choice: the social science and the law of individual, collective and organizational decision making. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.73-86
- Aboulamer, A., Soufani, K. and Esposito, M. (2020) “Financing the circular economic model.” Thunderbird International Business Review, 62(6): 641-646 (DOI: 10.1002/tie.22123)
- Ananya, K.L. and Pollitt, M.G. (2020) “Reactive power procurement: a review of current trends.” Applied Energy, 270: 114939 (DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.114939)
- Chudik, A., Pesaran, M.H. and Mohaddes, K. (2020) “Identifying global and national output and fiscal policy shocks using a GVAR.” In: Pesaran, M.H., Li, T. and Terrell, D. (eds.) Advances in econometrics: vol.41: essays in honor of Cheng Hsiao. Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp.143-190
- Dimas, A. and Genakos, C. (2020) “Exploring the long-term impact of maximum markup deregulation.” Anali Pravnog Fakulteta u Beogradu, 68(4): 5-29 (DOI: 10.51204/anali_pfub_20401a)
- Dolphin, G., Pollitt, M. and Newbery, D. (2020) “The political economy of carbon pricing: a panel analysis.” Oxford Economic Papers, 72(2): 472-500 (DOI: 10.1093/oep/gpz042)
- Geissdoerfer, M., Pieroni, M.P.P., Pigosso, D.C.A. and Soufani, K. (2020) “Circular business models: a review.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 277: 123741 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123741)
- Generoso, R., Couharde, C., Damette, O. and Mohaddes, K. (2020) “The growth effects of El Niño and La Niña: local weather conditions matter.” Annals of Economics and Statistics, 140: 83-126 (DOI: 10.15609/annaeconstat2009.140.0083)
- Pollitt, M.G. (2020) Reforming the Chinese electricity supply sector: lessons from global experience. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Reiner, D.M. (2020) “The political economy of carbon capture and storage.” In: Bui, M. and Mac Dowell, N. (eds.) Carbon capture and storage. London: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp.536-558
- Runde, J., Lewis, P. and Graça Moura, M. (2020) “Ontology and the history of economic thought: an introduction.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 44(5): 981-990 (DOI: 10.1093/cje/beaa039)
- Runde, J., Lewis, P. and Graça Moura, M. (eds.) (2020) “Special issue on ontology and the history of economic thought.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 44(5)
- Aboulamer, A., Esposito, M. and Soufani, K. (2019) “Financing the circular economy model [in Arabic].” Harvard Business Review (Arabic), 27 June 2019
- Anaya, K.L. and Pollitt, M.G. (2019) “Storage business models: lessons for electricity from cloud data, frozen food and natural gas.” The Energy Journal, 40(SI): 409-432 (DOI: 10.5547/01956574.40.SI1.kana)
- Cave, M., Genakos, C. and Valletti, T. (2019) “The European framework for regulating telecommunications: a 25-year appraisal.” Review of Industrial Organization, 55(1): 47-62 (DOI: 10.1007/s11151-019-09686-6)
- Chan, J.H. and Reiner, D. (2019) “‘Dominance by birthright’? Reconfiguration of firm boundaries to acquire new resources and capabilities.” Industrial Management and Data Systems, 119(9): 1888-1907 (DOI: 10.1108/IMDS-04-2019-0258)
- Chan, J.H. and Reiner, D. (2019) “Evolution in inter-firm governance along the transport biofuel value chain in Maritime Silk Road countries.” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 122: 268-282 (DOI: 10.1016/j.tre.2018.12.006)
- El-Anshasy, A., Mohaddes, K. and Nugent, J.B. (2019) “Oil, volatility and institutions: cross-country evidence from major oil producers.” In: Mohaddes, K., Nugent, J.B. and Selim, H. (eds.) Institutions and macroeconomic policies in resource-rich Arab economies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.52-72 (DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198822226.003.0003)
- Faulkner, P. and Runde, J. (2019) “Theorizing the digital object.” MIS Quarterly, 43(4): 1279-1302 (DOI: 10.25300/MISQ/2019/13136)
- Fontana, G., Pitelis, C. and Runde, J. (2019) “Financialisation and the new capitalism?” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 43(4): 799-804 (DOI: 10.1093/cje/bez029)
- Fontana, G., Pitelis, C., and Runde, J. (eds.) (2019) “Special issue on financialisation and the new capitalism.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 43(4)
- Fransman, M., Garzarelli, G., Lewin, P., Runde, J. and Torr, C. (2019) “Reminiscences of Ludwig M. Lachmann.” In: Fiorito, L., Scheall, S. and Suprinyak, C.E. (eds.) Including a symposium on Ludwig Lachmann (Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, vol.37B). Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp.83-92
- Genakos, G. and Pollitt, M. (eds.) (2019) “Special issue on celebrating 25 years of the EU Single Market.” Review of Industrial Organization, 55(1)
- Genakos, G. and Pollitt, M. (2019) “Introduction to the special issue in ‘Celebrating 25 years of the EU Single Market’.” Review of Industrial Organization, 55(1): 1-4 (DOI: 10.1007/s11151-019-09690-w)
- Hannula, I. and Reiner, D.M. (2019) “Near-term potential of biofuels, electrofuels and battery electric vehicles in decarbonising road transport.” Joule, 13(10): 2390-2402 (DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2019.08.013)
- Küfeoğlu, S. and Pollitt, M.G. (2019) “The impact of PVs and EVs on domestic electricity network charges: a case study from Great Britain.” Energy Policy, 127: 412-424 (DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.12.012)
- Lam, J.C.K., Han, Y., Wang, S., Li, V.O.K., Pollitt, M. and Warde, P. (2019) “A comparative study of air pollution trends in historical London and contemporary Beijing.” In: Ozawa, M., Chaplin, J., Pollitt, M., Reiner, D. and Warde, P. (eds.) In search of good energy policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.282-304
- Liu, X.-Y., Pollitt, M.G., Xie, B.-C. and Liu, L.-Q. (2019) “Does environmental heterogeneity affect the productive efficiency of grid utilities in China?” Energy Economics, 83: 333-344 (DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2019.07.001)
- Mohaddes, K., Nugent, J.B. and Selim, H. (2019) Institutions and macroeconomic policies in resource-rich Arab economies. Oxford: Oxford University Press (DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198822226.001.0001)
- Mohaddes, K., Nugent, J.B. and Selim, H. (2019) “Objectives, issues and findings.” In: Mohaddes, K., Nugent, J.B. and Selim, H. (eds.) Institutions and macroeconomic policies in resource-rich Arab economies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.1-14 (DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198822226.003.0001)
- Mohaddes, K., Nugent, J.B. and Selim, H. (2019) “Reforming fiscal institutions in resource-rich Arab economies: policy proposals.” In: Mohaddes, K., Nugent, J.B. and Selim, H. (eds.) Institutions and macroeconomic policies in resource-rich Arab economies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.237-271 (DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198822226.003.0009)
- Newbery, D.M., Reiner, D.M. and Ritz, R.A. (2019) “The political economy of a carbon price floor for power generation.” The Energy Journal, 40(1) (DOI: 10.5547/01956574.40.1.dnew)
- Ostfeld, R., Reiner, D.M., Howarth, D. and Krasny, P. (2019) “Peeling back the label: exploring sustainable palm oil ecolabelling and consumption in the United Kingdom.” Environmental Research Letters, 14: 014001 (DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aaf0e4)
- Ozawa, M., Chaplin, J., Pollitt, M., Reiner, D. and Warde, P. (2019) In search of good energy policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ozawa, M., Chaplin, J., Pollitt, M., Reiner, D. and Warde, P. (2019) “Responses and final thoughts.” In: Ozawa, M., Chaplin, J., Pollitt, M., Reiner, D. and Warde, P. (eds.) In search of good energy policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.336-350
- Ozawa, M. and Pollitt, M. (2019) “Introduction to multidisciplinary approaches’.” In: Ozawa, M., Chaplin, J., Pollitt, M., Reiner, D. and Warde, P. (eds.) In search of good energy policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.275-281
- Pollitt, M.G. (2019) “A global carbon market?” Frontiers of Engineering Management, 6(1): 5-18 (DOI: 10.1007/s42524-019-0011-x)
- Pollitt, M.G. (2019) “The European single market in electricity: an economic assessment.” Review of Industrial Organization, 55(1): 63-87 (DOI: 10.1007/s11151-019-09682-w)
- Rocha, M., Baddeley, M., Pollitt, M. and Weeks, M. (2019) “Addressing self-disconnection among prepayment energy consumers: a behavioural approach.” Energy Economics, 81: 273-286 (DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2019.03.025)
- Schnellmann, M.A., Chyong, C.K., Reiner, D.M. and Scott, S.A. (2019) “Deploying gas power with CCS: the role of operational flexibility, merit order and the future energy system.” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 91: 102838 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2019.102838)
- Triebs, T.P. and Pollitt, M.G. (2019) “Objectives and incentives: evidence from the privatization of Great Britain’s power plants.” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 65: 1-29 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijindorg.2018.12.003)
- Alawadhi, A., Mohaddes, K., Burney, N.A. and Al-Khayat, A. (2018) “Kuwait’s macroeconomic performance in the global context.” Arab Journal of Administrative Sciences, 25(1): 93-119
- Bui, M., Adjiman, C.S., Bardow, A., Anthony, E.J., Boston, A., Brown, S., Reiner, D.M. et al (2018) “Carbon capture and storage (CCS): the way forward.” Energy and Environmental Science, 11(5): 1062-1176 (DOI: 10.1039/c7ee02342a)
- Burney, N.A., Mohaddes, K., Alawadhi, A. and Al-Musallam, M. (2018) “The dynamics and determinants of Kuwait’s long-run economic growth.” Economic Modelling, 71: 289-304 (DOI: 10.1016/j.econmod.2017.12.018)
- Chudik, A., Mohaddes, K., Pesaran, H.M. and Raissi, M. (2018) “Rising public debt to GDP can harm economic growth.” Economic Letter (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas), 13(3): 1-4
- Esposito, M., Tse, T. and Soufani, K. (2018) “Introducing a circular economy: new thinking with new managerial and policy implications.” California Management Review, 60(3): 5-19 (DOI: 10.1177/0008125618764691)
- Esposito, M., Tse, T. and Soufani, K. (2018) “Reverse logistics for postal services within a circular economy.” Thunderbird International Business Review, 60(5): 741-745 (DOI: 10.1002/tie.21904)
- Esposito, M., Tse, T. and Soufani, K. (2018) “The circular economy: an opportunity for renewal, growth, and stability.” Thunderbird International Business Review, 60(5): 725-728 (DOI: 10.1002/tie.21912)
- Feduzi, A., Runde, J., Cabantous, L., Faulkner, P. and Loch, C. (2018) “Updating ‘small world representations’ in strategic decision-making under extreme uncertainty.” Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1) (DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2018.141)
- Genakos, C. (2018) “The tale of the two Greeces: some management practices lessons.” Managerial and Decision Economics, 39(8): 888-896 (DOI: 10.1002/mde.2971)
- Genakos, C., Koutroumpis, P. and Pagliero, M. (2018) “The impact of maximum markup regulation on prices.” Journal of Industrial Economics, 66(2): 239-300 (DOI: 10.1111/joie.12175)
- Genakos, C., Kühn, K.-U. and Van Reener, J. (2018) “Leveraging monopoly power by degrading interoperability: theory and evidence from computer markets.” Economica, 85(340): 873-902 (DOI: 10.1111/ecca.12257)
- Genakos, C., Valletti, T.M. and Verboven, F. (2018) “Evaluating market consolidation in mobile communications.” Economic Policy, 33(93): 45-100 (DOI: 10.1093/epolic/eix020)
- Greve, T., Teng, F., Pollitt, M.G. and Strbac, G. (2018) “A system operator’s utility function for the frequency response market.” Applied Energy, 231: 562-569 (DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.09.088)
- Guan, D., Meng, J., Reiner, D.M., Zhang, N., Shan, Y., Mi, Z., Shao, S., Liu, Z., Zhang, Q. and Davis, S.J. (2018) “Structural decline in China’s CO2 emissions through transitions in industry and energy systems.” Nature Geoscience, 11: 551-555 (DOI: 10.1038/s41561-018-0161-1)
- Honegger, M. and Reiner, D. (2018) “The political economy of negative emissions technologies: consequences for international policy design.” Climate Policy, 18(3): 306-321 (DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2017.1413322)
- Newbery, D., Pollitt, M.G., Ritz, R.A. and Strielkowski, W. (2018) “Market design for a high-renewables European electricity system.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 91: 695-707 (DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2018.04.025)
- Pollitt, M.G. (2018) “Electricity network charging in the presence of distributed energy resources: principles, problems and solutions.” Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, 7(1): 89-103 (DOI: 10.5547/2160-5890.7.1.mpol)
- Richter, L.-L. and Pollitt, M.G. (2018) “Which smart electricity service contracts will consumers accept? The demand for compensation in a platform market.” Energy Economics, 72: 436-450 (DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2018.04.004)
- Sidhu, A.S., Pollitt, M.G. and Anaya, K.L. (2018) “A social cost benefit analysis of grid-scale electrical energy storage projects: a case study.” Applied Energy, 212: 881-894 (DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.12.085)
- Soufani, K., Tse, T., Esposito, M., Dimitriou, G. and Kikiras, P. (2018) “Bridging the circular economy and social enterprise: the Dutch Ministry of Defence and Biga Groep.” European Business Review, 18 March 2018
- Soufani, K., Tse, T., Esposito, M., Dimitriou, G. and Kikiras, P. (2018) “A roadmap to circular economy in EU defence inspired by the case of the Dutch Ministry of Defence.” The European Financial Review, 10 February 2018
- Anaya, K.L. and Pollitt, M.G. (2017) “Going smarter in the connection of distributed generation.” Energy Policy, 105: 608-617 (DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2017.01.036)
- Anaya, K.L. and Pollitt, M.G. (2017) “Using stochastic frontier analysis to measure the impact of weather on the efficiency of electricity distribution businesses in developing economies.” European Journal of Operational Research, 263(3): 1078-1094 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2017.05.054)
- Cashin, P., Mohaddes, K. and Raissi, M. (2017) “China’s slowdown and global financial market volatility: is world growth losing out?” Emerging Markets Review, 31: 164-175 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ememar.2017.05.001)
- Cashin, P., Mohaddes, K. and Raissi, M. (2017) “Fair weather or foul? The macroeconomic effects of El Niño.” Journal of International Economics, 106: 37-54 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jinteco.2017.01.010)
- Chudik, A., Mohaddes, K., Pesaran, H.M. and Raissi, M. (2017) “Is there a debt-threshold effect on output growth?” Review of Economics and Statistics, 99(1): 135-150 (DOI: 10.1162/REST_a_00593)
- Esposito, M., Soufani, K. and Tse, T. (2017) “La chimie verte: moins d’impact écologique, plus d’avantage compétitif.” Harvard Business Review (France), 17 January 2017
- Esposito, M., Soufani, K. and Tse, T. (2017) “Comment l’industrie automobile peut s’inspirer de l’économie circulaire.” Harvard Business Review (France), 16 February 2017
- Esposito, M., Soufani, K. and Tse, T. (2017) “Les postiers, sauveurs de l’économie circulaire?” Harvard Business Review (France), 20 April 2017
- Esposito, M., Tse, T., Soufani, K. and Xiong, L. (2017) “Et si l’agriculture pouvait de nouveau être un secteur d’avenir?” Harvard Business Review (France), 29 November 2017
- Esposito, M., Tse, T. and Soufani, K. (2017) “Come la logistica inversa potrebbe resuscitare il servizio postale in declino.” Harvard Business Review (Italy), 3 May 2017
- Esposito, M., Tse, T., Soufani, K. and Xiong, L. (2017) “Feeding the future of agriculture with vertical farming.” Stanford Social Innovation Review, 27 December 2017
- Esposito, M., Tse, T. and Soufani, K. (2017) “Is the circular economy a new fast-expanding market?” Thunderbird International Business Review, 59(1): 9-14 (DOI: 10.1002/tie.21764)
- Faulkner, P., Pratten, S. and Runde, J. (2017) “Cambridge social ontology: clarification, development and deployment.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41(5): 1265–1277 (DOI: 10.1093/cje/bex048)
- Faulkner, P., Pratten, S. and Runde, J. (eds.) (2017) “Special issue on Cambridge social ontology.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41(5)
- Faulkner, P., Feduzi, A. and Runde, J. (2017) “Unknowns, Black Swans and the risk / uncertainty distinction.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41(5): 1279-1302 (DOI: 10.1093/cje/bex035)
- Feduzi, A., Runde, J. and Zappia, C. (2017) “De Finetti and Savage on the normative relevance of imprecise reasoning: a reply to Arthmar and Brady.” History of Economic Ideas, 25(1): 211-223 (DOI: 10.19272/201706101009)
- Genakos, C., Katsoulakos, Y. and Houpis, G. (2017) “Product market regulation and competitiveness: towards a national competition and competitiveness policy in Greece.” In: Meghir, C., Pissarides, C.A., Vayanos, D. and Vettas, N. (eds.) Beyond austerity: reforming the Greek economy. Boston, MA: MIT Press, 139-178
- Greve, T. and Pollitt, M.G. (2017) “Determining the optimal length of regulatory guarantee: a length-of-contract auction.” The Economic Journal, 127(605): F325–F333 (DOI: 10.1111/ecoj.12405)
- He, X. and Reiner, D. (2017) “Why consumers switch energy suppliers: the role of individual attitudes.” Energy Journal, 38(1): 25-53 (DOI: 10.5547/01956574.38.6.hxia)
- Mohaddes, K. and Pesaran, H.M. (2017) “Oil prices and the global economy: is it different this time around?” Energy Economics, 65: 315-325 (DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2017.05.011)
- Mohaddes, K., Raissi, M. and Weber, A. (2017) “Can Italy grow out of its NPL overhang? A panel threshold analysis.” Economics Letters, 159: 185-189 (DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2017.08.001)
- Mohaddes, K. and Raissi, M. (2017) “Do sovereign wealth funds dampen the negative effects of commodity price volatility?” Journal of Commodity Markets, 8: 18-27 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcomm.2017.08.004)
- Oseni, M.O. and Pollitt, M.G. (2017) “The prospects for smart energy prices: observations from 50 years of residential pricing for fixed line telecoms and electricity.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 70: 150–160 (DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2016.11.214)
- Pitelis, C. and Runde, J. (2017) “Capabilities, resources, learning and innovation: a blueprint for a post-classical economics and public policy.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41(3): 679–691 (DOI: 10.1093/cje/bex022)
- Pitelis, C. and Runde, J. (eds.) (2017) “Special issue on post-classical perspectives on the interaction between business organisation and public policy.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41(3)
- Pollitt, M.G. (2017) “David Michael Garrood Newbery (1943–).” In: Cord, R.A. (ed.) The Palgrave companion to Cambridge economics. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.1131-1149
- Pollitt, M.G. (2017) “The economic consequences of Brexit: energy.” Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 33(S1): S134-S143 (DOI: 10.1093/oxrep/grx013)
- Viñuales, J.E., Depledge, J., Reiner, D.M. and Lees, E. (2017) “Climate policy after the Paris 2015 climate conference.” Climate Policy, 17(1): 1-8 (DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2016.1242060)
Industry and policy engagement
- Regional, national and International organisations
- Academic insitutions
- Research centres and initiatives
Regional, national and international organisations
The research of the group is informed and stimulated by regular interactions with a wide range of regional, national and international organisations such as:
- European Union
- Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy
- National Infrastructure Commission
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- UK Met Office and Committee on Climate Change
- Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem).
We also provide advice and policy inputs at Prime Ministerial and Ministerial levels in the UK and abroad.
Academic institutions
The group maintains long-standing collaborations with leading academic institutions around the world including:
- Stanford University Energy Modelling Forum
- MIT’s Center for Energy and Environmental Policy
Research centres and initiatives
Members of the group are also actively engaged in business and policy engagement through the:
- Centre for Business Research (CBR), which conducts interdisciplinary research on enterprise, innovation and governance in contemporary market economies, and whose research is used by managers, policy-makers and regulators in numerous countries
- Circular Economy Centre, which collaborates with academic and non-academic institutions in the EU (e.g. the European Defence Agency) on issues relating to the enablers of circularity such digital technology and IoT, which was part of a University of Cambridge consortium on plastics, and which delivers an Executive Education programmes to executives in multiple organisations
- El-Erian Institute of Behavioural Economics and Policy, which collaborates with the behavioural teams of the OECD, the UN, the European Commission, the WHO and several national governments, and which has a close collaboration with the Program on Behavioral Economics and Public Policy at Harvard Law School
- Energy Policy Forum (EPF), which facilitates knowledge exchange between the Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG) and a range of organisations including government departments, regulators, energy companies and consumer organisations
- Centre for Science and Policy (CSaP), whose aim is to improve public policy through the more effective use of evidence and expertise. It does this by facilitating visits to the University of Cambridge of civil servants from various government departments and agencies, as well as leading private companies with technology policy interests.
Research seminars
Upcoming seminars
Join our climaTRACES Lab workshop with Giacomo Novelli, University of Bologna.
Join our Energy Policy Research Group seminar with Dr Andrea M Oyarzún-Aravena, University of Cambridge.
Join the St Catharine’s Political Economy seminar with Paul Swinney, Director of Policy and Research at Centre for Cities.
Join our climaTRACES Lab workshop with Shuya Zhang, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge.
Join our climaTRACES Lab workshop with Alessio Terzi, Bennett Institute for Public Policy, University of Cambridge.
Join our climaTRACES Lab workshop with Yiran Shen, ClimaTRACES Lab, University of Cambridge.
Past seminars
Join our climaTRACES Lab workshop with Gee Hee Hong, International Monetary Fund.
Join our Economics and Policy seminar with Professor Markus Reisinger, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.
Join our Energy Policy Research Group seminar with Dr Andrew Garrick, Engineering Department, University of Cambridge.
Join our climaTRACES Lab workshop with Pramod Varma, Chief Technology Officer, EkStep and Carlos Montes, Lead for the Innovation Hub for Prosperity, CIGB, Cambridge Judge Business School.
An Energy Policy Research Group seminar with Chiara Lo Prete, Pennsylvania State University.
Join our Economics and Policy seminar with Dr Michelangelo Rossi, Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
Join our climaTRACES Lab workshop with Darragh McLaughlin, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge.
Join our Economics and Policy seminar with Dr Joao Granja, University College London.
An Energy Policy Research Group seminar with Chiang Liu, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics.
Join the weekly climaTRACES workshop, attended by a diverse group of people from economics, geography, politics, engineering, business, earth sciences, natural sciences, and history, generating interdisciplinary discussion.
Join our Economics and Policy seminar with Dr Andre Veiga, Imperial College Business School.
Join our Economics and Policy seminar with Dr Dennis Verhoeven, SKEMA Business School.
An Energy Policy Research Group seminar with Atiyeh Yeganloo, El-Erian Institute, Cambridge Judge Business School.
Join our Economics and Policy seminar with Dr Luke Garrod, Loughborough University.
An Energy Policy Research Group seminar with Andy Philpott, University of Auckland.
An Energy Policy Research Group seminar with Dr Peipei Chen, Cambridge Judge Business School & EPRG.
An Energy Policy Research Group seminar with Professor Christian von Hirschhausen, Technical University Berlin.
An Energy Policy Research Group seminar with Dr Chris Coleridge, Cambridge Judge Business School.
An Economics and Policy seminar with Dr Helena Perrone, Mannheim University.
An Economics and Policy seminar with Néstor Duch-Brown, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
An Economics and Policy seminar with Professor Imke Reimers, Cornell University.
An Economics and Policy seminar with Professor Nicholas de Roos, University of Liverpool Management School.
Join our Economics and Policy seminar with Dr Alessandro Iaria, University of Bristol.
An Economics and Policy seminar with Micha Arne Kaiser, El-Erian Institute.
An Energy Policy Research Group seminar with Dr Sugandha Srivastav, University of Oxford.
A Behavioural Roundtable with Dr Michael Hallsworth, Behavioural Insights Team.
A Behavioural Roundtable with Professor Will Tiemeijer, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
A Behavioural Roundtable with Faisal Neru, Think.Test.Do and the El-Erian Institute.
Lent term
2 February 2022 | 15:00-16:00, Online
Market structure, investment and technical efficiencies in mobile communications
Paul Scott, Assistant Professor of Economics, NYU Stern School of Business
9 February 2022 | 15:00-16:00, Online
Growth and the fragmentation of production
Johannes Boehm, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics at Sciences Po
16 February 2022 | 15:00-16:00, Online
Patent enforcement and subsequent innovation
Marek Giebel, Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School
23 February 2022 | 15:00-16:00, Online
Race to the bottom: competition and quality in science
Ryan Hill, Assistant Professor of Economics, Brigham Young University
2 March 2022 | 15:00-16:00, Online
A tale of two networks: common ownership and product market rivalry
Bruno Pellegrino, University of Maryland’s Smith School of Business
9 March 2022 | 15:00-16:00, Online
Common ownership and competition in the ready to eat cereal industry
Matthew Backus, Associate Professor, Columbia Business School
16 March 2022 | 15:00-16:00, Online
How does price competition affect innovation? Evidence from US antitrust cases
Hyo Kang, Assistant Professor, USC Marshall School of Business
Michaelmas term
12 October 2022 | 15:00-16:00, Online
Innovation and competition: the breakup of IG Farben
Felix Poege, Postdoctoral Associate, Technology and Policy Research Initiative, Boston University
19 October 2022 | 13:00-14:00, Room W4.05, Cambridge Judge Business School
The welfare consequences of urban traffic regulations
Isis Durrmeyer, Assistant Professor, Toulouse School of Economics
26 October 2022 | 15:00-16:00, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
Manipulative consumers
Nikita Roketskiy, Assistant Professor, University College London
2 November 2022 | 15:00-16:00, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
A BLP demand model of product-level market shares with complementarity
Ao Wang, Assistant Professor, University of Warwick
9 November 2022 | 15:00-16:00, Room W4.05, Cambridge Judge Business School
Climatarian diets: evaluating behaviour change interventions to accelerate the sustainable food transition
Paul Lohmann, Research Associate, El-Erian Institute of Behavioural Economics and Policy, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
16 November 2022 | 15:00-16:00, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
Understanding port performance and the role of infrastructure
Theodore Papageorgiou, Felter Family Associate Professor of Economics, Boston College
23 November 2022 | 16:00-17:00, Online
You can lead a horse to water: spatial learning and path dependence in consumer search
Charles Hodgson, Assistant Professor of Economics, Yale University
30 November 2022 | 15:00-16:00, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
Private monopoly and restricted entry: evidence from the notary profession
Biliana Yontcheva, Assistant Professor, Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics
Michaelmas term
20 October 2021 | 15:00-16:00, Online
Algorithmic pricing and competition: empirical evidence from the German retail gasoline market
Daniel Ershov, Assistant Professor, Toulouse School of Economics
27 October 2021 | 15:00-16:00, Online
Search frictions and efficiency in decentralised transport markets
Myrto Kalouptsidi, Assistant Professor, Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences
27 October 2021 | 15:00-16:00, Online
GDPR and the lost generation of innovative apps
Michael Kummer, Assistant Professor, University of East Anglia, Norwich
10 November 2021 | 15:00-16:00, Online
Price transparency, media and informative advertising
Itai Ater, Professor, Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University
17 November 2021 | 15:00-16:00, Seminar Room 1 and online
The aggregate consequences of forbearance lending: evidence from Japan
Isabelle Roland, Associate Lecturer, St John’s College, University of Cambridge
24 November 2021 | 15:00-16:00, Online
The value of information in competitive markets: the impact of big data on small and medium enterprises
Ricard Gil, Associate Professor and Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Business Economics, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
1 December 2021 | 15:00-16:00, Online
Licensing life saving drugs for developing countries: evidence from the medicines patent pool
Alberto Galasso, Professor of Strategic Management, Rotman Chair in Life Sciences Commercialisation, University of Toronto
Lent term
22 January 2020 | 13:00-14:00, Lecture Theatre 4, Cambridge Judge Business School
Are consumers myopic? Evidence from handset and mobile services choices
Ambre Nicolle, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Munich
29 January 2020 | 12:30-14:00, Room W4.05, Cambridge Judge Business School
Evaluation of bidding groups in first price auctions
Christine Zulehner, Professor of Economics, University of Vienna
5 February 2020 | 12:30-13:30, Lecture Theatre 1, Cambridge Judge Business School
An aggregative games approach to merger analysis in multiproduct firm oligopoly
Nicolas Schutz, Professor of Economics, University of Mannheim
12 February 2020 | 12:30-13:30, Lecture Theatre 1, Cambridge Judge Business School
Natural monopoly in delivery services
Sean Ennis, Director, Centre for Competition Policy, Professor of Competition Policy, UEA Norwich Business School
19 February 2020 | 12:30-14:00, Room W2.01, Cambridge Judge Business School
Distracted from shopping: product design and advertisement with limited attention
Benson Tsz Kin Leung, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Cambridge
26 February 2020 | 12:00-13:30, Room W2.01, Cambridge Judge Business School
Shelving or developing? The acquisition of potential competitors under financial constraints
Massimo Motta, Professor of Economics, Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
4 March 2020 | 12:30-14:00, Room KH107, Cambridge Judge Business School
The extensive margin of aggregate consumption demand
Andrea Pozzi, Associate Professor, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance
11 March 2020 | 12:30-14:00 Room W4.05, Cambridge Judge Business School
Mergers and demand enhancing innovation
Yassine Lefouili, Assistant Professor, Toulouse School of Economics
Lent term
30 January 2019 | 13:00-14:00, LT4, Cambridge Judge Business School
How well-targeted are soda taxes?
Professor Pierre Dubois, Toulouse School of Economics
6 February 2019 | 13:00-14:00, LT2, Cambridge Judge Business School
Mark-ups and concentration in the digital era
Chiara Criscuolo, OECD
13 February 2019 | 13:00-14:00, Lecture Theatre 4, Cambridge Judge Business School
Mental capabilities, heterogeneous trading patterns and performance in an experimental asset market
Dr Frédéric-Guillaume Schneider, Cambridge Judge Business School
20 February 2019 | 12:30-14:00, Room W2.01, Cambridge Judge Business School
Segmentation versus agglomeration: competition between platforms with competitive sellers
Professor Martin Peitz, University of Mannheim
27 February 2019 | 13:00-14:00, LT4, Cambridge Judge Business School
Market entry, fighting brands and tacit collusion: the case of the French mobile telecom market
Professor Frank Verboven, KU Leuven
6 March 2019 | 12:30-14:00, Room 107 (Keynes House), Cambridge Judge Business School
Regulatory in consumer search markets: the case of credit cards
Professor Alessandro Gavazza, London School of Economics
12 March 2019 | 12:30-14:00, Castle Teaching Room, Cambridge Judge Business School
Pass-through and firm behaviour in generalised economic models with an application to the trade cost puzzle of international trade
Professor Michal Fabinger, University of Tokyo
Easter term
2 May 2019 | 12:00-13:00, LT1, Cambridge Judge Business School
Targeted branding, price competition and consumer data
Professor Lynne Pepall, Tufts University
8 May 2019 | 12:00-13:30, Room W2.01, Cambridge Judge Business School
Competition in the venture capital market and the success of startup companies: theory and evidence
Professor Konstantinos Serfes, Drexel University
Michaelmas term
7 October 2019 | 13:00-14:00, LT4, Cambridge Judge Business School
Data science: what is it not?
Professor Xiao-Li Meng, Harvard University
23 October 2019 | 13:00-14:00, LT4, Cambridge Judge Business School
From mad men to maths men: concentration and buyer power in online advertising
Dr Francesco Decarolis, Bocconi University
30 October 2019 | 13:30-14:30, LT4, Cambridge Judge Business School
Price or Variety? An Evaluation of Mergers Effects in Grocery Retailing
Professor Tomaso Duso, DIW Berlin
6 November 2019 | 13:00-14:00, LT4, Cambridge Judge Business School
Paying for what kind of performance? Performance pay, multitasking and sorting in mission-oriented jobs
Professor Michael Vlassopoulos, University of Southampton
13 November 2019 | 13:00-14:00, LT2, Cambridge Judge Business School
Common ownership, competition and top management incentives
Dr Martin Schmalz, Saïd Business School
20 November 2019 | 12:00-13:30, Room W4.05, Cambridge Judge Business School
Conflicts of interest, ethical rules and competition
Professor Jan Bouckaert, University of Antwerp
27 November 2019 | 12:00-13:30, Room W4.05, Cambridge Judge Business School
Long-term macroeconomic effects of climate change: a cross-country analysis
Dr Kamiar Mohaddes, Cambridge Judge Business School
4 December 2019 | 13:00-14:00, LT4, Cambridge Judge Business School
Insurance between firms: the role of internal labour markets
Dr Giacinta Cestone, Cass Business School
Lent term
30 January 2018 | 17:00-18:30, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
Pro-market regulatory reform: an applied method and impact analysis
Dr Sean Ennis, OECD Competition Division
6 February 2018 | 17:00-18:00, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
Face-to-face communication in organisations
Dr Jordi Blanes i Vidal, London School of Economics
13 February 2018 | 17:30-18:30, Room KH107, Cambridge Judge Business School
Assessing the impact of mobile consolidation on innovation and quality
Serafino Abate, GSMA
20 February 2018 | 17:00-18:00, Room W2.01, Cambridge Judge Business School
Competition in London local bus tendering
Professor Michael Waterson, University of Warwick
27 February 2018 | 17:00-18:00, Fadi Boustany Lecture Theatre, Cambridge Judge Business School
Heterogeneous effects of performance pay with market competition: evidence from a randomised field experiment
Professor Tobias Kretschmer, LMU Munich
12 March 2018 | 17:00-18:00, Lecture Theatre 4, Cambridge Judge Business School
The law of large populations: the return of the long-ignored N and how it can affect our 2020 vision
Professor Xiao-Li Meng, Harvard University
13 March 2018 | 17:00-18:00, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
Competition in a differentiated product market with individualised pricing: the case of the UK brick industry
Professor Howard Smith, Oxford University
Michaelmas term
9 October 2018 | 12:30-14:00, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
Electric power distribution in the world: today and tomorrow
Dr Sinan Kufeoglu, Cambridge Judge Business School
10 October 2018 | 18:00-19:30, Ramsden Room, St Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge
Fiscal space: what have we learnt since the crises?
Professor Jagjit Chadha, National Institute of Economic and Social Research
17 October 2018 | 12:30-14:00, Room W4.05, Cambridge Judge Business School
Experience markets: an application to outsourcing and hiring
Dr Catherine Thomas, London School of Economics
23 October 2018 | 12:30-14:00, Keynes Room, Faculty of Economics
The technical, environmental and economic implications for power systems of phasing out coal and nuclear
Professor Pedro Linares, Comillas Pontifical University
24 October 2018 | 13:00-14:00, LT2, Cambridge Judge Business School
Competition and pass-through: evidence from the Greek islands
Dr Christos Genakos, Cambridge Judge Business School
31 October 2018 | 12:30-14:00, LT2, Cambridge Judge Business School
Multiproduct intermediaries
Dr Andrew Rhodes, Toulouse School of Economics
6 November 2018 | 12:30-14:00, Keynes Room, Faculty of Economics
The solar revolution: who made it happen?
Professor Felix Muesgens, Brandenburg University of Technology
7 November 2018 | 12:30-14:00, Fadi Boustany Lecture Theatre, Cambridge Judge Business School
Cheap trade credit and competition in downstream markets
Dr Emanuele Tarantino, University of Mannheim
14 November 2018 | 13:00-14:30, Room KH107, Cambridge Judge Business School
Competitive cross-subsidisation
Dr Patrick Rey, Toulouse School of Economics
21 November 2018 | 13:00-14:00, Fadi Boustany Lecture Theatre, Cambridge Judge Business School
Welfare effects of R&D support policies
Dr Otto Toivanen, Aalto University Business School
Michaelmas term
17 October 2017 | 17:45-18:45, Lecture Theatre 1, Cambridge Judge Business School
Internet and politics: evidence from UK local elections and local government policies
Tommaso Valletti, Chief Competition Economist at the Directorate General for Competition, European Commission, and Professor of Economics at Imperial College Business School
24 October 2017 | 17:30-18:30, Lecture Theatre 2, Cambridge Judge Business School
The dynamics of technology adoption and vertical restraints: an empirical analysis
Professor Michelle Sovinsky, University of Mannheim
31 October 2017 | 17:30-18:30, Lecture Theatre 2, Cambridge Judge Business School
Carbon pricing and firm profits: theory and estimates for US airlines
Dr Robert Ritz, University of Cambridge
7 November 2017 | 17:30-19:00, Lecture Theatre 2, Cambridge Judge Business School
Heterogenous time preferences and hyperbolic discounting: evidence from the UK mortgage market
Dr Pasquale Schiraldi, London School of Economics
14 November 2017 | 18:00-19:30, Lecture Theatre 3, Cambridge Judge Business School
Incentives and rank concerns in managerial tournaments
Dr Julia Shvets, University of Cambridge
21 November 2017 | 17:30-19:00, Lecture Theatre 2, Cambridge Judge Business School
Do tax incentives for research increase firm innovation? An RD design for R&D
Dr Ralf Martin, Imperial College Business School
Easter term
17 May 2017 | 15:00-16:00, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
The decline of science in corporate R&D
Dr Andrea Patacconi, Norwich Business School