The Organisational Theory and Information Systems group focuses on organisational theory and the dynamic relationship between information technologies and organisations.
The group’s research tackles questions that are not just theoretically generative but address issues that matter to real people in challenging situations.
It is distinctive for championing qualitative methods, including novel approaches to ‘old fashioned’ fieldwork.

Key research areas
Group members have focused on:
- Organisational and institutional creation, maintenance and change
- Information systems and organisational change
- Digital innovation
- Corporate social responsibility
- Knowledge translation and service innovation
- People and organisational effectiveness
- Entrepreneurship and innovation
- Extreme contexts
The group is engaged with cross-disciplinary themes including health management, financial services, public sector, international development, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Research centres
Group members have leading roles in the following research centres:
- Cambridge Digital Innovation (CDI)
- Centre for Business Research (CBR)
- Centre for International Human Resource Management
- Centre for Social Innovation
- Entrepreneurship Centre
Faculty members of the Organisational Theory and Information Systems subject group teach on the MBA, the EMBA, the MPhils, the MSt in Social Innovation and MSt in Entrepreneurship, and other masters and executive education programmes.
Meet our members including faculty, research and teaching staff, PhD students, and honorary appointees.
Subject group head
Jennifer Howard-Grenville
Diageo Professor in Organisation Studies
PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Publishing output
Group members have published widely in leading journals, including:
- Academy of Management Discoveries
- Academy of Management Annals
- Academy of Management Journal
- Academy of Management Review
- Administrative Science Quarterly
- Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
- Human Relations
- Information Systems Research
- Journal of Business Venturing
- Journal of Management Studies
- Journal of Marketing Research in the Sociology of Organizations
- MIS Quarterly
- Organizational Research Methods
- Organization Science
- Organization Studies
Several group members have editorial appointments in leading journals in their research areas.
Selected publications
- de Rond, M., Lok, J. and Marrison, A. (2022) “To catch a predator: the lived experience of extreme practices.” Academy of Management Journal (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2020.1492) (published online Dec 2021)
- George, G., Hass, M.R., McGahan, A.M., Schillebeeckx, S.J.D. and Tracey, P. (2022) “Purpose in the for-profit firm: a review and framework for management research.” Journal of Management (DOI: 10.1177/01492063211006450) (published online Apr 2021)
- Gümüsay, A.A., Raynard, M., Albu, A., Etter, M. and Roulet, T. (2022) “Digital technology and voice: how platforms shape institutional processes through visibilization.” Research in the Sociology of Organizations (forthcoming)
- Haugh, H. (2022) “Social entrepreneurship and the common good.” Research in the Sociology of Organizations (forthcoming)
- Howard-Grenville, J. and Spengler, J. (2022) “Surfing the grand challenges wave in management scholarship: how did we get here, where are we now, and what’s next?” Research in the Sociology of Organizations (forthcoming)
- Jaser, Z. and Roulet, T. (2022) “How hyperflexibility can benefit – or burn out – your team.” MIT Sloan Management Review, 5 Jan 2022
- Logue, D. and Grimes, M. (2022) “Platforms for the people: enabling civic crowdfunding through the cultivation of institutional infrastructure.” Strategic Management Journal (DOI: 10.1002/smj.3110) (available online Nov 2019)
- Lucas, D.S., Grimes, M.G. and Gehman, J. (2022) “Remaking capitalism: the strength of weak legislation in mobilizing B Corporation certification.” Academy of Management Journal (published online Feb 2022) (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2020.1688)
- Neuberger, I., Kroezen, J. and Tracey, P. (2022) “Balancing ‘protective disguise’ with ‘harmonious advocacy’: social venture legitimation in authoritarian contexts.” Academy of Management Journal (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2020.0517) (published online Nov 2021)
- Roulet, T. and Bothello, J. (2022) “Tackling grand challenges beyond dyads and networks: developing a stakeholder systems view using the metaphor of ballet.” Business Ethics Quarterly (DOI: 10.1017/beq.2021.36) (published online Nov 2021)
- Roulet, T. and Laker, B. (2022) “Your career needs a little luck. Here’s how to cultivate it.” Harvard Business Review, 19 January 2022
- Salge, T.O., Antons, D., Barrett, M., Kohli, R., Oborn, E. and Polykarpou, S. (2022) “How IT investments help hospitals gain and sustain reputation in the media: the role of signaling and framing.” Information Systems Research (DOI: 10.1287/isre.2021.1021) (published online Jan 2022)
- Stott, N., Fava, M., Brenton, J. and Slawinski, N. (2022) “Partnerships and place: the role of community enterprise in cross-sector work for sustainability.” In: George, G., Haas, M., Joshi, H., McGahan, A. and Tracey, P. (eds.) Handbook on the business of sustainability: the organization, implementation, and practice of sustainable growth. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (forthcoming)
- Alrubaishi, D., Haugh, H., Robson, P., Doern, R. and Wales, W.J. (2021) “Socioemotional wealth, generational involvement, and the manifestation of entrepreneurial orientation within Saudi family firms.” Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, 22: 175-199 (DOI: 10.1108/S1074-754020210000022007)
- Allison, T.H., Grimes, M., McKenny, A.F. and Short, J.C. (2021) “Occupy Wall Street ten years on: how its disruptive institutional entrepreneurship spread and why it fizzled.” Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 16: e00285 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jbvi.2021.e00285)
- Barrett, M. and Orlikowski, W.J. (2021) “Scale matters: doing practice-based studies of contemporary digital phenomena.” MIS Quarterly, 45(1): 467-472 (DOI: 10.25300/MISQ/2021/14534.1.3)
- de Rond, M. (2021) “Ethnography and the traffic in pain.” In: Mir, R. and Fayard, A.L. (eds.) Routledge companion to anthropology and business. New York, NY: Routledge
- Empson, L. and Howard-Grenville, J. (2021) “How has the past year changed you and your organization?” Harvard Business Review, 10 March 2021
- Frey-Heger, C. and Barrett, M. (2021) “Possibilities and limits of social accountability: the consequences of visibility as recognition and exposure in refugee crises.” Accounting, Organizations and Society, 89: 101197 (DOI: 10.1016/j.aos.2020.101197)
- Gkeredakis, M., Lifshitz-Assaf, H. and Barrett, M. (2021) “Crisis as opportunity, disruption and exposure: exploring emergent responses to crisis through digital technology.” Information and Organization, 31(1): 100344 (DOI: 10.1016/j.infoandorg.2021.100344)
- Grimes, M.G. and Vogus, T.J. (2021) “Inconceivable! Possibilisitic thinking and the sociocognitive underpinnings of entrepreneurial responses to grand challenges.” Organization Theory, 2(2) (DOI: 10.1177/26317877211005780)
- Hahn, T., Howard-Grenville, J., Lyon, T., Russo, M.V. and Walls, J.L. (2021) “Leadership forum on organizations and sustainability: taking stock, looking forward.” Organization and Environment, 34(1): 3-17 (DOI: 10.1177/1086026621992147)
- Howard-Grenville, J. (2021) “ESG impact is hard to measure – but it’s not impossible.” Harvard Business Review, 22 January 2021
- Howard-Grenville, J. (2021) “Grand challenges, Covid-19 and the future of organizational scholarship.” Journal of Management Studies, 58(1): 252-256 (DOI: 10.1111/joms.12647)
- Howard-Grenville, J. (2021) “Caring, courage and curiosity: reflections on our roles as scholars in organizing for a sustainable future.” Organization Theory, 2(1) (DOI: 10.1177/2631787721991143)
- Howard-Grenville, J. and Lahneman, B. (2021) “Bringing the biophysical to the fore: re-envisioning organizational adaptation in the era of planetary shifts.” Strategic Organization, 19(3): 478-493 (DOI: 10.1177/1476127021989980)
- Laker, B. and Roulet, T. (2021) “How organizations can promote employee wellness, now and post-pandemic.” MIT Sloan Management Review, 26 April 2021
- Lebrument, N., Zumbo-Lebrument, C., Rochette, C. and Roulet, T.J. (2021) “Triggering participation in smart cities: political efficacy, public administration satisfaction and sense of belonging as drivers of citizens’ intention.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 171 (DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120938)
- Oborn, E. and Barrett, M. (2021) “Marching to different drum beats: a temporal perspective on coordinating occupational work.” Organization Science, 32(2):376-406 (DOI: 10.1287/orsc.2020.1394)
- Okazaki, S., Plangger, K., Roulet, T. and Menénde, H.D. (2021) “Assessing stakeholder network engagement.” European Journal of Marketing, 55(5): 1359-1384 (DOI: 10.1108/EJM-12-2018-0842)
- Parmiggiani, E., Teracino, E.A., Huysman, M., Jones, M., Mueller, B. and Mikalsen, M. (2021) “Oasis 2019 panel report: a glimpse at the ‘post-digital’.” Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 47(1):583-596 (DOI: 10.17705/1CAIS.04727)
- Phipps, S., Prieto, L., Giugni, L. and Stott, N. (2021) “The Bluefield experiment in co-op economics: why it matters for HBCUs today.” Nonprofit Quarterly, 3 November 2021
- Prieto, L.C., Phipps, S.T.A., Giugni, L. and Stott, N. (2021) “Teaching (cooperative) business: the ‘Bluefield experiment’ and the future of Black business schools.” Academy of Management Learning and Education, 20(3): 320-341 (DOI: 10.5465/amle.2020.0127)
- Pilosof, N.P., Barrett, M., Oborn, E., Barkai, G., Pessach, I.M. and Zimlichman, E. (2021) “Inpatient telemedicine and new models of care during COVID-19: hospital design strategies to enhance patient and staff safety.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16): 8391 (DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18168391)
- Pilosof, N., Barrett, M., Oborn, E., Barkai, G., Pessach, I. and Zimlichman, E. (2021) “Telemedicine implementation in COVID-19 ICU: balancing physical and virtual forms of visibility.” Health Environments Research and Design Journal (HERD), 14(3): 34-48 (DOI: 10.1177/19375867211009225)
- Roulet, T.J. and Pichler, R. (2021) “Blame game theory: scapegoating, whistleblowing and discursive struggles following accusations of organizational misconduct.” Organization Theory, 1(4) (DOI: 10.1177/2631787720975192)
- Saravanos, A., Zervoudakis, S., Zheng, D., Stott, N., Hawrluk, B. and Delfino, D. (2021) “The hidden cost of using Amazon Mechanical Turk for research.” In: Stephanidis, C. et al (eds.) HCI International 2021 – late breaking papers: design and user experience, 24-29 June 2021, Washington, DC, USA. Champaign: Springer, pp.147-164 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-90238-4_12)
- Stiles, P. (2021) Board dynamics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Wagenschwanz, A. and Grimes, M. (2021) “Navigating compromise: how founder authenticity affects venture identification amidst organizational hybridity.” Journal of Business Venturing, 36(2): 106085 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2020.106085)
- Barrett, M. (2020) “Riskscapes and the scaling of digital innovation: trajectory dynamics of mobile payments in times of crisis.” In: Bandi, R.K., C.R., R., Klein, S., Madon, S. and Monteiro, E. (eds.) The future of digital work: the challenge of inequality: Proceedings of the IFIPJWC 2020, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 10-11 December 2020, Virtual Conference. New York: Springer, pp.17-20 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-64697-4_3)
- Cappellaro, G., Tracey, P. and Greenwood, R. (2020) “From logic acceptance to logic rejection: the process of destabilization in hybrid organizations.” Organization Science, 31(2): 245-534 (DOI: 10.1287/orsc.2019.1306)
- Claus, L. and Tracey, P. (2020) “Making change from behind a mask: how organizations challenge guarded institutions by sparking grassroots activism.” Academy of Management Journal, 63(4): 965–996 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2017.0507)
- Faik, I., Barrett, M. and Oborn, E. (2020) “How information technology matters in societal change: an affordance-based institutional logics perspective.” MIS Quarterly, 44(3): 1359-1390 (DOI: 10.25300/MISQ/2020/14193)
- Grimes, M.G., Williams, T.A. and Zhao, E.Y. (2020) “Beyond hybridity: accounting for the values complexity of all organizations in the study of mission and mission drift.” Academy of Management Review, 45(1): 234-238 (DOI: 10.5465/amr.2019.0209)
- Hampel, C.E., Tracey, P. and Weber, K. (2020) “The art of the pivot: how new ventures manage identification relationships with stakeholders as they change direction.” Academy of Management Journal, 63(2): 440–471 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2017.0460)
- Howard-Grenville, J. (2020) “How to sustain your organization’s culture when everyone is remote.” MIT Sloan Management Review, 62(1): 1-4
- Howard-Grenville, J. (2020) “Individual agency and collective patterns of action.” In: Tuveson, M., Ralph, D. and Alexander, K. (eds.) Beyond bad apples: risk culture in business. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.21-41 (DOI: 10.1017/9781316996959.002)
- Howard-Grenville, J., Lahneman, B. and Pek, S. (2020) “Organizational culture as a tool for change.” Stanford Social Innovation Review, 18(3): 28-33
- Jones, M. (2020) “What we talk about when we talk about (big) data.” Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 28(1): 3-16 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jsis.2018.10.005)
- Rodner, V., Roulet, T.J., Kerrigan, F. and Vom Lehn, D. (2020) “Making space for art: a spatial perspective of disruptive and defensive institutional work in Venezuela’s art world.” Academy of Management Journal, 63(4): 1054–1081 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2016.1030)
- Rouleau, L., Hällgren, M. and de Rond, M. (2020) “Covid-19 and our understanding of risk, emergencies, and crises.” Journal of Management Studies, 58(1): 243-246 (DOI: 10.1111/joms.12649)
- Roulet, T.J. (2020) The power of being divisive: understanding negative social evaluations. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
- Roulet, T. and Bothello, J. (2020) “Why ‘de-growth’ shouldn’t scare businesses.” Harvard Business Review, 14 February 2020
- Roulet, T. and Laker, B. (2020) “Now is the time to reconnect with your dormant social network.” MIT Sloan Management Review, 22 April 2020
- Shuckburgh, E., Zenghelis, D., Agarwala, M., Diaz Anadon, L., Howard-Grenville, J., Penasco, C., Seega, N., Whittington, E., Barford, A., Brayne, C. et al (2020) A blueprint for a green future: multidisciplinary report on a green recovery from COVID-19 by the Cambridge Zero Policy Forum. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage.
- Stott, N. and Fava, M. (2020) “Challenging racialized institutions: a history of black and minority ethnic housing associations in England between 1948 and 2018.” Journal of Management History, 26(3): 315-333 (DOI: 10.1108/JMH-08-2019-0053)
- Zankl, J. and Grimes, M. (2020) “Shared identity, says who? How diverse organizations interact in entrepreneurial ecosystems.” Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1) (DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2020.10162abstract)
- Aristidou, A. and Barrett, M. (2019) “Coordinating service provision in dynamic service settings: a position practice relations perspective.” Academy of Management Journal, 61(2): 685-714 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2015.0310)
- Bothello, J. and Roulet, T.J. (2019) “The imposter syndrome, or the mis-representation of self in academic life.” Journal of Management Studies, 56(4): 854-861 (DOI: 10.1111/joms.12344)
- Claus, L., de Rond, M., Howard-Grenville, J. and Lodge, J. (2019) “When fieldwork hurts: on the lived experience of conducting research in unsettling contexts.” In: Zilber, T.B., Amis, J.M., Mair, J. (eds.) Research in the sociology of organizations: vol.59: the production of managerial knowledge and organizational theory: new approaches to writing, producing and consuming theory. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, pp.157-172
- Davies, I.A., Haugh, H. and Chambers, L. (2019) “Barriers to social enterprise growth.” Journal of Small Business Management, 57(4): 1616-1636 (DOI: 10.1111/jsbm.12429)
- de Rond, M. and Hallett, T. (2019) “The long walk to Aleppo: institutional myths, inhabited institutions, and ideals in the real world.” In: Reay, T., Zilbert, T.B., Langley, A. and Tsoukas, H. (eds.) Institutions and organizations: a process view. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.134-153
- de Rond, M., Holeman, I. and Howard-Grenville, J. (2019) “Sensemaking from the body: an enactive ethnography of rowing the Amazon.” Academy of Management Journal, 62(6): 1961-1988 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2017.1417) (2019 OMT Best Published Paper Award)
- Gehman, J., Grimes, M. and Cao, K. (2019) “Why we care about Certified B Corporations: from valuing growth to certifying values.” Academy of Management Discoveries, 5(1): 97-101 (DOI: 10.5465/amd.2018.0074)
- George, G., Baker, T., Tracey, P. and Joshi, H. (eds.) (2019) Handbook of inclusive innovation: the role of organizations, markets and communities in social innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Gill, M. and Roulet, T. (2019) “Stressed at work? Mentoring a colleague could help.” Harvard Business Review, 1 March 2019
- Grimes, M.G., Williams, T.A. and Zhao, E.Y. (2019) “Anchors aweigh: the sources, variety, and challenges of mission drift.” Academy of Management Review, 44(4): 819-845 (DOI: 10.5465/amr.2017.0254)
- Harmon, D.J., Haack, P. and Roulet, T.J. (2019) “Microfoundations of institutions: a matter of structure versus agency or level of analysis?” Academy of Management Review, 44(2): 464-467 (DOI: 10.5465/amr.2018.0080)
- Haugh, H. (2019) “Call the midwife! Business incubation, enterprise development and entrepreneurship enablement in developing economies.” Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 32(1-2): 156-175 (DOI: 10.1080/08985626.2019.1640480)
- Kim, A., Bansal, P. and Haugh, H.M. (2019) “No time like the present: how a present time perspective can foster sustainable development.” Academy of Management Journal, 62(2): 607-634 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2015.1295)
- Laker, B. and Roulet, T. (2019) “How companies can adapt during times of political uncertainty.” Harvard Business Review, 22 February 2019
- Laker, B. and Roulet, T. (2019) “Will the 4-day workweek take hold in Europe?” Harvard Business Review, 5 August 2019
- Oborn, E., Barrett, M., Gibson, S. and Gillard, S. (2019) “Knowledge and expertise in care practices: the role of the peer worker in mental health teams.” Sociology of Health and Illness, 41(7): 1305-1322 (DOI: 10.1111/1467-9566.12944)
- Racko, G., Oborn, E. and Barrett, M. (2019) “Developing collaborative professionalism: an investigation of status differentiation in academic organizations in knowledge transfer partnerships.” International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(3): 457-478 (DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2017.1281830)
- Roulet, T.J. (2019) “Sins for some, virtues for others: media coverage of investment banks’ misconduct and adherence to professional norms during the financial crisis.” Human Relations, 72(9): 1436-1463 (DOI: 10.1177/0018726718799404)
- Roulet, T.J., Paolella, L., Gabbionneta, C. and Muzio, D. (2019) “Micro-foundations of institutional change in the career structure of UK elite law firms.” In: Haack, P., Sieweke, J. and Wessel, L. (eds.) Research in the sociology of organizations: vol.65(A): microfoundations of institutions. Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp.251-268 (available online)
- Royer, I., Garreau, L. and Roulet, T. (2019) “La quantification des données qualitatives: intérêts et difficultés en sciences de gestion.” Finance, Contrôle, Stratégie, NS6: 1-12 (DOI: 10.4000/fcs.3312)
- Stewart, J., Giugni, L. and Stott, N. (2019) “Equality in the US military: men may be sensitive after all.” In: Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society Biennial Conference, 8-10 November 2019, Reston, VA, USA.
- Stott, N., Fava, M. and Slawinski, N. (2019) “Community social innovation: taking a long view on community enterprise.” In: George, G., Baker, T., Tracey, P. and Joshi, H. (eds.) Handbook of inclusive innovation: the role of organizations, markets and communities in social innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.145-166
- Barrett, M. and Oborn, E. (2018) “Bridging the research-practice divide: harnessing expertise collaboration in making a wider set of contributions.” Information and Organization, 28(1): 44-51 (DOI: 10.1016/j.infoandorg.2018.02.006)
- Boddington, M. and Barakat, S. (2018) “Exploring alternative gendered social structures within entrepreneurship education: notes from a women’s-only enterprise programme in the United Kingdom.” In: Yousafzai, S., Fayolle, A., Lindgreen, A., Henry, C., Saeed, S. and Sheikh, S. (eds.) Women entrepreneurs and the myth of ‘underperformance’: a new look at women’s entrepreneurship research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.141-158 (DOI: 10.4337/9781786434500.00020)
- Boddington, M. and Kavadias, S. (2018) “Entrepreneurial pivoting as organizational search: defining pivoting in early stage ventures.” Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1): 12065 (DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2018.12065abstract)
- Blagden, D. and de Rond, M. (2018) Games. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (DOI: 10.1017/9781108565738)
- Cao, K., Gehman, J. and Grimes, M.G. (2018) “Standing out and fitting in: charting the emergence of Certified B Corporations by industry and region.” In Corbett, A.C. and Katz, J.A. (eds.) Hybrid ventures (Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence, and growth, vol.19). Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp.1-38.
- Cornwell, T.B., Howard-Grenville, J. and Hampel, C. (2018) “The company you keep: how an organization’s horizontal partnerships affect employee organizational identification.” Academy of Management Review, 43(4): 772–791 (DOI: 10.5465/amr.2016.0209)
- Dahlin, K., Chuang Y.-T. and Roulet, T. (2018) “Opportunities, motivation and ability to learn from failure and errors: review, synthesis, and ways to move forward.” Academy of Management Annals, 12(1): 252–277 (DOI: 10.5465/annals.2016.0049)
- Daudigeos, T. and Roulet, T.J. (2018) “Open-access management research at a turning point: giving relevance to a stigmatized object.” M@n@gement, 21(4), 1178-1185
- de la Chaux, M., Haugh, H. and Greenwood, R. (2018) “Organizing refugee camps: ‘respected space’ and ‘listening posts’.” Academy of Management Discoveries, 4(2): 155-179 (DOI: 10.5465/amd.2017.0040)
- Faraj, S., Pachidi, S. and Sayegh, K. (2018) “Working and organizing in the age of the learning algorithm.” Information and Organization, 28(1): 62-70 (DOI: 10.1016/j.infoandorg.2018.02.005)
- Faraj, S., Sayegh, K., and Rouleau, L. (2018) “Knowledge collaboration in organizations: from information processing to social knowing.” In: Galliers, R.D. and Stein, M.K. (eds.) The Routledge companion to management information systems. London: Taylor and Francis, pp.370-386.
- Gill, M.J., Gill, D.J. and Roulet, T.J. (2018) “Constructing trustworthy historical narratives: criteria, principles and techniques.” British Journal of Management, 29(1): 191-205 (DOI: 10.1111/1467-8551.12262)
- Gill, M.J., Roulet, T.J.V. and Kerridge S.P. (2018) “Mentoring for mental health: a mixed-method study of the benefits of formal mentoring programmes in the English police force.” Journal of Vocational Behavior, 108: 201-213 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jvb.2018.08.005)
- Grimes, M.G. (2018) “The pivot: how founders respond to feedback through idea and identity work.” Academy of Management Journal, 61(5): 1692-1717 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2015.0823)
- Grimes, M.G., Gehman, J. and Cao, K. (2018) “Positively deviant: identity work through B Corporation certification.” Journal of Business Venturing, 33(2): 130-148 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2017.12.001)
- Giugni, L., Stott, N. and Vona, R. (2018) “A social enterprise in Gomorrah-land: a tale of radical cultural entrepreneurship and social innovation management.” In: Transformative business strategies and new patterns for value creation: Sinergie-SIMA Conference, 14-15 June 2018, Venice, Italy.
- Huybrechts, B. and Haugh, H. (2018) “The roles of networks in institutionalizing new hybrid organizational forms: insights from the European Renewable Energy Cooperative Network.” Organization Studies, 39(8): 1085-1108 (DOI: 10.1177/0170840617717097)
- Peredo, A.M., Haugh, H.M. and McLean, M. (2018) “Common property: uncommon forms of prosocial organizing.” Journal of Business Venturing, 33(5): 591-602 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2017.11.003)
- Polykarpou, S., Barrett, M., Oborn, E., Salge, T.O., Antons, D. and Kohli, R. (2018) “Justifying health IT investments: a process model of framing practices and reputational value.” Information and Organization, 28(4): 153-169 (DOI: 10.1016/j.infoandorg.2018.10.003)
- Prince, K., Jones, M., Blackwell, A., Simpson, A., Meakins, S. and Vuylsteke, A. (2018) “Barriers to the secondary use of data in critical care.” Journal of the Intensive Care Society, 19(2): 127-131 (DOI: 10.1177/1751143717741082)
- Roulet, T.J. and Clemente, M. (2018) “Let’s open the media’s black box: the media as a set of heterogeneous actors and not only as a homogenous ensemble.” Academy of Management Review, 43(2): 327-329 (DOI: 10.5465/amr.2016.0537)
- Stenger, S. and Roulet, T.J. (2018) “Pride against prejudice? The stakes of concealment and disclosure of a stigmatized identity for gay and lesbian auditors.” Work, Employment and Society, 32(2): 257-273 (DOI: 10.1177/0950017016682459)
- Stott, N., Fava, M., Tracey, P. and Claus, L. (2018) “Playing well with others? Community cross-sector work in poor places.” In: Re-thinking Cross-Sector Social Innovation Conference, 6-7 April 2018, Social Innovation and Change Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, MA, USA.
- Stott, N., Fava, M., Tracey, P. and Claus, L. (2018) “Leading urgent acts of categorisation: the construction of ‘community anchor organizations’.” In: Leading Social Innovation Symposium, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 10-14 August 2018, Chicago, IL, USA.
- Stott, N. and Fava, M. (2018) “Researching community social organizing.” In: Development Trust Association Scotland Conference, 2-3 September 2018, Aberdeen, UK.
- Stott, N. and Tracey, P. (2018) “Organizing and innovating in poor places.” Innovation: Organization and Management, 20(1): 1-17 (DOI: 10.1080/14479338.2017.1358093)
- Tracey, P., Dalpiaz, E. and Phillips, N. (2018) “Fish out of water: translation, legitimation and new venture creation.” Academy of Management Journal, 61(5): 1627-1666 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2015.0264)
- Wry, T. and Haugh, H. (2018) “Brace for impact: uniting our diverse voices through a social impact frame.” Journal of Business Venturing, 33(5): 566-574 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2018.04.010)
- Brady, A. and Haugh, H. (2017) “Varieties of social enterprise and social entrepreneurship: a review of selected articles.” International Small Business Journal, virtual issue
- Clemente, M., Durand, R. and Roulet, T. (2017) “The recursive nature of institutional change.” Journal of Management Inquiry, 26(1): 17-31 (DOI: 10.1177/1056492616656408)
- de Rond, M. (2017) Doctors at war: an ethnographer’s account of life and death in a field hospital. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. (EGOS Best Book Award, 2018; Finalist, George R. Terry Book Award 2018, Honorable Mention, Outstanding Qualitative Book Award, 2018)
- de Rond, M. and Tunçalp, D. (2017) “Where the wild things are: how dreams can help identify countertransference in organizational research.” Organizational Research Methods, 20(3): 413-437 (DOI: 10.1177/1094428116689706)
- Gehman, J. and Grimes, M. (2017) “Hidden badge of honor: how contextual distinctiveness affects category promotion among Certified B Corporations.” Academy of Management Journal, 60(6): 2294-2320 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2015.0416)
- Hällgren, M., Rouleau, L. and de Rond, M. (2017) “A matter of life or death: how extreme context research matters for management and organization studies.” Academy of Management Annals, 12(1): 111-153 (DOI: 10.5465/annals.2016.0017) (Academy of Management Annals 2018 Best Published Article)
- Hampel, C., Lawrence, T.B. and Tracey, P. (2017) “Institutional work: taking stock and making it matter.” In: Greenwood, R., Oliver, C., Lawrence, T.B. and Meyer, R. (eds.) The SAGE handbook of organizational institutionalism. London: Sage, 2nd edition, pp.558-590
- Hampel, C. and Tracey, P. (2017) “How organizations move from stigma to legitimacy: the case of Cook’s travel agency in Victorian Britain.” Academy of Management Journal, 60(6): 2175-2207 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2015.0365)
- Holeman, I. and Barrett, M. (2017) “Insights from an ICT4D Initiative in Kenya’’s immunization program: designing for the emergence of sociomaterial practices.” Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 18(12): 900-930 (DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00476)
- Howard-Grenville, J.A., Bertels, S. and Lahneman, B. (2017) Regulatory management and culture (commissioned by Best-in-Class Regulator Initiative/Alberta Energy Regulator). Philadelphia, PA: Penn Program on Regulation, University of Pennsylvania Law School.
- Howard-Grenville, J., Nelson, A.J., Earle, A.G., Haack, J.A. and Young, D.M. (2017) “‘If chemists don’t do it, who is going to?’ Peer-driven occupational change and the emergence of green chemistry.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 62(3): 524–560 (DOI: 10.1177/0001839217690530)
- Kyratsis, Y., Atun, R., Phillips, N., Tracey, P. and George, G. (2017) “Health systems in transition: professional identity work in the context of shifting institutional logics.” Academy of Management Journal, 60(2): 610-641 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2013.0684)
- Prabhu, J., Tracey, P. and Hassan, M. (2017) “Marketing to the poor: an institutional model of exchange in emerging markets.” AMS Review, 7(3-4): 101–122 (DOI: 10.1007/s13162-017-0100-0)
- Roulet, T.J. (2017) “Good to be disliked? Exploring the relationship between disapproval of organizations and job satisfaction in the French context.” Journal of General Management, 42(4): 68-79 (DOI: 10.1177/0306307017702998)
- Roulet, T.J., Gill, M.J., Stenger, S. and Gill, D.J. (2017) “Reconsidering the value of covert research: the role of ambiguous consent in participant observation.” Organizational Research Methods, 20(3): 487-517 (DOI: 10.1177/1094428117698745) (Winner of the ORM Best Paper Award in 2017)
- Roulet, T.J.V. and Stenger, S. (2017) “What a study of French auditors tells us about homophobia at work.” Harvard Business Review, 29 March 2017
- Shymko, Y. and Roulet, T. (2017) “When does Medici hurt Da Vinci? Mitigating the signaling effect of extraneous stakeholder relationships in the field of cultural production.” Academy of Management Journal, 60(4): 1307-1338 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2015.0464)
- Smith, W.K., Erez, M., Jarvenpaa, S., Lewis, M.W. and Tracey, P. (eds.) (2017) “Special issue on paradox, tensions and dualities of innovation and change.” Organization Studies, 38(3-4)
- Smith, W.K., Erez, M., Jarvenpaa, S., Lewis, M.W. and Tracey, P. (2017) “Adding complexity to theories of paradox, tensions, and dualities of innovation and change.” Organization Studies, 38(3-4): 303-317 (DOI: 10.1177/0170840617693560)
- Tracey, P. and Creed, W.E.D. (2017) “Beyond managerial dilemmas: the study of institutional paradoxes in organization theory. In: Smith, W.K., Lewis, M.W., Jarzabkowski, P. and Langley, A. (eds.) The Oxford handbook of organizational paradox. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.162-177
- Tracey, P. and Stott, N. (2017) “Social innovation: a window on alternative ways of organizing and innovating.” Innovation: Organization and Management, 19(1): 51-60 (DOI: 10.1080/14479338.2016.1268924)
- Van Maanen, J. and de Rond, M. (2017) “The making of a classic ethnography: notes on Alice Goffman’s On the Run.” Academy of Management Review, 42(2): 396-406 (DOI: 10.5465/amr.2016.0373)
- Wiedner, R., Barrett, M. and Oborn, E. (2017) “The emergence of change in unexpected places: resourcing across organizational practices in strategic change.” Academy of Management Journal, 60(3): 823-854 (DOI: 10.5465/amj.2014.0474)
Industry and policy engagement
The Organisational Theory and Information Systems group is very active in engaging with businesses. The group develops research that provides companies with practical and helpful information to handle technological change, enhance diversity and inclusion and to improve innovation.
The research agenda of the group is stimulated by regular contacts with senior personnel of large national and international organisations such as:
- Allen & Overy
- American Express
- Arm
- Ascential
- BAE Systems
- Bank of China
- British Telecom
- Cadbury
- Cambridge University Hospitals
- Daikin
- Diageo
- EY
- Infosys
- International Business Machines (IBM)
- Linklaters
- Lloyds-TSB
- Matsushita
- McKinsey
- Moody’s
- OfCom
- Oracle
- Procter and Gamble
- Rolls Royce
- Samsung
- Sealed Air
- Shell
- Siemens
- Shell
- Sky
- Slaughters & May
- Statoil
- Stonehage Fleming
- The Church of England
- The Economist
- The NHS
- Total
- UK Government
- Unilever
- United Nations
- White & Case
- World Health Organization
- World Economic Forum
Examples of engagement projects
Examples of recent impact and engagement projects carried out by faculty members of the OTIS group include:
- Professor Mark de Rond recently completed 3 years of embedded fieldwork with one of the UK’s most active paedophile hunting teams to answer a question put to him by police: “Why do paedophile hunters persist with extreme methods given that less harmful alternatives to keeping children safe are readily available?” This research feeds into a UK task force to combat child sexual abuse comprising all UK Police Chiefs and senior representatives of the Home Office, Crown Prosecution Service, National Crime Agency and College of Policing.
- In the last few years, Professor Jennifer Howard-Grenville has been working with British Telecom and Huawei to help them address sustainability issues through suppliers’ engagement. The work led to the publication of Engagement for Supply Chain Sustainability: A Guide, which presents a “spectrum” of approaches that companies can adopt to engage with supply chains on sustainability, depending on their practices, specific circumstances and issues.
- Dr Thomas Roulet has engaged in several collaborations. He is currently working with Vitality on evaluating the impact of remote and hybrid work on health – collecting large scale survey data. He also worked on a large mixed-method empirical project, together with consulting firm Altermind, to capture the culture of Suez (a waste and water company in France) for its defence in a hostile takeover by competitor Veolia. In 2021, he ran seminars for HM Treasury for their transition to hybrid work and a session on remote working for the law firm Gide.
- Dr Helen Haugh is involved in a collaborative research project with the Diocese of Ely to help communities make fuller use of their historic churches through social entrepreneurial approaches. She also serves on the Diocese of Ely Buildings Oversight Board.
- Professor Michael Barrett is working with the Moorfields Eye Hospital and Sheba City of Health in Israel to digitalise some of their healthcare services through telemedicine technology, following the changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously, he worked with Addenbrooke’s hospital in Cambridge to understand how their restructuring affected clinical leadership and accountability.
- Dr Karla Sayegh examined how 2 of Canada’s largest tertiary care hospitals merged their people, technologies and operations into one university-affiliated ‘superhospital’. Additionally, she recently researched how a university health network in Canada relocated its hospitals from older facilities to a newly built and equipped state-of the-art campus, and how a tertiary-level emergency department (ED) in a Canadian university health network adapted its organising processes following an unanticipated shift in patient population.
- Professor Paul Tracey and Dr Neil Stott are supporting many social innovators through the Master’s in Social Innovation delivered by the Cambridge Centre for Social Innovation that they direct, and have been working with several social enterprises and charities to help them foster local development.
- Dr Stella Pachidi recently conducted an ethnographic study at a business implementing a new technology to manage customers and partners, to understand what worked well and what didn’t.
- Dr Matthew Jones has been working with Royal Papworth Hospital, evaluating their use of clinical information systems in critical care. Recently he has also studied the effect of the hospital’s relocation to the Cambridge Biomedical Campus on work practices in critical care.
- Through the Cambridge Judge Entrepreneurship Centre Professor Matthew Grimes is engaged with a wide range of entrepreneurial startups, accelerators, angel investors and other ecosystem partners from across Cambridge and beyond to support IP commercialisation, venture development and growth, and ecosystem design.
- Dr Virginia Leavell conducted a 3-year field study of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) at 2 water agencies in the Western United States. AMI is an important technology that can enable greater water conservation, supply planning, and customer service for water users. During her research she provided support to agency workers and management in many ways, including conducting and synthesising case studies of comparable agencies that had already adopted similar technologies, consulting on digital transformation strategies, collecting organisational social network data and providing feedback, and advising on the quantification of water usage on monthly customer billing. At the national level, Virginia helped produce a report and guide for practitioners with the American Water Works Association (AWWA) entitled “Increasing consumer benefits and engagement in AMI-based conservation programs”.
Honours and awards
- Distinguished Scholar Award, OCIS Division, Academy of Management 2016 (Michael Barrett)
- OMT Best Published Article Award, 2020 (Mark de Rond)
- Academy of Management Annals Best Article Award, 2019 (Mark de Rond)
- EGOS Book Award (for Doctors at War), 2018 (Mark de Rond)
- Finalist, George R. Terry Award (for Doctors at War), 2018 (Mark de Rond)
- Emerging Scholar Award, ENT Division of the Academy of Management, 2018 (Matthew Grimes)
- Presidential Responsible Research in Management Award, co-sponsored by the Community for Responsible Research in Business and Management and The International Association for Chinese Management Research, 2017 (inaugural year) (Matthew Grimes)
- Presidential Responsible Research in Management Award, co-sponsored by the Community for Responsible Research in Business and Management and The International Association for Chinese Management Research, 2022 (Helen Haugh)
- Best Paper Award, Academy of Management Discoveries), Academy of Management, 2019 (Helen Haugh)
- IACMR Presidential Award for Responsible Research in Management, 2017 (Jennifer Howard Grenville)
- Best 40 under 40 Professors, Poets & Quants (Stella Pachidi)
- Runner-Up, George R. Terry Book Award, Academy of Management, 2021 (Thomas Roulet)
- Best 40 under 40 Professors, Poets & Quants (Thomas Roulet)
- Best Theory to Practice Paper Award, HCM Division, AOM Annual Meeting, 2018 (Karla Sayegh)
- University of Cambridge Vice-Chancellor’s Public Engagement with Research Award, 2017 (Neil Stott)
- Academy of Management Journal 2021 best article award (Paul Tracey)
- European Group of Organization Studies 2021 best paper award (Paul Tracey)
- Runner-up, William H. Newman Award, AOM Annual Meeting, 2022 (Karla Sayegh)
- Best Paper Award, HCM Division, AOM Annual Meeting, 2022 (Karla Sayegh)
- Best Dissertation Award, HCM Division, AOM Annual Meeting, 2022 (Karla Sayegh)
- Responsible Research in Management Award

Research seminars
The Organisational Theory and Information Systems subject group hosts a seminar series of distinguished visiting scholars. Please contact Luke Slater, if you would like to be added to the mailing list.
Upcoming seminars
There are no upcoming research seminars. Please check back again later.
Past seminars
Join our Organisational Theory and Information Systems Seminar with Professor Saku Mantere, McGill University.
Join our Organisational Theory and Information Systems Seminar with Dr Darren Baker, Monash University.
Join our Organisational Theory and Information Systems Seminar with Professor Stine Grodal, Northeastern University.
Join our Organisational Theory and Information Systems Seminar with Professor Theodore R Schatzki, University of Kentucky.
Join our Organisational Theory and Information Systems seminar with Professor Natalia Levina, New York University.
Join our Organisational Theory and Information Systems seminar with Professor Samer Faraj, McGill University.
Join our Organisational Theory and Information Systems seminar with Professor Trish Reay, University of Alberta School of Business
Join our Organisational Theory and Information System seminar with Professor Stefan Haefliger, Bayes Business School.
Michaelmas term
An Organisational Theory and Information Systems seminar with Professor Paul Leonardi, UC Santa Barbara.
Easter term
9 June 2023 | 12:45-14:15, Room W4.03, Cambridge Judge Business School
Sight unseen: the visibility paradox of informal economy entrepreneurship
Dr Joel Bothello, Concordia University
Lent term
13 January 2023 | 12:30-14:00, Room W4.05, Cambridge Judge Business School
Strategic sensemaking in a digitalised firm: how digital structures shaped an airline’s response to COVID-19
Professor Henri Schildt, Aalto University
8 March 2023 | 12:30-14:00, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
When justice is blind to algorithms: institutional blackboxing of algorithmic decision-making and its consequences
Professor Henri Schildt, Aalto University
Michaelmas term
22 September 2022 | 13:00-14:30, Castle Teaching Room, Cambridge Judge Business School
Going beyond optimal distinctiveness: a machine-learning approach to strategic positioning for gaining an audience composition premium
Eric Zhao, Associate Professor, Indiana University
6 October 2022 | 12:30-14:00, Room W4.03, Cambridge Judge Business School
Mind the gap: responding to the grand challenge of displacement through field bridging
Professor Christine Beckman, USC
13 October 2022 | 12:30-14:00, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
Rhetorical strategies of authenticity: social value judgements in the emerging contest over cellular meat
Roy Suddaby, Professor, University of Victoria, Washington State University and University of Liverpool
3 November 2022 | 12:00-14:30, Room W4.05, Cambridge Judge Business School
When everyone and no one is a leader: constructing individual leadership identities while sustaining an organisational narrative of collective leadership
Laura Empson, Professor, Bayes Business School
Easter term
10 June 2022 | 11:00-12:30, Room W4.05, Cambridge Judge Business School
Point break? The process of creative vitrification and its impacts on the careers of creative leaders
Spencer Harrison, Associate Professor, INSEAD
Michaelmas term
19 November 2021 | 14:45-16:15, Lecture Theatre 3, Cambridge Judge Business School
Ratings, reactivity and the paradox of recognising responsibility
Ben Lewis, Associate Professor, Brigham Young University
23 November 2021 | 13:00-14:30, Room W2.01, Cambridge Judge Business School
Some organisational antecedents of evil
Professor Freek Vermeulen, London Business School
Lent term
19 April 2021 | 15:30-17:00, Online
Scaling impact: developing capabilities for institutional work
Charlene Zietsma, Associate Professor, Pennsylvania State University
Michaelmas term
4 November 2020 | 16:00-17:30, Online
Dreams of the overworked: living, working and parenting in the digital age
Dr Melissa Mazmanian, Associate Professor, University of California Irvine
19 November 2020 | 16:00-17:30, Online
The spread of recycling in universities
Professor Michael Lounsbury, University of Alberta School of Business
Lent term
11 February 2020 | 15:00-16:30, Room W4.03, Cambridge Judge Business School
Bringing institutional logics into effect through interactions: negotiating the relevant story in decision-making
Professor Tammar B. Zilber, Jerusalem School of Business
13 March 2020 | 15:00-16:30, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
Institutional disruption through the redesign of space
Professor Sabina Siebert, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow
Michaelmas term
11 October 2019 | 12:00-13:30, Room S3.04, Cambridge Judge Business School
When the thought doesn’t count: how identity concerns drive unhelpful helping processes in organisations
Dr Colin Fisher, University College London
Easter term
23 April 2019 | 12:00-13:30, Room W2.01, Cambridge Judge Business School
Bounded imagination: how history and tradition shape strategy in Japanese ultra-centenary firms
Professor Davide Ravasi, UCL School of Management
23 May 2019 | 11:45-13:30, Fadi Boustany Lecture Theatre, Cambridge Judge Business School
Expert-audience disconnects and the reshaping of expertise: US puppeteers move from stage to screen
Dr Michel Anteby, Boston University Questrom School of Business
11 July 2019 | 12:30-14:00, Room W4.03, Cambridge Judge Business School
Jekyll and Hyde: between outrage and optimism in studying the business-society interface in South Africa
Professor Ralph Hamann University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business
Michaelmas term
9 October 2018 | 12:00-13:30, Room W4.03, Cambridge Judge Business School
Green to gone? The impact of regional institutional logics on hybrid venture survival
Dr Jeffrey York, University of Colorado
1 November 2018 | 12:00-13:30, Room S3.04, Cambridge Judge Business School
How machine learning can enhance theory-building
Dr Florian Ellsaesser, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and Eric Tsang, University of Texas at Dallas
19 November 2019 | 12:00-13:30, LT4, Cambridge Judge Business School
Keeping an industry alive: the role of tinkerers in maintaining a legacy technology
Dr Rene Wiedner, Cambridge Judge Business School
Easter term
23 April 2018 | 13:00-14:30, Room KH107, Cambridge Judge Business School
Meanings of theory: clarifying theory through typification
Professor Jorgen Sandberg, University of Queensland Business School
25 April 2018 | 12:30-14:00, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
Re-contracting for the implementation of algorithms in professional work in a US academic medical centre
Professor Kate Kellogg, MIT Sloan School of Management
16 May 2018 | 12:00-13:30, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
Diversity and performance in the multinational firm: evidence from the ships of the Dutch East India Company, 1700-1796
Professor Filippo Carlo Wezel, Universita’ della Svizzera italiana (USI Lugano)
23 May 2018 | 12:00-13:30, Room W4.03, Cambridge Judge Business School
Harnessing passion for competitive advantage: conceptualising work passion as a strategic resource
Dr Wesley Helms, Brock University, Canada
13 June 2018 | 12:15-13:45, Room W2.01, Cambridge Judge Business School
Managing Despair: The Work of Extreme Coordination in the Midst of Refugee Emergencies
Dr Maja Korica, University of Warwick and Dr Yoann Bazin, École de management de Normandie
Lent term
31 January 2018 | 17:00-18:30, Fadi Boustany Lecture Theatre, Cambridge Judge Business School
Time matters to business sustainability
Professor Pratima (Tima) Bansal, Western University
21 February 2018 | 12:15-13:45, Room W2.01, Cambridge Judge Business School
Staying alive: processes of enacting novelty and quality for keeping novel ideas alive
Dr Sarah Harvey, University College London School of Management
6 March 2018 | 12:00-13:30, Room W2.01, Cambridge Judge Business School
Distributed sense-making: split updating in the Baltic ferry industry
Professor Claus Rerup, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
14 March 2018 | 12:15-13:45, Room W2.01, Cambridge Judge Business School
Beyond jurisdictional control: how evaluative expertise diminishes professional autonomy
Professor Ruthanne Huising, EM Lyon
Michaelmas term
11 October 2017 | 13:30-15:00, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
Academia’s emerging crisis of relevance and the consequent role of the engaged scholar
Professor Andrew Hoffman, University of Michigan
17 October 2017 | 12:15-13:45, Room W4.03, Cambridge Judge Business School
Acceleration as mitigation: whether and when process solutions can address gender bias in entrepreneurship
Professor Sarah Kaplan, University of Toronto
15 November 2017 | 12:15-13:45, Room KH107, Cambridge Judge Business School
Competing for good: how organisational hybridity challenges inter-organisational categorisation and cross-sector value creation
Dr Matthew Grimes, Indiana University
Easter term
26 April 2017 | 12:15-13:45, Room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School
Transcending the formalisation dilemma: how communities formalise without subverting founding values
Dr Marya Besharov, The ILR School, Cornell University
17 May 2017 | 12:15-13:45, Room W2.01, Cambridge Judge Business School
Tensional fit: a dialectical model of firm’s internal consistency, contradictions and strategy
Professor Moshe Farjoun, York University (and CJBS Visiting Research Fellow in 2017)
25 May 2017 | 14:45-16:15, Room KH107, Cambridge Judge Business School
Appeals for a professional tomorrow: the role of emotion in discursive institutional work
Dr Trish Reay, Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta
16 June 2017 | 12:00-14:30, Room CTR, Cambridge Judge Business School
Getting in the set: the counter-intuitive effects of impact investing in global microfinance
Dr Tyler Wry, The Wharton School
Lent term
1 February 2017 | 14:00-15:30, Room W4.05, Cambridge Judge Business School
Cumulative advantage and the status-quality link
Professor Jerker Denrell, Warwick Business School
24 February 2017 | 13:00-14:30, Room W4.05, Cambridge Judge Business School
Enacting fairness in organisations: handling morally puzzling requests for exceptional funding in the English health system
Dr Emmanouil Gkeredakis, Warwick Business School
28 February 2017 | 12:30-14:30, Room W4.05, Cambridge Judge Business School
Family firms as institutions: a study of multi-centenary Japanese shinise
Professor Davide Ravasi, Cass Business School
with Professor Royston Greenwood, University of Alberta Business School, as discussant
Michaelmas term
9 November 2016 | 12:15-13:45, Room W4.05, Cambridge Judge Business School
Building meaning: city identity and the built environment
Dr Candace Jones, University of Edinburgh