Kick-start or take your venture to the next level 

Launch or scale up your venture with our MSt in Entrepreneurship. Learn from world-leading thinkers, network with likeminded entrepreneurs and explore the fundamentals of building a business to help bring your vision to life. 

  • Develop the confidence and practical skills needed to lead a successful business – from generating and evaluating ideas to structuring your organisation and building a team. 
  • Learn how to get innovators, early adopters and distribution partners on board to get your venture off the ground.
  • Gain insight into other industries and their opportunities from fellow students, professors and visiting speakers. 
  • Benefit from a one-on-one mentor to help guide you in your career throughout the duration of the programme.  
  • Become part of a powerful network and study at the heart of the Cambridge Cluster (home to more than 25,000 companies, turning over more than £50 billion annually). 

MSt in Entrepreneurship career outcomes

Tech, hospitality, property; health, wellbeing, social enterprise. These are just a few of the fields our students go on to pursue ventures in.  

Our aim is to give you the knowledge and confidence needed to launch a venture, and to provide expert guidance on how to grow and lead a successful business.

Masters in Entreprepreneurship student laughing.

It’s hugely valuable to be part of the programme, to take advantage of this journey, and to make sure that you don’t fail. At least you can actually rescue yourself, and you can navigate to a different direction, and you can survive in this really complex world of entrepreneurship.

Ruby Pillai, iWarranty

MSt in Entrepreneurship alumni profiles

Hear about experiences of the programme from our MSt in Entrepreneurship alumni.

Hear from our alumni


Meet ambitious and influential thinkers from across the programme and the wider university. At Cambridge, you’ll find yourself at the heart of one of the biggest entrepreneurial ecosystems in Europe. 


Benefit from various university-wide entrepreneurial networks – including The University Enterprise Network, Cambridge Enterprise and Cambridge University Entrepreneurs.

Cambridge Cluster

Study at the heart of the Cambridge Cluster – the most successful tech cluster in Europe, made up of startups, innovation centres and incubators.

Peer support

Collaborate with peers and become part of an action learning team (a small support group) during your first residential week.

College community

Gain College membership, meeting students from the wider University and becoming part of an ambitious, influential community.

Alumni network

Stay connected through the Cambridge Judge Alumni Network or join one of our alumni groups. Become part of a powerful community that will support, inspire and guide you long after you leave.

Our alumni network