Elizabeth George

KPMG Professor of Management Studies

BA (Bombay University), MA (Tata Institute of Social Sciences), PhD (The University of Texas at Austin)

My research interests include nonstandard work arrangements and how they affect individuals and organisations, and how dissimilarity in a team affects both the team and the organisation. More recently I have been exploring the longer terms implications of both nonstandard work and dissimilarity for individual and organisational effectiveness.

My work has appeared in academic journals like the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, and the Journal of Applied Psychology.

Elizabeth George.

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Academic area

Organisational Behaviour

Professional experience

Professor George is the Editor-in-Chief of the Academy of Management Annals. She has previously served as Editor of Organizational Psychology Review, Associate Editor of Academy of Management Annals and Organizational Psychology Review, Area Editor of the Australian Journal of Management, and Senior Editor of Organization Studies. She is a member of the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Discovery, Academy of Management Review, Australian Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Relations, and Vikalpa. She has worked as a consultant at the Tata Management Training Centre, and Price Waterhouse.

News and insights

Diverse team.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

3 ways diversity can impact team dynamics

Three recent studies by new Cambridge Judge faculty members Elizabeth George and Prithviraj Chattopadhyay look at how diversity in gender, geography and pay grade affect the modern workplace.

Cambridge Judge Business School gates.

Professor George often focuses on issues surrounding nonstandard work, including how people adjust to new types of work such as temporary contracts and remote working.
