Khaled Soufani

Management Practice Professor of Financial Economics and Policy

Director of the Cambridge Executive MBA Programme

Director of the Circular Economy Centre (CEC)

Professorial Fellow of Clare Hall

PhD (University of Nottingham)

My research interests include circular economy, sustainable economic growth, innovation, corporate finance, financial and managerial strategy, entrepreneurial finance, the economics and finance of small-medium sized enterprises, and financial economics. I was previously an investment banker, and my academic work has been included in policy reports by the EU and the Institute of Directors.

I’m a member of the Economics and Policy subject group at Cambridge Judge Business School, which analyses how economics can improve growth and business performance.

Professional experience

Management Practice Professor of Financial Economics and Policy, and a member of the Economics and Policy group at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School, Professor Soufani holds a masters degree in Applied Economics and a PhD in Financial Economics.

Professor Soufani has published extensively in economics and finance in areas relating to financial management, corporate restructuring, M&A, private equity, venture capital and family business and the financial and economic affairs of small to medium-sized enterprises. His research also includes work on economic growth and innovation relating to the circular economy and fast-growing markets and economies. His work is widely cited and included in policy reports by organisations such as the EU, OECD and the Institute of Directors. His work has also been cited and published by the World Economic Forum. He sits on the editorial boards of a number of international academic journals. Before joining academia, Professor Soufani worked in investment banking in the area of bond and money market trading. Professor Soufani has been the academic programme director for many Executive Education programmes for major companies and financial institutions as well as government organisations.

Previous appointments

Professor Soufani was an Associate Professor of Finance at Concordia University in Canada until April 2013.


Selected publications

Journal articles

Books, monographs, reports and case studies

  • Soufani, K. and Welch, S. (2024) Leveraging digital solutions for the circular economy. Geneva: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
  • Astrachan, J.H., Poutziouris, P. and Soufani, K. (eds.) (2004) Family business casebook annual 2004. Kennesaw, GA: Cox Family Enterprise Center, Coles College of Business, Kennesaw State University.

Book chapters

  • Soufani, K., Cole, O. and O’Sullivan, P. (2015) “Is Islamic finance a complement to conventional Western finance? Underlying principles and viability.” In: O’Sullivan, P., Allington, N.F.B. and Esposito, M. (eds.) The philosophy, politics and economics of finance in the 21st century: from hubris to disgrace. Abingdon, Oxon and New York, NY: Routledge, pp.74-90
  • Aboulamer, A. and Soufani, K. (2012) “Sustainable finance and small medium enterprises.” In Hahn, R., Janzen, H. and Matten, D. (eds.) Die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung des Unternehmens: Hintergründe, Schwerpunkte und Zukunftsperspektiven. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel, pp.307-319
  • Soufani, K. (2012) “Factoring and invoice financing.” In: Cumming, D. (ed.) The Oxford handbook of entrepreneurial finance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.558-577
  • Tse, T., Soufani, K. and Roux, L. (2012) “The ethical and social dimensions of executive compensation.” In: O’Sullivan, P. et al (eds.) Business ethics: a critical approach: integrating ethics across the business world. Abingdon: Routledge, pp.101-117
  • Soufani, K. (2006) “Comment on ‘Monetary issues’.” In: Hölscher, J. (ed.) Germany’s economic performance: from unification to euroisation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.101-106
  • Ibrahim, A.B., Soufani, K., Lam, J. and Poutziouris, P. (2004) “The rise and fall of a large family business: the T. Eaton Co Ltd.” In: Astrachan, J.H., Poutziouris, P. and Soufani, K. (eds.) (2004) Family business casebook annual 2004. Kennesaw, GA: Cox Family Enterprise Center, Coles College of Business, Kennesaw State University, pp.203-236
  • Soufani, K. and Tse, T. (2004) “Economic efficiency in traditional and firms: a theoretical approach.” In: Etemad, H. (ed.) International entrepreneurship in small and medium size enterprises: orientation, environment and strategy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.178-188
  • Poutziouris, P., Soufani, K. and Michaelas, N. (2003) “On the determinants of exporting: UK evidence.” In: Etemad, H. and Wright, R. (eds.) Globalization and entrepreneurship: policy and strategy perspectives. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.15-37
  • Soufani, K. and Poutziouris, P. (2003) “Factoring: is factoring a suitable option for growing small businesses?” In: Jolly, A. (ed.) The growing business handbook: inspiration and advice from successful entrepreneurs and fast growing UK companies. London: Kogan Page, 6th edition, pp.116-121
  • Soufani, K. (2002) “Invoice financing as a strategic option for small businesses.” In: Ibrahim, A.B. and Ellis, W.H. (eds.) Entrepreneurship and small business management: text, readings and cases. Dubuque, IA: Kendal Hunt, 4th edition, pp.462-467

Awards and honours

  • Cambridge Judge Business School Teaching Award, 2023
  • Listed as one of the “Favorite Professors of the Executive MBA Class”, Poets & Quants, 2022
  • Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Research Impact and Engagement, Runner-up in the “Established Academic Award” category, 2022
  • Dawson Research Impact Award, 2020
  • Cambridge Judge Business School Faculty Activity Award, 2019
  • Cambridge Judge Business School Research Award, 2018
  • Cambridge Judge Business School Teaching Award, 2013
  • Thirst for Knowledge Best Teacher of the Year Award, Aalto EE (Helsinki, Finland), 2012
  • Distinguished Researcher Award with an honourable mention, John Molson School of Business, Concordia University (Montreal, Canada), 2003

News and insights

The United Nations in Geneva.

United Nations posts report authored at the Circular Economy Centre on how digitisation can advance circular economy principles and help meet UN goals on responsible consumption and production.

The Cambridge Family Business Leadership Programme covers critical areas important to family businesses, including generational transitions, leadership structures and governance to navigate and overcome the complexities of business management.

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education launches the Family Business Leadership Programme in collaboration with Emeritus.

Woman packing with eco packaging.

Companies often struggle to adopt circular principles, but 4 key models can help firms reduce resource use and fossil fuel consumption, says research at the Circular Economy Centre.

Media coverage

Executive Courses | 22 November 2021

Sustainability leadership courses go beyond the bottom line

Executive programs that focus on sustainability and responsible business are getting more and more popular writes Seb Murray in Executive Courses.

Poets & Quants | 12 August 2021

2021 Best & Brightest EMBAs: Christie Marr, Cambridge Judge

Christie Marr, currently studying Executive MBA at Cambridge Judge Business School, is among Poets & Qaunts’ 2021 Best and Brightest EMBAs. Christie talks about her family, career and gives advice to prospect EMBA students.

Poets & Quants | 12 July 2021

2021 Best and Brightest EMBAs: John Lee

John Lee, currently studying Executive MBA at Cambridge Judge Business School, is featured in Poets & Quants’ Best and Brightest EMBAs list. John talks about his current role, favourite Business School professor and the biggest lesson he gained during the studies: “‘Connection’ and ‘empathy’ is everything. As individuals and as a cohort, we faced so many challenges and adversities during the pandemic. Many of us were affected in different ways, personally and professionally. But what makes a great leader is the ability to find meaning in what we do and how we do it. And this can be achieved through the connections with those around us.”
