Yingyue (Luna) Luan

PhD Candidate

BSc (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), MSc (University of California, Berkeley), MPhil (University of Cambridge)

Year of entry: 2019

I’m a PhD Candidate in the Organisational Behaviour group at Cambridge Judge Business School. 

Prior to starting my PhD, I completed my MPhil in Strategy, Marketing and Operations, also at Cambridge Judge Business School. I obtained my BSc in Psychology and Actuarial Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and my MA in Statistics from the University of California, Berkeley.

Yingyue (Luna) Luan.

Research topic

The New Creative Alliance: Investigating the Dynamics of Human-AI Collaboration in Creative Endeavours

Research interests

Human-AI collaboration; creativity; feedback; computational social science.


Organisational Behaviour


Professor David Stillwell

Publications and papers

Journal articles

Selected conference presentations

  • Luan, Y. L. and Kim, Y.J. (2024) “Is helping my job? The bright and dark sides of helping-inclusive HR practice for employee helping.” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 2024, Chicago, IL, USA. (Selected for the Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings)
  • Luan, Y.L., Kim, Y.J. and Zhou, J. (2023) “AI’s creative promise: for better or for worse?” In: Creativity Collaboratorium, September 2023, London, UK.
  • Luan, Y.L. and Kim, Y.J. (2023) “Exploring experts’ approaches to creativity evaluation.” In: Symposium on Creative or Not Creative? Differences in Criteria for Creativity Evaluation, AOM Annual Meeting, August 2023, Boston, MA, USA.
  • Luan, Y.L., Kim, Y.J. and Chung, M.J. (2023) “Unpacking the power of feedback: investigating the structure of effective feedback.” In: Symposium on In the Eye of the Beholder: Advancing Feedback Research with a Focus on Perceptions, AOM Annual Meeting, August 2023, Boston, MA, USA.
  • Luan, Y. and Kim, Y.J. (2022) “The roles of temporal focus and novelty in product evaluations.” In: Symposium on Unpacking the Relationship between Subjective Time and Creativity, AOM Annual Meeting, August 2022, Seattle, WA, USA.
  • Luan, Y., Kim, Y.J. and Su, C. (2021) “The perceiving side of novelty: its role in product evaluation.” In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 2021, Virtual.
  • Luan, Y., Kim, Y.J. and Su, C. (2021) “new product evaluation in the movie industry: role of perceived novelty.” In: Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, April 2021, Hybrid.
  • Kim, Y.J., Baik, S.Y., Toh, S.M. and Luan, Y. (2020) “Leadership by gender stereotypes: systematic examinations of culture and gender of leaders.” In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 2020, Vancouver, Canada/Virtual. (Winner of the Faculty Transnational Research Award in the division of the Gender and Diversity in Organizations)

News and insights

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