Sponsor and develop your best talent through Cambridge Judge’s leading-edge master’s programmes, or Executive Education Open and Custom programmes.

Masters programme sponsorship
Sponsoring an employee onto one of our master’s programmes is a smart move. Whether you’re looking to prepare your senior executives for new leadership roles, or to sharpen skill levels at different points across your organisation, investing in your team delivers multiple rewards.
The benefits of masters sponsorship
- Bring up-to-the-minute business insights, knowledge and frameworks into your organisation
- Introduce new perspectives on key skills such as problem-solving and taking decisions
- Develop a broader, more international network among your employees
- Motivate your top talent and enable them to fulfil their potential
- See your employee cascade their new learning to other team members
- Boost staff retention levels
- Secure long-term growth and succession planning.

Executive Education open programmes sponsorship
Test, challenge, inspire and encourage. Sponsor your best talent – as individuals, or as a team – to boost their leadership capabilities, develop a more global and creative strategic perspective, or learn to blend corporate and entrepreneurial innovation. Across the board, our Executive Education Open Programmes offer rigorous, leading-edge content leveraging the power of Cambridge’s academic excellence, and the knowledge and business acumen of our outstanding global faculty.
The benefits of open programmes sponsorship
- Choose from a wide-ranging portfolio of over 40 programmes, covering everything from leadership, managing people and organisations, and strategy and growth, to technology and innovation, and marketing
- See your people rewarded with the Cambridge Certificates of Achievement
- Explore different delivery modes – face-to-face, live online or online – whichever suits your employees best
- Motivate your employees by exposing them to a vibrant learning environment centred in a major tech ecosystem
- Enjoy the power of small – limited class sizes mean your people enjoy maximum interaction with faculty and a highly-talented peer group.

Executive Education custom programmes
Lift organisational performance and hone employee effectiveness. Work with us to co-design a flexible and scalable programme targeting your organisational and strategic objectives and delivering sustainable, long-lasting change.
The benefits of custom programmes
- Learning tailored specifically to your business context needs
- Draw on one of the largest interdisciplinary business and management concentrations in Europe
- Cascade learning through your organisation and create an agile workforce
- Empower your employees to anticipate and cope with rapid change
- Motivate, develop and retain your talent.