The MPhil in Management programme prepares students for a professional career in management. Students on the programme are outstanding individuals who are likely to become leaders in their chosen fields.
The MPhil in Management Consulting Projects allow our students to apply and practise their skills in a real-world setting. Whilst our students gain valuable consultancy experience, clients benefit from an international team of bright, motivated and committed students, focusing on an issue that they might not otherwise have had the time or resource to tackle.
What types of projects are possible?
We ask each of our clients to submit proposals for projects that pose real-world challenges that your company is currently facing. The projects can be from all business areas and should be capable of being completed within the allocated project period. It is essential that projects not only involve desk research, but also decision-making, interaction with employees of your company and clear recommendations moving forward. Previous projects have included strategic planning, financial modelling, business planning and market analyses.

Important dates
Proposal deadline: 14 February 2025
Project takes place: 1 May to 12 June 2025
Students work with their client company in teams of between 4 and 6 for 6 weeks from May to mid-June. Clients can expect our students to typically work around 3 weeks full-time within the allocated project period. Project proposals are announced to students in April.
What do I do next?
Complete the online project proposal form
The project proposal submission deadline is 14 February 2025.
Companies wishing to participate should:
MPhil in Management Consulting Project partners
We have successfully worked in partnership with many local, national and international organisations, including Jaguar Land Rover, Royal Dutch Shell and Lloyds Banking Group.
What our MPhil in Management Project partners have had to say about us:
Working with the students has added significant value to the way we operate as one of the UK’s largest Digital Banks. Not only was their research insightful, it was accompanied by an action plan to benefit from these opportunities. This fresh perspective is what was needed to challenge what we say we’re doing, versus what we’re actually doing.
The MPhil in Management consultancy project has been deeply rewarding both at an individual and corporate level. Jaguar Land Rover had the privilege of benefitting from the work of four outstanding students who brought intellectual ability, enthusiasm and excellent interpersonal skills to bear on a complex, real-world project. Our four students assumed productive team roles from the outset and showed great understanding of the commercially sensitive environment in which they were operating, as well as our business. All four are of future employee calibre. Jaguar Land Rover look forward to continuing to work closely with Cambridge Judge Business School.
I was delighted with the quality and calibre of the students on my project, they displayed a strong sense of professionalism and diligence to the task in hand, they were dedicated to the work and the end result proved to be an insightful, thoughtful review which has provided plenty for me to consider back at the office. It was a real pleasure to work with them.
It has been a great experience working with the students on a particularly complex project that required a multifaceted approach. Their strong drive and curiosity made them excellent business partners delivering impressive quality of work and insights. Credits to all individuals and Cambridge Judge Business School for their significant contributions.