Development, production and licensing of pre-diagnostic / low-resource-setting tests of blood and bio-fluids
Founding team
Alex Routh
Alex is Professor of Colloid Science at the University of Cambridge Institute of Environmental and Energy Flows (part of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology).
He is a fellow of the Royal Society, and has decades of experience in the behaviour and theories of drying colloids (of which blood is one).
Sheila Bhatt
Sheila is currently a 4th-year PhD student at the University of Cambridge, working on the dynamics of flow and deposition in human blood. She is also an experienced manager, with an extensive background in technical, innovation and research management and a track-record in entrepreneurship. Her skills and qualifications range from chemical engineering and business, through IT and software development, to business process streamlining. She has expertise in all three major fields of change management, from system dynamics through to major ICT product and service changes, and has been responsible for process improvement in a $100m 1000+ employee Unilever Research group. She has also worked with technology-driven startups developing sensors and systems for the energy-optimisation market.