Goshawk Communications


Past ventures



Goshawk Communications graduated from Cambridge Social Ventures in July 2015.


Established to address a global yet intensely personal need, Goshawk Communications supports those with hearing loss to communicate and integrate more fully with society.

The way to achieve this is to provide a more inclusive, relevant telecoms service and product design. This will encourage those with hearing loss or needs to engage and use communication devices with confidence. These devices, in particular modern phones and tablets, are essential to our way of life today.

Goshawk consists of dedicated experts, who are among the best in their disciplines. They are looking at bridging the gap between audiology, m-health, telecoms infrastructure and mobile/IT networks in an exciting and innovative way. Collectively the international experience, contacts and depth of knowledge across these disciplines has resulted in a well-balanced, innovative management team. The Goshawk team is capable of bringing a paradigm shift in the way we communicate.

News about Goshawk Communications

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Several companies associated with Cambridge Judge Business School are honoured at the Cambridge Independent Science and Technology Awards.

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Goshawk Communications, a social venture supported by Cambridge Judge that enhances mobile phones for the hearing impaired, links up with Manx Telecom subsidiary on the Isle of Man.

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Anyone who has tried to hold a mobile phone conversation on a noisy train knows how frustrating it can be when the other person's voice fades in and out, or there is static, or words seem mumbled due to poor reception in and around tunnels.
